Sentences with phrase «as family»

Just as the family rejoices in a renewed life of their sober child, brother or sister, all of Heaven rejoices when one who was lost to their drug of choice, or sin, renounces it, and accepts Jesus.
His desire was that through the joy of proclaiming Jesus Christ as the Lord of history, a desire to embrace one another as family might grow.
They asked us if we would like to know the way to be together as a family forever, even in the afterlife.
How could they have foreseen that family bonds would become increasingly fluid, detachable, and interchangeable as the family declined in importance as a determinant of individual standing and security?
As a family — we are a father and mother in their late thirties, and four daughters aged nine, seven, five, and two and a half — we still had to get back to the hotel, along with our heaving, listing, overstuffed stroller.
As a family we began doing a modified, Christian version of Passover several years ago and that tradition has become the highlight of our year.
If you do not pray as a family, begin to do so, even if one of the parents is not a Catholic.
As the family of Michael Brown and the President of the United States ask for peace and change and this is what we see.
(G. Keohler, «The Minister as a Family Man,» in The Minister's Own Mental Health, pp. 159 - 66.)
We started to see what are the things that we are passionate about and then those kind of rose to the top, as we're going to take these on as a family and talk about them with our kids.
The «Speakeasy» programme in use in many organizations such as Sure Start also promote «family planning» according to the philosophy of Brook and fpa (formerly known as the Family Planning Association).
The majority of people living in the developing world are still deeply attached to their cultural traditions and universal human values which western civilization has deconstructed, such as the family, male and female complementarity, and the role of woman as mother and educator.
Something is going to take that spot as your family mission.
For Locke, we are by nature free to invent and consent to various social institutions — such as the family and government — to satisfy our needs as emotionally free or asocial individuals.
Here Niebuhr, Brunner, and Barth share the same general position, though with some differences in emphasis.13 They all agree that the social orders which form the structure of human history, such as the family, the state, the economic order, betray an essential separation of man from God.
This is more obvious in congregations where there are support groups for parents and where the pastor communicates the role of the church as the family of faith through careful preparation of all members for baptisms and weddings.
While the report contained (as a nod to official, if aging, EU policy) a single, laconic line stating that «in no case must abortion be promoted as a family planning method,» (Item 31) it is hard to square this with the predominant language.
I long more than anyone for reconciliation for our family and to be united as a family.
As a family we've decided that we're adopting a revolving member into our tribe.
There are many personal reasons why we've come to this decision as a family.
For free, you can use my Advent series of devotionals as a family — it includes scripture for the Sunday family table readings.
The sky is pitch dark by the time we sit down to eat as a family, just a regular old meal of burgers and oven french fries.
The result was a group, initially called The Responsible Society, which as Family and Youth Concern became a strong voice for family values.
During the interview he explains how they met, their falling in love, their joyful engagement and their time together as a family.
No one, as far as my family and close friends go, are motivated by fear.
We made an occasion out of that moment as a family.
And it tears families apart, as soon as a family member begins to ask a few questions.
As a family (not hubby as he is an atheist) we have all had trauma from church experiences and no longer belong; with the exception of our son who thankfully has found a CofE church where he feels comfortable and affirmed.
I'm not Christian anymore, but I celebrate it as a family day, because you know, quite frankly, we need at least one of those each year (and besides, whatever name it has, it was co-opted by Christians from a much older, pagan holiday, so it's fair game).
Despite her writing, she was always seen as a family burden.
As long as family planning is voluntary, it will remain a tool with which parents can attain the family size, or spacing, they desire.
We grew much closer and more joyful as a family.
So on a more seemingly simple issue as family planning, the easiest answer, «fix me so I don't make babies» — is in every aspect against the teachings of Jesus and Scripture.
On a personal note, I am very happy to write because we as a family have much to thank Dr. Abraham for - a man who as a pastor to us lived out the principles that he teaches as a theological ethicist.
@Crazy Horse, «So on a more seemingly simple issue as family planning, the easiest answer, «fix me so I don't make babies» — is in every aspect against the teachings of Jesus and Scripture.»
It didn't solve all our problems as a family, of which there were many, or guarantee order out of chaos.
Together the partners must gain a sense of identity as a family unity, over and above their identity as separate individuals.
Yet, there is considerable mystery in the way any personality is formed through various cultural experiences that include church, schools, and media, as well as family.
Edward L. Cleary explains, «Instead of the tribal chief acting as family, political and religious ruler, those three functions have been separated and taken over by individuals and groups within family systems, political parties, and religious organizations «12
The most important elements of this world for a human being are the personal past, the body, and other persons such as family members.
It is as absurd to talk about the church functioning like a superfamily as it is to speak of the state as a family.
Based on this idea of the church as a family, Richard Jacobson goes on to talk about church elders as facilitators, on how to carry out conflict resolution within the family of God, and a whole host of other related topics.
Counseling was provided in such areas as family life, employment, alcoholism and law.
This is helpful as well, because the church is like a family, and when we think about it as a family, a lot of the questions that trip us up about how to «do church» fade away.
Then, as a family, they would walk up the hill to St. Stanislas Catholic Church.
Of the teens who attended worship services, 70 percent rated their congregation as a very good or fairly good place to talk about serious issues, such as family problems, alcohol or troubles at school.
The vision of this church is to engage in those things which strengthen our primary identity as a family and which allow our pastor to attend to the primary practice of prayer, study of scripture, and teaching.
As far as my family, I have had a couple who recently had cancer.
We see the Riggins brothers (warriors with big hearts but no prudence or book learning from the very wrong side of town) saying «Texas forever» and staying around in Dillon as a family.
As a family we'll probably go to a Third World country where they don't know who I am and they don't really care.
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