Sentences with phrase «as emotional pain»

Loss of consortium may include present and future sexual disability, as well as the emotional pain of divorce if your injuries caused the relationship to dissolve.
You may be able to recover financial compensation for your injuries, property damage, or noneconomic damages such as emotional pain and suffering.
We will seek your due compensation for ongoing medical treatment as well as the emotional pain and suffering caused by your injury.
The plaintiff may also put a claim in for non-economic losses, such as emotional pain and suffering.
We seek full compensation entitled to you by law, including monies for medical bills, wages missed as well as emotional pain and suffering.
Among survivors of sexual abuse, depression can also manifest itself as emotional pain, for which non-suicidal self - injury becomes an outlet» says co-author Shannon Stewart, an interRAI Fellow and Director of Clinical Training, School and Applied Child Psychology at Western University.

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Perhaps $ 75,000 is the threshold beyond which further increases in income no longer improve individuals» ability to do what matters most to their emotional well - being, such as spending time with people they like, avoiding pain and disease, and enjoying leisure.»
The participants who took acetaminophen consistently rated pain — both emotional and physical, and both their own and someone else's — as less severe than those who took the placebo.
Where as my time in the startup community taught me to find my niche, find the people who suffer from that pain, listen to what potential customers are saying rather then convince the customer my way is right, find the people who want to join my cause, «volunteer management», how to deal with failure both emotional and rationally how to listen to «advice» and seperate the wheat from the chaff quicker (e.g. become more coachable) and be more willing to re-invent the plan.
If this couple was indeed rejected because of their race, as a Southern Baptist I'm embarrassed, frustrated, and I apologize to the couple on behalf of the Convention for the hurt and emotional pain they've experienced,» Land's statement continued.
No need to rationalize or numb the emotional pain by disguising it as a «blessing» from «God» or the «Creator».
Ironically, these two men are often caricatured as promoting a religion of wild emotional excess, when in fact they took pains to insist that a life of love and joy does not rule out reasoned reflection or active social involvement.
So people who believe as you do know no emotional pain or mental turmoil?
As an adult she was locked into abusive relationships, emotional pain and repeated suicide attempts.
As in, I literally can not express to you the pain and fear I felt during this time... words fail me to communicate the physical and emotional agony I endured.
Would like to discuss feelings of anxiety, emotional issues, concerns such as milk supply, pain, baby medical concerns, will impact breastfeeding.
What is not yet clear is the relative contribution to birth outcomes of health professionals» attitudes, continuity of carer, midwife managed or community based care, and implementation of specific practices (such as continuous emotional and physical support throughout labour, use of immersion in water to ease labour pain, encouraging women to remain upright and mobile, minimising use of epidural analgesia, and home visits to diagnose labour before admission to birth centre or hospital).
Hypnosis Hypnosis can be an excellent tool to treat physical pain as well as emotional fear and anxiety.
They spent too much time as infants having their hunger, pain and physical and emotional discomfort ignored.
And as a parent, it is difficult to see your child in both emotional and physical pain.
I remember my last when I insisted on standing and squatting as having no pain and experiencing a very high emotional joy.
She can help with pain management, emotional support, and helping to honor your birth plan, as well as any number of other things.
After so much emotional pain and heartache and tears, feeling like a complete failure as a mother, I guess its somewhat comforting to know that there is a reason why I don't have breasfeeding success, and that I'm not alone.
Also known as «emotional dystocia,» this can be anything from an extreme fear of labor pain, not feeling safe, or lack of privacy, to trauma from prior sexual abuse.
Use of punishment, such as spanking and humiliation, may de-sensitize your child to physical and emotional pain, making them more vulnerable to abuse.
«As the initial shock and emotional numbness slowly subsides, I'm experiencing more flashbacks of memories from our 6.5 years of happiness, and for now these memories tend to trigger pain and intense longing.»
CranioSacral Therapy during conception, pregnancy and birth provides support for the mother and baby, relieves pain, stress and tension, emotional challenges, and many other conditions related to pregnancy and their effects on mother and child as the pregnancy develops.
We will explore the different stages of labor including the emotional signposts of labor, pain management and coping skills as well as common interventions and complications.
If we look at timeout, parents are also hurting their children in their attempt to teach — through isolation and ignoring — and this type of emotional pain is just as damaging to a child as physical pain.
It's also part of a broader problem, in that politically - minded young people often seem instinctively uninterested in JS Mill - type arguments for free speech, and consider censorship questions as more about protecting certain groups from emotional pain than protecting individuals from those who would stop them participating in debate.
Emotionality and our emotional repertoire (pain, grief, shame, ego, pride, reputation, greed and so on) play a key role as motivator of actions.
The belief that the two types of pain are neurologically the same has led to some new ideas about how to treat social pain, including using traditional painkillers, such as acetaminophen, to try and ease emotional suffering.
The study also is an important step in allowing researcher to test how the two types of pain interact, which could shed light on known relationships between emotions and physical pain, such as the connection between pain disorders and emotional trauma.
The new therapy, which Lumley and co-developer Howard Schubiner, M.D., director of the Mind Body Medicine Program at Providence Hospital, call Emotional Awareness and Expression Therapy (EAET), helps patients view their pain and other symptoms as stemming from changeable neural pathways in the brain that are strongly influenced by emotions.
However, in chronic inflammatory conditions, negative emotional states associated with long - term pain can put affected individuals at a higher risk for psychiatric complications such as depression or substance abuse.
He and his colleagues determined that until the third trimester, «the wiring at the point where you feel pain, such as the skin, doesn't reach the emotional part where you feel pain, in the brain.»
In particular, they experienced less disability over the course of treatment when they came to see their back pain as more controllable, when they felt they had better understanding of their back pain, when they felt better able to cope with it, were less emotional about it, and when they felt their back pain was going to have less of an impact on their lives.»
Clinicians should be aware of this and also consider that patients who arrive in the emergency department with signs of heart attacks, such as chest pain and breathlessness, but after a happy event or emotion, could be suffering from TTS just as much as a similar patient presenting after a negative emotional event.
Since this relatively rare condition was first described in 1990, evidence has suggested that it is typically triggered by episodes of severe emotional distress, such as grief, anger or fear, with patients developing chest pains and breathlessness.
Perhaps we enjoy the feelings and sensations associated with emotional experiences regardless of the content; media might allow us to bask in the excitement without negative consequences such as pain and death.
We can think of crying in two ways: as an emotional expression, with or without feelings (for example, of sadness, distress, or pain), or as a communicative signal (for example, of vigorous health of babies, or with communicative intent to invite caregiving and / or solace).
Mogil's lab developed pain grimace scales for rats and mice in 2006, and it discovered that mice experience pain when they see a familiar mouse suffering — a psychological phenomenon known as emotional contagion.
«You may not be aware of it, but you're having a negative emotional reaction to chronic pain as well as a physical reaction,» says Natalia Morone, MD, assistant professor of general internal medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.
This often manifests as physical, emotional or mental pain.
The emotional response to pain Pain travels along two pathways from a source, such as an injury, back to your brain.
The poses, conscious breathing and visualization serve as a therapy to reduce physical pain as well as emotional anxiety.
When we can notice our experience without judgment, and see the emotional pain as sensation, it helps us detach.
Beta endorphins ease emotional and physical pain and are in a class of neurotransmitters known as endogenous opioid's.
In a small study of terminally ill patients, infusions of vitamin C were given twice per week for a week, together with oral vitamin C. Quality of life scales were completed both before and after treatment, and indicated that patients reported better overall physical, emotional and social functioning, as well as decreased disease symptomatology, including fatigue, nausea / vomiting, pain, sleep disturbance, and loss of appetite.
Yet another odd observation: Many, though not all, people who have removed wheat from their diet for at least several months have what I call «wheat re-exposure reactions» usually experienced as abdominal cramps, gas, and diarrhea (just like food poisoning); asthma attacks in the susceptible; joint swelling and pain; and emotional effects such as anxiety in women and rage in men.
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