Sentences with phrase «as emotion regulation strategies»

The FEEL - KJ can provide a stringent test of this theory because it does not only include Rumination, Problem Solving, and Distraction as emotion regulation strategies but also 12 other strategies.
Peer relationship difficulties and peer rejection are common in youngsters with attention - deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), mandating focus on assessment issues, underlying reasons for peer approval and disapproval, links with comorbid aggression, and the mediating role of sociocognitive mechanisms as well as emotion regulation strategies.
Another limitation is that while we have reason to believe that younger rapid regulators were using suppression as an emotion regulation strategy because of their inability to maintain a regulated positive mood state, we do not know this for certain.

Not exact matches

Just as we don't expect children to know math before we teach them math, we need to help children develop healthy skills, such as conflict resolution, problem solving, emotion regulation, and calming strategies.
Along with many of the standard indicators of climate such as positivity, respect, and engagement, are research - proven strategies such as mindfulness, self - regulation, cultural competence, and an understanding of trauma, neuroscience and emotions — these are all important in supporting students and learning.
Vagal Tone and Temperament as Predictors of Emotion Regulation Strategies in Young Children.
Disordered eating behaviors are often conceptualized as maladaptive emotion regulation strategies.
Second, it would be interesting to develop the findings regarding performance by examining variables that are at the same time strongly associated with performance and in a non-ambivalent way to emotion regulation, such as the way students process information (superficial versus in - depth), the way students regulate their learning (self - regulation versus external guidance) and the kind of cognitive strategies used (i.e. among a list of problem - solving heuristics)(Pekrun, 2006).
It is a matter of how you say it: Verbal content and prosody matching as an index of emotion regulation strategies during the Adult Attachment Interview.
In episode # 68 in the third session on a series on emotional regulation, Dr. Bob talks about the best strategy to respond to emotion such as when to go with emotion and when to take another path.
Expected negative correlations between mindfulness and self - reported stress and emotion regulation strategies such as rumination and catastrophizing were found.
Temperament traits are constitutionally - based individual differences in emotional reactivity (speed and intensity of surgency and negative affectivity) and self - regulation of emotion, which includes strategies that modulate reactivity, such as attentional control and the inhibition of dominant responses (Rothbart et al., 2006).
Strategies will be introduced to enhance social and emotional intelligence skills in couples such as empathy, emotion regulation, respect, and equality.
In addition, experiencing depressive symptoms is often associated with the use of less effective and adaptive emotion regulation strategies such as avoidance, rumination and suppression (see for a review Aldao et al. 2010).
A measure such as Gross and John's (2003) Emotion Regulation Questionnaire would have been useful in the current study as we could have observed what specific strategies — suppression or reappraisal — older and younger rapid regulators and nonregulators prefer to use.
I would turn to a developmental specialist for a personalized intervention as every family has unique dynamics and also talk to the child when she is calm to set up a strategy she can practice so when her emotions run high she has some self - regulation tools to turn to.
From a Polyvagal perspective Theraplay respects the biobehavior state of the child, applies therapist initiated social engagement strategies to trigger a state of safety in the child, and promotes synchronous reciprocal interactions as a neural exercise that increases social flexibility and improves emotion regulation
As can be expected from relations between maladaptive and adaptive strategies, Avoidance correlated negatively and Aggression did not correlate with Adaptive Emotion Regulation.
In contexts of heightened emotional stress and dysregulated states, individuals with comorbid internalizing and substance use disorders may be more likely drawn to drugs as a means to cope, which not only limits learning of effective emotion regulation and coping strategies, but also further reinforces addictive behaviors.
As depicted in Table 7, there is a significant gender difference in the use of emotion regulation strategies.
The Portuguese version of the PIML showed adequate internal consistency and correlated as expected with measures of intrapersonal and interpersonal functioning (internalizing and externalizing problems, prosocial behavior, quality of life, self - compassion, and emotion regulation strategies).
In addition to supporting individual emotion regulation development and strategies, this work also suggests that minimizing contextual stressors and environmental risk will be critical as well — stressors that we know further compromise emotion regulation abilities (e.g., see [97] for a review of the effects of environmental stress on the response and regulatory systems and subsequent risk for psychopathology).
Based on an exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Grob and Smolenski [26] concluded in the test manual that the first seven strategies can be classified as Adaptive Emotion Regulation and the next six strategies as Maladaptive Emotion Regulation.
If the FEEL - KJ reveals weaknesses in emotion regulation, it seems useful to also administer the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)[45] as this instrument was developed to measure the underlying processes that result in problems with emotion regulation (e.g., «Lack of Emotional Awareness, «Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies&remotion regulation, it seems useful to also administer the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)[45] as this instrument was developed to measure the underlying processes that result in problems with emotion regulation (e.g., «Lack of Emotional Awareness, «Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategieregulation, it seems useful to also administer the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS)[45] as this instrument was developed to measure the underlying processes that result in problems with emotion regulation (e.g., «Lack of Emotional Awareness, «Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies&rEmotion Regulation Scale (DERS)[45] as this instrument was developed to measure the underlying processes that result in problems with emotion regulation (e.g., «Lack of Emotional Awareness, «Limited Access to Emotion Regulation StrategieRegulation Scale (DERS)[45] as this instrument was developed to measure the underlying processes that result in problems with emotion regulation (e.g., «Lack of Emotional Awareness, «Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies&remotion regulation (e.g., «Lack of Emotional Awareness, «Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategieregulation (e.g., «Lack of Emotional Awareness, «Limited Access to Emotion Regulation Strategies&rEmotion Regulation StrategieRegulation Strategies»).
There also was a unidirectional association found between the use of negative coping and emotion regulation; specifically, using less negative coping strategies (as measured by a count and a mean) at Time 1 was associated with better emotion regulation at Time 2.
As children grow older, their emotion regulation ability increases and shifts from mainly external, behavior - oriented emotion regulation strategies to internal, cognitive - based strategies [8,21].
When one does not have hypotheses regarding specific emotion regulation strategies, it is recommended to use the higher - order scales as these are more comprehensive and more reliable than the primary scales.
Such findings are not surprising as these two emotion regulation strategies are known to redirect, partially or totally, the individual's cognitive resources, initially available for the task, to his / her emotions and thoughts (negative self - talk) or on another task (dysfunctional avoidance).
The dysregulation of emotions may be studied at all different levels of emotion experience, cognition and regulation, such as emotional dynamics (Silk et al. 2003), emotion knowledge (e.g., not knowing that one may experience different emotions at the same time and believing that emotional experiences can not be modulated; e.g., Meerum - Terwogt and Olthof 1989), difficulties with the use of emotion regulation strategies (e.g., distraction, cognitive reinterpretation; Gross and Thompson 2007), and meta - emotion experiences (e.g., nonacceptance of emotional responses; Gratz and Roemer 2004).
The current study examined two emotion regulation strategies, cognitive reappraisal and affective suppression, in interaction with self - report and biological measures of emotional reactivity as predictors of internalizing symptoms.
The authors also found that, using a global emotional and motivational scaffolding scale, mothers demonstrated improved co-regulation (i.e. higher ratings of global motivational and emotional scaffolding, higher frequency of more adaptive strategies such as redirection of attention) over the course of the intervention, and that this was also associated with improvements in toddler emotion regulation (i.e. less expressed negativity and avoidance).
As previously postulated, people with a disorganized attachment status may exhibit distorted emotion regulation strategies, that interfere with successful coping [22].
The combination of active and passive co-regulation strategies with school - age children with ASD may be most beneficial as prompting helps guide a child's emotional experience, while emotion following helps a child internalize adaptive emotion regulation skills (Cole et al. 2009).
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