Sentences with phrase «as far as i'm aware»

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As far as I am aware, the company has never earned any revenuAs far as I am aware, the company has never earned any revenuas I am aware, the company has never earned any revenue.
He's well aware that, as he said, «bikes can play a positive role in a city,» but he's far more interested in how manufacturing can determine the shape of a city.
Stumpf testified last month that he was not aware of the sales problem until the fall of 2013, shortly before the L.A. Times article, but the bank's board and other senior executives had knowledge of the issue as far back as 2011.
As far as corporate commitments go, being aware of these nuances and educating your teams on recognizing them is the right thing to dAs far as corporate commitments go, being aware of these nuances and educating your teams on recognizing them is the right thing to das corporate commitments go, being aware of these nuances and educating your teams on recognizing them is the right thing to do.
No one of authority has leveled any direct criticisms to us and, certainly, no one has suggested that we'd been or alleged that we'd been involved as far as I'm aware.
Green Guerrilla Marketing, developed by Shel Horowitz, takes it a step farther: as consumers become more aware of issues like climate change, buying local, etc., they want to patronize companies that understand that.
Although there are other solutions already on the market that also claims to allow users to create smart contracts without any coding, Superset is one of the few that can do so with «plain English» as far as the author is aware.
As far as the safety of trading with Plus 500 trading portal is concerned, then you must be aware of the fact that this is a highly reliable and trustworthy CFD trading platforAs far as the safety of trading with Plus 500 trading portal is concerned, then you must be aware of the fact that this is a highly reliable and trustworthy CFD trading platforas the safety of trading with Plus 500 trading portal is concerned, then you must be aware of the fact that this is a highly reliable and trustworthy CFD trading platform.
Flora represents state assembly district 12 in California's Central Valley, where there aren't actually any electric scooter companies operating, as far as his staff is aware, Gray said.
As far as how it affects your credit score, Bauer - Simmons said, your creditors are aware of the situation, but they can use their discretion as to whether they report this to the credit bureauAs far as how it affects your credit score, Bauer - Simmons said, your creditors are aware of the situation, but they can use their discretion as to whether they report this to the credit bureauas how it affects your credit score, Bauer - Simmons said, your creditors are aware of the situation, but they can use their discretion as to whether they report this to the credit bureauas to whether they report this to the credit bureaus.
As far as I am aware, this agreement is the first since the Young Plan for Germany's reparations debt to subordinate international debt obligations to the capacity - to - pay principlAs far as I am aware, this agreement is the first since the Young Plan for Germany's reparations debt to subordinate international debt obligations to the capacity - to - pay principlas I am aware, this agreement is the first since the Young Plan for Germany's reparations debt to subordinate international debt obligations to the capacity - to - pay principle.
Now as far as power goes: I take it you are aware sir, of recent increases in power usage and associated blackouts not only making the U.S. appear as inept as various two banana republics but also costing some people, usually the poorest among us or the elderly, their lives.
I think you know this and I further think that you are all too aware that your own religion and gods are equally as ridiculous and silly as all the others.
Being spiritually challenged generally places atheists at a further disadvantage as they are not aware of their lack of intellectual honesty.
Tryggve N. D. Mettinger in The Riddle of the Resurrection: «Dying and Rising Gods» in the Ancient Near East wrote: «There is, as far as I am aware, no prima facie evidence that the death and resurrection of Jesus is a mythological construct, drawing on the myths and rites of the dying and rising gods of the surrounding world.»
As far as I am aware, there are 2 possible meanings in saying that something is possiblAs far as I am aware, there are 2 possible meanings in saying that something is possiblas I am aware, there are 2 possible meanings in saying that something is possible.
As far as I'm aware, that generation died off roughly 1900 years agAs far as I'm aware, that generation died off roughly 1900 years agas I'm aware, that generation died off roughly 1900 years ago.
God is evolution in His process of will implementation, humanity change in this process but not necesarily aware because our existence is very limited in time.and we are not as individual the ultimate objective, but God himself, Our existence is just part of the process for Him to become Himself in the future.We exist only in our time of existence.From pure Energy which is Him 13.7 billion years ago, to us humans 200,000 years ago, to what we are now today, to super humans in the future, to what He will be in the far Future.THE ULTIMATE HIMSELF Is the objetive, you are just part of the process you IDIOT.
As far as I can, because I am a priest, I would henceforth be the first to become aware of what the world loves, pursues, sufferAs far as I can, because I am a priest, I would henceforth be the first to become aware of what the world loves, pursues, sufferas I can, because I am a priest, I would henceforth be the first to become aware of what the world loves, pursues, suffers.
But because man has risen to the spiritual level where he has become aware of his creatureliness and knows he must die (and so far as we know he is unique in this respect), he has also rebelled against this prospect and sought to escape from it.
As I am aware that many are promoting a popular view that has been rationalized by whatever means, however you have failed to provide a shred of the emperical proof you claim, and as far as personal experiences, my point exactly has been that they exist in the realm of feeling and emotion, which any rational person would willingly admit is often self - deceptive...As I am aware that many are promoting a popular view that has been rationalized by whatever means, however you have failed to provide a shred of the emperical proof you claim, and as far as personal experiences, my point exactly has been that they exist in the realm of feeling and emotion, which any rational person would willingly admit is often self - far as personal experiences, my point exactly has been that they exist in the realm of feeling and emotion, which any rational person would willingly admit is often self - personal experiences, my point exactly has been that they exist in the realm of feeling and emotion, which any rational person would willingly admit is often self - deceptive.....
It's a fairly rare occurrence most places in the Universe, and, as far as we know, intelligent, self - aware life occurs only here on Earth.
I believe God is aware of everything I do, and as far as I can tell I am not perfect.
To influence another will mean to recreate or further create oneself in such a way as to influence (but not simply determine) the other's partial self - creation, as the other is made aware of one's own self - creation.
Some of what I've researched and confirmed a long time ago is now starting to surface more publicly in newer discoveries so I believe it's probably now only just a matter of time before people as a whole start becoming more aware that what they've always thought and accepted to be true may not necessarily be the case but with that also probably gain a far better understanding of the world around us.
So far as I am aware, it is the first film by writer - director Omri Givon.
Note too that the ancient Greeks were, like the English, sea - going people, aware of the wide world so far as was then possible.
While the Puritans were aware that members of the church, conceived as the Covenant of Grace, were ultimately known only to God and that it was almost certain that there were hypocrites in the visible church, they tried as far as possible to maintain a church of the converted.
But, as Dr. Cohen points out, Schechter developed no clear guidelines or methodology for determining what was changeable in halacha and what was not; nor, so far as I am aware, did Frankel nor has Conservative Judaism.
The Christian claim is a problematical one to me, as it is to many Christians, and the years of reflection that lie behind the present formulation might, so far as I am consciously aware, have led to much more relativistic conclusions.
And as I have also said a few moments ago, man is the only animal, so far as we know, who is aware of his mortality and who may therefore meditate on the fact that he dies.
In spite of the diversity in the resurrection narratives there is one important common theme which C. F. Evans draws to our attention when he says, «The one element which the traditions, in all their variety, have in common is that the appearance of the risen Lord issued in an explicit command to evangelize the world, yet the early decades of the history of the church, in so far as they are known to us, make it difficult to suppose that the apostles were aware of any such command.»
It's not far off to say that The Young Pope is essentially House of Cards set in Vatican City, as its main focus seems to be shedding a light on unsavory machinations that most people, let alone Catholics, are aware of.
For Man, by the act of «noospherically» concentrating himself upon himself, not only becomes reflectively aware of the ontological current on which he is borne, but also gains control of certain of the springs of energy which dictate this advance: above all, collective springs, in so far as he consciously realizes the value, biological efficiency and creative nature of social organization; but also individual springs m as much as, through the collective work of science, he feels himself to be on the verge of acquiring the power of physicochemical control of the operations of heredity and morphogenesis in the depths of his own being.
As far as I'm aware they use the Spotify approacAs far as I'm aware they use the Spotify approacas I'm aware they use the Spotify approach.
The main difference is that we don't claim to be perfect or non-contradictory, at least as far as I'm aware.
As far as I'm aware of, the only time Jesus pointed to the Mosaic law was when people first pointed to it in judgement against others..As far as I'm aware of, the only time Jesus pointed to the Mosaic law was when people first pointed to it in judgement against I'm aware of, the only time Jesus pointed to the Mosaic law was when people first pointed to it in judgement against others....
Given the unique relation by which Whitehead conceives God to be related to all» other actual entities, such «initiative» would seem to be neither necessary nor possible, and Whitehead himself, so far as I am aware, nowhere suggests anything different.
As telecommunication users «became aware of their growing dependence on telecommunications, they organized to lobby government authorities for specific, far - reaching change in the rules governing domestic telecommunications provisions».
Something else that most people are not aware of, is that as far back as 1900, the Boers were aware that, in the long term, apartheid was not a viable option.
The rabbis, especially the school of Hillel, recognized that changing circumstances required new ways of applying the law; but, so far as I am aware, they did not pronounce any law contrary to God's original purpose.
Now I can not pretend that I have reached a positive ethical or political way, but so far as I am aware a positive and radical ethics or politics has not yet been reached by any school or movement of theology.
As the world becomes smaller, it is possible even for Christians living far away to be aware of and inspired by faithful missionary engagement in a local situation.
The truth of what he had said was not (as far as I am aware) challenged at any point.
In our cosmic epoch, as far as we know, human beings are the only creatures aware of a moral dimension to reality.
The Old Testament does not, as far as I am aware, know baptism, or a similar rite.
So far as I am aware, Whitehead always assumes that each eternal object is a fully determinate possibility waiting to be actualized or, to use his vocabulary, waiting to ingress into an actual entity.
So far as I am aware, process thinkers have not critiqued the traditional Islamic doctrines of God; but the process arguments would seem to be far more devastating when applied, say; to the «occasionalism» of al - Ashari's doctrine of divine power than to the Augustinian or Thomistic notions of God.
However, it shows that when this interpolation was made, the interpolator was aware of the connection between the Indian church and the Persian church (more specifically with the Christians in Fars as Persia was changed to Fars in another document).
DE: If you are talking about sense - awareness, as he does far more in The Concept of Nature than in The Principles of Natural Knowledge, which is more abstract, then you are talking in terms of durations, where you have points from which you are aware.
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