Sentences with phrase «as egg hatching»

It's not clear if they are able to sync up with the earlier blooms and avoid disruptions to critical life stages, such as egg hatching and larvae development, according to lead study author Mati Kahru, a research oceanographer in the Integrative Oceanography Division at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in California.
As these eggs hatch, the larvae feed internally on the aphids, he explained.
As the eggs hatch, she will try to determine the effect of their parents» synchronized singing — whether truly harmonious matings produce unexpected benefits, such as offspring that have a longer life span or that lay an increased number of eggs.
As the eggs hatch in the intestine, the larva is then carried to the lungs via the bloodstream.
As the eggs hatch, they become larva, resembling little caterpillars, crawling around.
Increased rainfall, flooding and humidity can also create more viable areas for vector breeding and allows breeding to occur more quickly, as eggs hatch faster in hotter climates.

Not exact matches

Until I physically see a single fossil record supporting macro-evolution, or a bird give live birth to a mammal, or a monkey hatch from a chicken egg (I am being ridiculous intentionally, because macro-evolution is literally that ridiculous), I will go with the FACT that the theory of macro-evolution is hogwash and just as imaginary as an all powerful creator of the universe.
Then he said he threw an egg in there to see what would happen and invariably, one c0 ck or one hen would take on the female role and try to hatch the egg while the other would stand guard, just as opposite gender pigeons usually do.
As genetic variations that result in evolutionary changes must occur before birth, clearly the first egg from which a modern chicken hatched was produced by a non-modern chicken; therefore, the egg clearly came before the chicken.
Sanogo still has baby legs, as if just hatched out of an egg.
He shipped hatching eggs, which are used to improve chicken breeding, to such far points as Sweden and New Zealand and was paid as much as $ 1 per egg.
Chicken eggs incubate for 21 days, with some hatching as early as 19 days and others holding out until Day 23.
Capacity: Capacity varies a little depending on what kind of eggs you're hatching, but for our purposes, we used chicken eggs as the standard.
Your child will watch in awe as these three eggs actually hatch and three dinosaurs grow out of them!
This best chicken egg incubator is good for use in the home, as an educational tool, or even for a breeder who needs a better way to hatch eggs.
As a result, conditions were fantastic for frog eggs: About three times the normal number of eggs hatched and released tadpoles that grew into frogs.
Local people are now incentivized to protect the Critically Endangered species until their eggs hatch and the chicks are able to leave the nest — as opposed to taking the chicks to sell.
When Warkentin tweaked the recordings and generated vibrations using unrelated sounds, she found that the more snake - like patterns caused a greater number of eggs to hatch early and swim to safety as compared to rainlike recordings.
As a result, the Melbourne Zoo hatched 16,000 eggs in 2016 and established insurance populations of the species at three other zoos.
One Komodo, named Flora, lives at the Chester Zoo in England and has never been kept with a male; yet a few months ago she laid a clutch of 11 eggs, eight of which seem to be developing normally and may hatch as soon as January.
The king used his secret power each breeding season to guarantee that exactly the right number of eggs would hatch as males and exactly the right number as females.
Sex also increases a queen's fitness as indicated by the enhanced egg laying and hatching success rates and as a consequence, the colony's fitness.
As roundworm eggs hatch, they dig their way through the heart and lungs, so Richard may have spit blood and suffered abdominal pain.
The images depict what might be called embryology in flagrante: micrographs of sperm cells, trailing accordion - like pleats of white zags as they streak across a vast blue ocean of ooplasm; a multihued blastocyst in the process of hatching out of the egg's zona pellucida; and egg cells with a fringe of glowing, fate - determining proteins, looking a bit like a solar eclipse inside a cell.
A single egg hatches inside her, and as it grows, it draws sustenance from «milk» glands inside the mother fly.
In this process, the eggs incubate on land before the frogs hatch as miniature adults, skipping the tadpole stage completely.
Before pollinating a flower, each female moths lays eggs inside it using a needle - like ovipositor, and as the pollinated flower develops into a fruit, her eggs hatch and the larvae eat some of the seeds developing alongside them.
hatchery A facility where eggs are hatched and then reared until the animals are old enough to survive on their own, at which point they typically are released into the wild (fish) or slaughtered as human food (chickens).
I also found in researching, that lice don't lay eggs for at least ten days after they hatch, so as long as some form of effective natural lice remedy is used every 6 - 7 days for a few life cycles, nitpicking hair is not necessary.
It begins life as an egg before hatching into a six - legged larva.
You have to maintain balance in temperature, as a farmer would when hatching eggs.
A good example of this is seen in the hatching of eggs as they will not hatch unless you get out there and walk around.
But as Popper becomes more and more involved with his little houseguests, he frankly starts to get a little weird, especially when he becomes obsessed with an egg that has not hatched.
Just as unsettling, though for less noble reasons, is the suicide humor (albeit delivered by a fish) tossed randomly into «Horton Hatches the Egg», a cartoon that as a whole is the least faithful of all the adaptations on the DVD — while the gag of following «now I've seen everything!»
To make matters worse, the Army had found a number of dinosaur eggs during a dig and had stashed them at the Nevada facility... and the radiation has caused them to hatch, with a pack of hungry velociraptors patrolling the area as a result.
Starting out as a fledgling Rider just hatching his first Monstie — a cringe - inducing term meaning monster - bestie — you will traverse the world of Monster Hunter, collecting eggs and hatching them in order to raise these Monsties and fight alongside them to defeat a mysterious threat known only as the Black Blight.
Experience the wonder of this hilarious egg - stravaganza as it hatches to life right before your eyes!
The original pair of birds will lay between 4 and 16 eggs (according to the dice outcome described), and each egg is then submitted to the chances of nature as it struggles to hatch, develop and reach adulthood.
The Muncie Animal Shelter released this call to action last Wednesday (13 July), inviting Pokemon Go players to «come out to the Muncie Animal Shelter between10am to 5:30 pm any day and walk an adoptable dog as you hunt for Pokemon and hatch eggs
We want to eliminate as many fleas eggs etc as possible before they hatch.
As a result, the use of this shampoo will prevent flea eggs from hatching (effectively killing them) for up to four weeks.
This is important — it will disrupt the flea life cycle and stop any more eggs from hatching — but means that you'll need to use them with another treatment to kill the adult fleas as well.
Spot - on treatment also has its limitations, as it usually either kills the adult fleas (thus leaving the eggs and larvae to hatch and restart the flea lifecycle), or just the eggs — again, you may need also to use shampoo to kill the adult fleas in this case.
Selamectin lufenuron * is a once - monthly topical liquid applied to the skin at the back of the neck and sold as a preventative for heartworm and to control fleas (by preventing flea eggs from hatching, but it does not kill adults) plus sarcoptic and ear - mites in dogs.
These eggs can take anywhere from 25 to 29 days to hatch, with some certain breeds taking as long as 35 days.
The eggs will hatch out in the small intestine, pass down to the large intestine and start establishing themselves as adults.
When done vacuuming, empty vacuum bags or clean containers immediately and dispose waste in an outdoor garbage, as eggs can hatch within the vacuum waste and reinfect your home.
The flea can survive in the environment for up to a year once hatched (two years if it stays as an egg!)
As the flea is digested within the cat's intestine, the tapeworm egg is released, it hatches, and then anchors itself to the intestinal lining, therefore completing the lifecycle.
This is beneficial as once the existing fleas are killed, there are no more eggs to hatch to reinfest the animal.
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