Sentences with phrase «as factors like»

Whether or not you have children will definitely impact what kind of dining chair you look at, as well as factors like your space and budget.
Facebook says that targeting an ad based on race, ethnicity, and origin — as well as factors like religion, sexual orientation, and disabilities — has always been against its advertising policies, but the platform is now clarifying those guidelines and enhancing how violations are enforced.
Insurance companies have developed criteria to assess the risk level of clients that include their age, gender, smokers or non smokers as well as factors like blood pressure, cholesterol, and any other health issues.
Before visiting the VP stand I had already done some research online and I really liked the overall look and feel of the site, as well as factors like the ability to integrate with Outlook and the built - in KPIs.»
This is much unlike bank mortgages; as factors like job history and credit score are deemed to be of less importance than equity.
According to district policy for closing under - enrolled schools, officials must evaluate «the adequacy of the instructional program in receiving schools,» as well as factors like the facility quality itself, access to the new campus and other factors.
Firstly, we take the results of your personality test into account, as well as factors like your level of education, income, and your location.
Firstly we take your personality test scores into account, as well as factors like your level of education, income and your location.
Even people who are eating organic, nutrient dense diets are at risk for nutrient deficiencies, as factors like low stomach acid, fat malabsorption, and a deficiency in digestive enzymes will result in many of us not being able to properly break down the nutrients from the foods that we're eating.

Not exact matches

Our view has been that, no, US is preeminent across a broad range, everything from as simple a factor as demographics, to something like innovation, to incredible corporate management.
The damage includes factors like a rise in mortality rates as health and safety systems fail, a decline in trade as ports shut down and transportation chaos as infrastructure collapses.
In Kilduff's most recent research, which has yet to be published, he finds that U.S. universities engaged in a long - standing rivalry (Harvard vs. Yale, USC vs. UCLA) benefit from increased merchandise sales, as well as a a higher proportion of alumni who donate to the school, even after controlling for factors like academic and athletic rank.
The Journal of the American Medical Association just released a study that found a county where a person resides can make as much an impact on their heath as other factors, like ethnicity and genetics.
As part of that effort Marsh is studying the ecosystem of disease — identifying the factors, like hopelessness and isolation, that are at the root of health problems.
Instead, the bill would create a point - based system like those used in countries such as the U.K. and Australia that use factors such as English ability, education and job offers to rank applicants.
«In this case, demand is in response to things like currency fluctuations and perception of which destinations are «hot,» while supply is determined by factors such as airlines launching new routes or changing what size planes they're using,» he said.
But other popular apps like Netflix and Instagram are still missing from the store, a factor that Alec Saunders, head of developer relations, said isn't as concerning as some would make it seem.
They also let you calculate what your tax bill will look like under various Democratic or Republican plans, as well as factor in such things as new payroll taxes.
Granted, there are other factors that play into why you may or may not like your current job, such as coworkers, company culture, or bad management.
There are different ways to perform facial recognition, but generally the accuracy of it depends on factors such as the quality of the image of your face at authentication time, light conditions, time between the enrollment image and verification, and visibility of occluding objects like a scarf or sunglasses.
Analyst firms have previously attributed the spiraling tablet market to factors like the rise of oversized smartphones known as phablets, a lack of innovative products, and longer upgrade cycles for consumers, if they upgrade at all.
«How steep that will be depends on policy changes regarding Social Security as well as other factors like global growth.»
We like European, Japanese and EM shares, as well as the factors we mention above.
There's also, I think, a really important factor, which is that as in a country like China, inevitably, as it happens now, and inevitably it's going to happen where wages are rising ahead of GDP.
And as smart devices become more incorporated into our homes and workplaces via gadgets like smart speakers, TVs, and even doorbells, that congruence is going be a huge deciding factor for consumers in the years to come.
When you're deciding where to live and start your business, you probably consider economic factors like cost of living, the available pool of talent, and whether a place is business - friendly, as well as personal factors like proximity to family and friends or what activities are available there to fill your leisure hours.
Don't forget to factor in utilities, which may or may not be included in the rent, as well as renter's insurance and extras like storage or parking.
The state has touted its streamlined permitting system as a big advantage for facilities like Tesla's, a factor considered in our Top States study's Business Friendliness category.
For others, though, factors like academic culture, location or alumni networks may be just as, or even more important than pure finances.
The stock has risen over the past year as investors have generally rewarded the company for its earnings growth and other positive factors like the ones we have cited in this report.
This job polarization seems to be related to global developments like technological change, trade patterns, as well as institutional factors such as the decline of unionization.
As a result, we like the size and value factors.
Like pregnancy, combination hormonal birth control methods increase the risk of serious blood clots (see graph below), especially in women who have other risk factors, such as smoking, obesity, or age greater than 35.
These points are all, of course, interrelated: Apple's organizational structure, focus, and release - focused development cycle enable it to create highly differentiated products, even as the exact same structure, focus, and development cycle underly the company's struggles in iterative services.1 Similarly, Amazon's highly modular structure, varied businesses, and iterative approach to those businesses enable it to create services with itself as its first, best, customer, and then extend those services to developers and retailers, even as the exact same factors lead to product disasters like the Fire Phone.
Reuters cited «a disappointing outlook from Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO)» as one of the factors weighing on the market this morning, but as I pointed out in my review of Cisco's fiscal second - quarter earnings, the outlook wasn't disappointing and today's decline in the stock looks like a buying opportunity for long - term, value - oriented investors.
However, other factorslike the home being sold «as is» — may affect the ultimate price, so it's important to work through the process methodically to make sure you account for every variable.
Since the field's estimated beginnings in 2009, subsegments like «feminomics» and «inclusive finance» have spun off, but at it's core gender lens investing is: incorporating gender as a factor to guide investment strategies.
The Economist cites the economic boost from startups as the third factor boosting rust - belt cities, suggesting that things like Crowdfunding makes it easier for small businesses to get a start.
The rationale for those who do use EBITDA as a valuation guide is this: It can provide a look at earnings stripped of variable factors like taxes, depreciating goods, and capital expenditures (onetime purchases like land).
In the remainder of my talk today I would like to set out in more detail how Australia stacks up against the above list, starting with the ten factors on which we receive a very high score, and following roughly the same order as in the list above.
Indeed, Dow Jones likens the Global Dow to a Dow Jones industrial average for the global economy, and the Averages Committee selects the components of the index using objective criteria such as market capitalization, as well more subjective factors like a company's reputation and to what extent it is of interest to investors.
After all, leveraged buyouts are pretty sexy (in a suit - wearing kind of way), private equity enjoys strong historical returns as a sector, and the industry boasts the titillation factor of being famously inaccessible, like Louis Vuitton handbags once were.
That largely depends on varying factors such as which industry you're in and how you'd like to pay back borrowed capital — amongst other things.
As we pointed out in our post last week, a withdrawal rate strategy should respond to market factors like equity valuations and bond yields as well as personal factors like age, retirement horizon, and expectations about pension and Social Security benefitAs we pointed out in our post last week, a withdrawal rate strategy should respond to market factors like equity valuations and bond yields as well as personal factors like age, retirement horizon, and expectations about pension and Social Security benefitas well as personal factors like age, retirement horizon, and expectations about pension and Social Security benefitas personal factors like age, retirement horizon, and expectations about pension and Social Security benefits.
Our appraisal of what any company is worth is based on quantitative factors like its growth rate and returns on incremental capital as well as on qualitative factors like its management quality and stability of cash flows.
When it comes to privacy shortcuts, users will have access to a «clearer, more visual» system that allows them to do things like control the ads they are served, control who sees their profile and personal information and add extra layers of protection — such as two - factor authentication — to their account.
As a side note on this, from a signal extraction standpoint, you can think of the Transports as carrying a signal about demand and distribution, and the Industrials carrying a signal about production, and both carrying a common signal about more general factors like risk aversion and so fortAs a side note on this, from a signal extraction standpoint, you can think of the Transports as carrying a signal about demand and distribution, and the Industrials carrying a signal about production, and both carrying a common signal about more general factors like risk aversion and so fortas carrying a signal about demand and distribution, and the Industrials carrying a signal about production, and both carrying a common signal about more general factors like risk aversion and so forth.
The Board would like «movement of goods», a key economic factor, included in the Mayors» plans, and seeks their support in ensuring other levels of government recognize this in their transportation planning, as well.
However, this does not factor in other channels such as earned media, or sponsored recommendations from services like Outbrain or Taboola.
The gains were driven by strong sales in style, baby, kids and wellness, an increase in digital marketing, as well as an industry factors like improved consumer confidence and lower gas prices.
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