Sentences with phrase «as exact truth»

Not exact matches

Presumably the calculation of Team Trump is that his base exacts no cost for even the baldest of lies, even one offered as the final you - can - believe - me truth after months of prevarication.
And when we look at Jesus, and recognize the truth... that He is the image of the invisible God (Col 1:15) and the exact representation of God (Heb 1:3), we will discover that we start to become more Christlike as well.
is a mere logicker, fastening on a word as the sole expression and exact equivalent of truth, to go on spinning deductions out of the form of the word (which yet having nothing to do with the idea), then he becomes a one - word professor, quarreling, as for truth itself, with all who chance to go out of his word; and, since words are given not to imprison souls but to express them, the variations continually indulged in by others are sure to render him as miserable in his anxieties, as he is meager in his contents, and busy in his quarrels.
But seeking the truth exacts a price, as Kenneth Maxwell, the Latin America specialist at the Council of Foreign Relations for the past 15 years, recently discovered in a dispute that caused a stir at the highest levels of academia and the policymaking elite.
This seems like a logical falsehood as a basis of the question, the assumption is that the right doesn't accept 2 state solution (as opposed to the truth, that it supports 2 state solution, but not the exact form of it that antisemitic left in Europe wants - they don't want Jews ethnically cleansed from where they lived for 1000s of years.
But images of him being moulded by socialist thoughts or him marching alongside comrades fuelled by a spirit of resistance were much closer to the truth a few decades ago, as the renowned broadcaster's path to this centre - right camp we find him in now started on the exact opposite end of the spectrum.
If you could quote the exact text as evidence of this «truth» that would be helpful.
Truth: Any indie publisher can get paper books into the exact same channels as any traditional publisher.
Some of the world's most powerful belief systems are at odds, some of which openly seek the dissolution of the material world and all things in it, while others hold the exact opposite view; some place a divine premium on achieving the overarching ambitions of the faithful to the extent of utterly disdaining truth or fact, while others hold no regard for the ambitions of any person or people so long as fact is held supreme.
THe Four Corners report made it clear that, in Australia (as also in the US) the exact opposite is the truth.
The S8 is almost the exact same height as the G6, but those curved sides make the S8 feel narrower, slimmer and, in truth, much more vulnerable.
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