Sentences with phrase «as finding language»

Often times the initial condition of these spaces are not art centric, but instead are born from pragmatic, social or utopic impulses such as finding language for shared experiences, supporting an individual's physical needs, sharing resources, and creating new models for production or distribution.

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The company has raised more than $ 230 million in venture capital since its founding, from investors such as Sigma West and Ignition Partners, and is using that money to rapidly expand its business outside the U.S.. It's well on its way: DocuSign is available in 43 languages.
The economy in eastern Europe was slowly liberalizing, and Kholodenko figured he could find success as an entrepreneur thanks to his business education and language skills (his family emigrated from Ukraine when he was five years old).
Business Insider used IIE's research to find the top 20 countries and then researched the basics of what they need to know before moving there: official language, currency, and exchange rate (as of early August).
Keith brings his passion for great language and storytelling to his role as partner at m + p, a research - driven language strategy firm that specializes in finding the right language and messages to frame or reframe how your target audience hears what you're trying to say.
The Court found that the language of the bonus plan, requiring «active employment» as a condition to receive a payout, did not violate the Employment Standards Act.
The game, «Tabi Kaeru: Travel Frog,» has already found success in China as well as Japan, earning millions of downloads in the Middle Kingdom over the past four months even though only a Japanese - language version of the game is currently available.
That, in light of $ 3.1 billion of missing funds outlined in Chapter Eight of the 2013 Spring Report of the Auditor General of Canada, an order of the House do issue for the following documents from 2001 to the present, allowing for redaction based on national security: (a) all Public Security and Anti-Terrorism annual reports submitted to the Treasury Board Secretariat; (b) all Treasury Board submissions made as part of the Initiative; (c) all departmental evaluations of the Initiative; (d) the Treasury Board corporate database established to monitor funding; that these records be provided to the House in both official languages by June 17, 2013; that the Speaker make arrangements for these records to be made available online; and that the Auditor - General be given all necessary resources to perform an in - depth forensic audit until the missing $ 3.1 billion is found and accounted for.
I did find reference to the disclosure about the blocker as early as February 5th, though there was more implied language of it much earlier in the prospectus, which was available back in December.
The dialogue is read as a founding display of the terms of modern travail; and is simultaneously used by Reno to introduce the goals and language of his own succeeding analyses.
As English speakers we share a common language and you'll find that when you do get it certain words like «choice» will mean something just slightly different to you.
In any case, I can step away from the complex and obscure maze of language and external phenomena to find simplicity, clarity, immediacy, and profundity in an inner intuition of my own experience as subject.
Nearly all who are involved, or even just interested, in Catholic higher education find this language to be heartening and mobilizing» a clarion call as well as a «magna carta.»
Because they (attempt to) care for widows, orphans, the homeless, the addicted and spend millions of dollars and travel thousands of miles to find people who do not any type of access to the gospel and translate the Bible into their native language, or build schools and hospitals as well as churches their witness and their faith is nullified because they (wrongfully) dismiss porn stars and the people trying to reach them?
For a long time, thinking he is the same as other men, he will try to see as they do, to speak their language, to find contentment in the joys with which they are satisfied.
Yet in its texts and applications, as in the Declaration and the Constitution, the language of natural rights, natural law, natural reason and nature's God still has power if the right speaker (ethos) with an intuitive understanding of audience (pathos) finds the right words and mode of reasoning (logos) in the right occasion or context.
Christians should, given their tradition, be inclined to find sense in body language, not only because of the resurrection of the body but also because of the bread and wine of the eucharist as the body and blood of Christ, and the church as the body with Christ as its head.
And just as that kingly grief of which we have spoken can be found only in a kingly soul, and is not even named in the language of the multitude of men, so the entire human language is so selfish that it refuses even to suspect the existence of such a grief.
The critique of religion, as we enumerated it in the preceding paragraphs, confronted Bonhoeffer immediately with a new problem: finding a non-religious language to interpret the Biblical and theological concepts.
Hence, to use the present and its language structure as a basis for verifying whether God is real or not is doomed to fail, for God, who by presupposition is the most fully empirical, can not be found in the region that is partially empirical.
Dictionaries are written as descriptive uses of language (they find out what the majority of people use words to mean, and write it down), rather than prescriptive uses of language (ie some governing board or king or ruler deciding what a word means and telling us how we have to use it).
She seemed a simple hero who climbed, steadfast, over every barrier placed in her path: the language barrier, the barrier of being a single mother, the barrier of finding work as an immigrant in the midst of the depression.
Using the language of evangelicalism, he has described his new - found adherence to the warming worriers as a religious conversion, a moment of sudden enlightenment which overcame him at an alarming presentation by Sir John Houghton, first chair of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, in England in 2002.
As Gutjahr puts it, «a text that had provided the nation with a source of shared cultural memory and language for nearly two centuries would find itself increasingly «ghetto «ized» among specific, more Protestant segments of the nation's population.»
That is, as an aesthetic object which finds completeness in performance but which is brought into the liturgical frame in order to be broken by a different, but related «language of actions, a language of sounds».
«Trinity» did not originally mean, as it does for some later, that there are three kinds of revelation, the Father speaking through creation and the Spirit though experience, by which the words and example of the Son must be corrected; it meant rather that language must be found and definitions created so that Christians, who believe in only one God, can affirm that he is most adequately and bindingly known in Jesus.
But part of the answer may be his sense of private language, as reflected in his longest poem by far, «The Secret Language of Women,» about the Chinese women who found a way to communicate with their sisters in spite of the Maoist revolution and all the powers of earth.
We find them in the treatise On Divine Names by Dionysius the Areopagite, where God is true Being and Goodness and Beauty, but also in the triadic analogies explored by Augustine in his treatise On the Trinity, where God is compared to Memory and Intellect and Will, as well as in the triads of nouns fashioned by theologians inventing terms for God in new languages.
It [the realism] arises from a conviction that there is no mere analogy, but an inward affinity, between the natural order and the spiritual order; or as we might put it in the language of the parables themselves, the Kingdom of God is intrinsically like the process of nature and of the daily life of men... Since nature and supernature are one order, you can take any part of that order and find in it illumination for other parts This sense of the divineness of the natural order is the major premise of all the parables... 132
Looking at this side of the ambiguity, we see a church in which many first - world Christians of our day could feel comfortable and undisturbed: a church that lives without question or resistance in a state founded on violence and made prosperous by the exploitation of less fortunate nations; a church that accepts various perquisites from that state as its due; a church where changing jobs for the sake of peace and justice is seldom considered; a church that constantly speaks in the language of war; a church given to eloquent invective in its internal disputes and against outside opponents; a church quite sure that God will punish the wicked.
As background for any approach to Christian education through the insights of the findings of the philosophers of language, we need to look closely at the uses of language in the Bible, and especially in the Gospels.
Though some may find it ironic that the Rav borrowed the language of Kierkegaard and Barth, his formulations are rooted in the traditional halakhic conception of Torah as part of a sacred covenant between God and Israel — a covenant for which the conjugal image is a suitable metaphor.
If the words of George Bush bewilder her, as when he says that his foreign policy is much affected by his Christian faith, it seems to me that she must often have had to bracket, as well, the words of Washington, Lincoln, virtually all our presidents and Congresses, and even the language of many of our founding documents.
And I've found that, if you keep looking long enough, the influence of compromise language and universalism in the Oxford Group, as well as the ideas of William James, seem to have pushed «Higher Power» into the Oxford Group niche from time to time.
And it is scarcely necessary to recount here the tremendous impact, in relationship, in language, and in presence, that Sam Shoemaker had on helping AAs to «find God» — God Almighty, the Creator, as He is described in Scripture.
Although many readers will be put off by her evangelical jargon — and I admit to some bewilderment at it — I found her language reassuring in its emphasis on the family as something more than the nemesis of self - actualized women.
I do rely on my pastor (at present) for those nuances, as, at least until I finish my Religion Bachelor's and find a way to move beyond, financially, into the land of seminary, I don't, and won't, understand the original languages.
As Protestant thought domesticates itself within the national cultures, individual Protestants find that their religious language is increasingly incapable of transmitting the meaning of their faith to men of other countries.
As for taxation, the language the Bishops use can be found in Mater et Magistra, which was issued by John XXIII in 1961.
Fourth, those who speak of the importance of body language and nonverbal communication may think of this as a distinctively modern notion, 21 but again they maybe surprised to find Gregory constantly relating the caring process to nonverbal communication.
As theologian Lucien Richards says, «He had to speak a language they could understand, perform actions they would find intelligible, and conduct his life and undergo his death in a manner of which they could make some sense.»
Jews, not Hebrew Israelites as far back as the book of Esther were ran out to Gresian, Turkey, and were there for 2000 years, even loosing their Hebrew language, speaking Yiddish, then when the 1897 Herzel Movement came, this is when the jews began to claim Israel, or Zion, and the instigation of both wars, World War I, & II, following the Holocaust, also instigated to establish the vision in Daniel 11:14, exposed by a rich jew, former zionist Benjamin H. Freedman, these jew zionist cracked a few eggs to make an omlet, it has even been found that there wasn't 6mill.
For the gospel as a body of belief there are books available; and while few can take a full course in theology, anyone who can read the English language can find out, if he cares to, what the basic tenets of the Christian faith are.
human language has not found the words to express the pleasure, the joy, the surprising awakening to another world, that god exists, that he lives and loves me, the missing part, the answer to all questions with one touch, to see life as it is and as it should be, and to do nothing to have entered into this dimension except to ask, to beg, to plead with all one's strength - merely to know him, if he is there.
Above all, Derrida joins Levi - Strauss and all structuralists in exposing the illusory character of the self portrayed as a self - present user of language as an instrument, the self as a reality - founding ego.
When these two orders are confused, as they often are, we find ourselves in a mixture of language - games and can not extricate ourselves.
Behind the best of our languages they find, as Tocqueville did, relatively inert traditions that all five authors presumably wish were more active: biblical thought and imagery, and republican discourse and institutions.
Adams explains why both logic and language suggest that we retain the use of «Lord» in liturgy until we can find a better word than «God» as a substitute.
Dubose wanted to focus on the church as «missionary» but specifically chose not to use that language since books like The Missionary Nature of the Church defined the term in ways he found problematic.
To me, an appreciation of both logic and language suggests that we retain the use of «Lord» in liturgy until we can find a better word than «God» as a substitute.
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