Sentences with phrase «as ethno»

Political leaders then tend to divert popular attention away from economic issues, which are beyond their control, to social cultural issues such as ethno - nationalism, language and religion.

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... the alternative fear... [is] that the growing interest in what some have labelled ethno - theology or «contextual theology» (as opposed to systematic theology) may be done without sufficient attention to a biblically critical analysis of the systems of anthropology and sociology and appropriated by the evangelical..
If it takes something as horrific as Charlottesville, where white Americans marched and someone was killed in the name of a white ethno - state, then there's more to be done.
On why Buhari Must Heed EU's advice, the group stated that in the world over, violent suppression of non-violent protests by territorial governments have always boomeranged; leading the suppressed to abandon non-violent approaches and resort to self help or self defense approaches including Most of the ongoing devastating intra State violent conflicts in Africa and the Middle East primarily started as non-violent socio - political or ethno - cultural campaigns, but turned violent on account of the host States» repressive and dictatorial responses.
As a result, the Dayton constitution has become a plaything between the three dominant ethno - national elites, while BiH's stability is at stake.
We found that supporters of protest tended to be concentrated in the main metropolitan centres of Moscow and St. Petersburg; their support for the protests was motivated by opposition to Putin's decision to return to the presidency; and their political attitudes were not, as was a common narrative in the Western press at the time, supportive of a Western path of political transition as in the Orange Revolution — instead, supporters of protest were more likely to support authoritarian solutions to Russia's problems, and were likely to hold strong ethno - nationalist views.
The idea of plurinationalism implies an ethno - cultural conception of nation (s) that prevails over the idea of the nation as a political community founded on the principle of liberal citizenship.
It is therefore subject to the same charges of racism and apartheid - leaning ways as any movement which centers its identity upon a shared racio - ethno - cultural heritage.
These include the introduction of territorially autonomous regimes that can be formed without the need to have been part of other pre-existing political - administrative divisions, but on the bases of ethno - cultural features; the recognition of community justice as parallel and coexistent with ordinary justice, exercised by the «native indigenous peasant nations and peoples» authorities according to their principles, cultural values, norms and proceedings» (Art. 199); and the consolidation of a system of collective land titling following ethnicity - based criteria.
As if no other people suffered during the course of turbulent history in the Balkans, Izetbegovic discussed crimes committed only on Bosniaks — leaving Croats, Serbs as well as other ethno - national and religious groups asidAs if no other people suffered during the course of turbulent history in the Balkans, Izetbegovic discussed crimes committed only on Bosniaks — leaving Croats, Serbs as well as other ethno - national and religious groups asidas well as other ethno - national and religious groups asidas other ethno - national and religious groups aside.
The report also found that the Conservatives» electoral appeal among black Caribbeans is far weaker when compared with other ethno - religious groups (such as Indian Hindus and Sikhs).
These «Muslim - Majority» nations also have Non-Muslim minorities, who often come other ethno - religious backgrounds - such as Jews.
Rather unusually, the aspect of Bawumia's candidacy that has earned him the ire and disproportionate attention of the NDC is his ethno - regional identity — his identity as a «Northerner».
If you are an American that is interested in Korean men or women then you should learn how to read Korean before using the site as it is very ethno - centric for Korean users only.
The swastika (as a character 卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious icon used in the Indian subcontinent, East Asia and Southeast Asia, where it has been and Slavs are an Indo - European ethno - linguistic group, who speak various Slavic languages of the Balto - Slavic language group.
He is the author of two books — Islamic Identity, Postcoloniality and Educational Policy: Schooling and Ethno - Religious Conflict in the Southern Philippines (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005) and Teaching at the Crossroads of Faith and School: The Teacher as Prophetic Pragmatist (Lanham: University Press of America, 2002).
Much of this research has focused on districts serving communities with large numbers of students traditionally portrayed as low performing and hard - to - serve on the basis of ethno - cultural, socioeconomic and linguistic diversity.
Today Iran, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan and the greater region influenced by the Persian culture (such as Georgia, Armenia, Turkey and Dagestan) celebrate this national epic.The work is of central importance in Persian culture, regarded as a literary masterpiece, and definitive of the ethno - national cultural identity of modern - day Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan.
The Palawan Heritage Center shows the province as a melting pot of different migrants from the many regions of the country, and a home to various ethno - linguistic groups like the Palaw» an, Batak, Tao» t Bato, and Tagbanua.
Andrea Haenggi has a research - based creative practice she calls Ethno - choreo - botan - ography that employs her roles as a choreographer, interdisciplinary artist, dancer, radical care sitter, somatic educator and EPA agent.
Challenging the tradition of documentary / ethnography as objective, woods creates ethno - fictive documents that investigate invisible dynamics in society, remixing memory and imagining other possibilities.
Permanent collection includes a wide range of artifacts, Judaica, Jewish ritual and ethno - graphical objects, as well as haggadah illuminated manuscripts, painting, collage, ceramics and Jewish craftwork.
Mike D Sorry, but as soon as I see the word «ethno - ecologist» I know what's coming next, and I'm not buying it.
NOTE: Eligible courses include but are not limited to the 2007, 2009 and 2011 Meaningful Child Participation in Family Justice Processes courses presented by IICRD and CLEBC, and may cover such topics as: effects of separation and divorce on parents and children; communication skill development of children; family dynamics; adult and child dynamics; parent and child bonding and attachment theory; child development; empirical research on developmental needs, children's ages, gender systems and structural family theory; opinions and effects of parenting arrangements; ethno ‐ cultural family dynamics; family violence, power imbalance, and control issues; alcohol and substance abuse issues.
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