Sentences with phrase «as eutrophication»

Nutrients like phosphorus and nitrogen are necessary for plant growth, but excess nutrients in a water system can cause a dangerous form of pollution known as eutrophication.
ESM 202 - Environmental Biogeochemistry [4 units] Melack & Holden Biogeochemical processes as applied to the Earth's atmosphere, oceans, land, and inland waters, and applications to environmental issues such as eutrophication, toxic pollution, carbon sequestration, and acidification.
Oceanic pH is never constant and various continually in accordance with a host of environmental parameters, such as eutrophication, salinity and land - based - effluents, etc, and so you can not lay the blame on CO2 without first eliminating the possibility that a change in pH was not due to some other factor.
· Wide - scale deployment of a mix of low - carbon electricity generation technologies, as foreseen in mitigations scenarios such as the IEA's Blue Map Scenarios, helps to stabilize or reduce pollution such as eutrophication, acidification, particulates, photochemical smog, and toxicity.
The experiment of the Kiel marine biologists shows how local environmental factors such as eutrophication may amplify the effects of global factors such as rising temperatures and ocean acidification.
This process of rampant algae growth leading to oxygen - starved waters is known as eutrophication.

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By the 1950s, a declining mayfly population in the western basin of Lake Erie indicated widespread anthropogenic eutrophication (human activities resulting in more nutrients such as phosphorus in the water, leading in turn to decreased oxygen levels).
However, wetlands and their bird populations are globally threatened by intensified land use and the results of the degradation of water systems, such as overgrowth and eutrophication.
During the past years, scientists have found out how ocean acidification — in some cases combined to other factors such as rise in temperatures, eutrophication or loss of oxygen — affects isolated species.
Human - accelerated eutrophication (known as cultural eutrophication) can be triggered by inputs of sewage, sludge, fertilizers, or other wastes containing nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
The ammonia is washed away, creating a major environmental issue as it leads to eutrophication of water ways and ultimately enters the atmosphere as nitrogen dioxide, the main greenhouse gas associated with agriculture.
Environmental challenges such as ocean acidification and eutrophication influence the physiology of kelp species.
However, if one considers the enormous increase of reactive nitrogen in our biosphere, due to the use of synthesized fertilizer and the burning of fossil fuels, its impact is not part of the analysis, even tough this increase shows up in the eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) of open waters all over the world, resulting in excess algae, in some areas causing large algae blooms (as where they are going to hold the sailing regattas during the Olympics), red tides and dead zone, as the 8000 square mile dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.
As with air pollution, evidence suggests that human - driven climate change will, on average, worsen eutrophication in freshwater and marine systems.
These include eastern boundary current upwelling systems such as those off the U.S. west coast along coastal California, Oregon and Washington, deep - sea and subsurface oxygen minimum zones, and coastal waters that are already experiencing excess nutrient levels (eutrophication) and low dissolved oxygen (hypoxia) due to human - driven nutrient pollution from land - based activities.
d) the necessity to assure that the current focus on mitigation does not lead to neglect of other factors influencing the sustainability of agriculture, such as pesticide loads, eutrophication, acidification or soil erosion; and
At the same time, eutrophication may promote larger CH4 emissions, both by reducing O2 concentrations in reservoir bottom waters and by increasing organic matter quantity (as described below).
LCAs can evaluate other impacts such as resource depletion, acidification, and eutrophication.
However, there are numerous other phenomena that we need a synthesized information on, such as extent of hypoxia, nutrients availability, eutrophication and pollution, organic carbon dynamics, and more.
Ecological surprises include rapid and abrupt changes in temperature and precipitation, leading to an increase in extreme events such as floods, fires and landslides, increases in eutrophication, invasion by alien species, or rapid and sudden increases in disease (Carpenter et al., 2005).
However, the conditions predicted for the open ocean may not reflect the future conditions in the coastal zone, where many of these organisms live (Hendriks et al. 2010a, b; Hofmann et al. 2011; Kelly and Hofmann 2012), and results derived from changes in pH in coastal ecosystems often include processes other than OA, such as emissions from volcanic vents, eutrophication, upwelling and long - term changes in the geological cycle of CO2, which commonly involve simultaneous changes in other key factors affecting the performance of calcifiers, thereby confounding the response expected from OA by anthropogenic CO2 alone.
In addition, ocean acidification is co-occurring with other drivers of environmental change (including warming, eutrophication, hypoxia, eutrophication, pollution [12]-RRB-, yet the interactive effects and relative importance of multiple stressors on species physiology, life history and ecology, as well as species — environment interactions and ecosystem function remain poorly understood [13 — 17].
Here's a quick video on eutrophication from SUNY via WRI: Follow Jaymi on Twitter for more stories like this More on Dead Zones Dead Pigs: Scientists» Latest Tool in Understanding Ocean Dead Zones Everest Death Zone (Video News) First - Ever Animals Found Living Without Oxygen in Marine Dead Zone BP Oil Spill Causing More Gulf Dead Zones as Methane Levels Increase
They are worsened by eutrophication, or a density of nutrients, as well as sewage inputs in coastal waters.
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