Sentences with phrase «as flawed the idea»

He also rejects as flawed the idea that opening a new, innovative school will damage other local schools.

Not exact matches

Though the clearest manifestation of wilful blindness may be the way we overlook the flaws of our loved ones, it can just as easily skew our perceptions of ideas.
I suggest that biographies of prominent writers of recent times will show over and over again how the idea of God as pre-empting creaturely decisions, with the resulting problem of evil, has been the flaw that has chiefly led to agnosticism or outright atheism.
As to your assertion on epistemology, you don't go outright and say it but you are basing your opinion on the sole idea that at this point in time, our epistemology is flawed and ipso facto our theories are flawed.
The idea that we can be lone rangers as Christians or the 180 degree opposite set others as our betters are both flawed and losing concepts.
According to Radner, the book's argument is flawed because it adopts the modern notion that «one's ideas form the basis of religious identity and integrity» and touts the rectification of bad ideas as the key to alleviating contemporary problems.
that their religion is flawed somehow... and when questioned why they try to push their ideas on everybody else, they get frustrated and say that it's the Religious ones that push their ideas on people... NOT THEM... That's funny because i have about 1000 comments on this thread that state the opposite... Atheist's i see on this post appear to fall into that category of people that need to try and convince others to believe what they do because they're not sure in their own beliefs... They know that believing in the big bang theory or other similar theories takes as much faith as any religion has to offer... and when pinned down to the facts that By the laws of physics... the big bang couldn't happen....
You sit there as a parrot quick to point out flaws but offer no ideas or discussion on how to improve.
But, as often seems to happen, a reasonable idea morphed into the weird restrictive idea that bonding needs to take place under specific circumstances and at specific times or it will be fatally flawed (right after a natural childbirth, exclusive, extended breastfeeding, attachment parenting, etc.)-- and that so obviously is not the case.
As you'll recall, Lazio had some harsh words for both Paladino and his Democratic opponent, AG Andrew Cuomo, when he bowed out of the race, calling them «flawed individuals, flawed in terms of public character, flawed in terms of ideas and principles that will restore growth and pride to our great state.»
But ministers dismissed the proportion as insubstantial and listed the flaws of default filtering as they rejected the idea outright.
The idea that small LDL particles are the only bad ones and large LDL is benign is just something made up by people selling low carb diets as a way to excuse one of the biggest flaws of the diet, which is that it raises your LDL cholesterol and consequently your risk of developing heart disease.
As The Huffington Post noted, «Getting kids used to the idea that these things are completely normal and not «flaws» to be ashamed of can only be a good thing.»
It's unfortunate to see Nuclear Dawn suffer from such simple errors, as underneath these tiny flaws is an above - average game with some new, interesting ideas at its core.
The sticker concept is an interesting idea, but the stickers themselves had many flaws, such as many being over powered and unnecessary to use against almost any enemy.
It is a bit odd to point that last part out, given that the film celebrates the Day of the Dead, but then again, there is a lot of odd charm in this film that may be overstuffed with ideas, but is so lighthearted and fun, it is easy to look over some minor flaws, when it comes down to supporting a nice little animated film such as this.
In Jack Stanton we have a presidential hopeful who is more an example of who we really are as Americans, deeply flawed in our indulgences in self - pleasure yet still full of great ideas and ideals.
The idea that repeating a grade with the same material as a method of improving learning is already flawed, especially if nothing about the academic environment changes.
The idea that government «experts» can centrally plan a nation's educational system is just as flawed as the idea that government can centrally plan the economy.
The first reason: Movement conservatism's penchant for relying on traditional institutions and ideas has always been as much a flaw as a virtue.
It would be a good idea to jot it down as an answer, even if you felt it was flawed (as long as the shortcomings are highlighted).
The V6 is not bad, but it's probably a good idea to avoid 2009 V6 Escapes, as there were some expensive flaws with the VCT solenoids that were resolved in later models.
Take close - up photos of slight imperfections — ideally next to a ruler to show the scale of them — so buyers can inspect them, as they're more likely to buy if they have a good idea of what the flaws are like and may leave you good feedback for your honesty.
Also, like the Fortune column points out, the thesis that interest rates will inevitably rise, so bonds are a bad idea but stocks are now undervalued because of wide premiums over bonds is seriously flawed because if bond yields rise, it will be bad for bonds but the equity premium will drop as well, so it may not be necessarily good for stocks.
Its ideas are flawed at their core as the world has changed, and closed - economy macroeconomics don't apply well.
We could start by pointing out that studies supporting the idea that cats are responsible for the extinction of bird species are flawed at best, as noted by Jackson Galaxy some time back in an interview with New York Magazine.
It was such a shame as behind the flaws, terrible ideas, and lack of games from major publishers stood an incredible system which I have never regretted buying even once.
In the end, I liked Lobotomy, but it's a heavily flawed game in some areas and doesn't manage to convert some of its thematic ideas into original gameplay mechanics, instead coming off as a Zombicide style game that maybe struggles to completely cement its own personality.
It's a somewhat flawed idea because it heavily implies that the systems (the ludic part) and the story (the narrative) are different things and that's usually not really the case as Brenda Romero highlights in her experimental game series, «the mechanic is the message».
What was certainly a great idea on paper (the whole of continental United States as your racing sandbox) turned out to be flawed on arrival.
However, while Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia suffers from many of the same flaws as the previous games, it offers some innovations that are the best in the trilogy, and even adds some ideas that might be worthy of the next proper entry.
This gives space for your critical - thinking Agile Strategists to convert the holes or flaws in the idea into a constructive statement by articulating it as a requirement (a condition that must hold true) for the idea to succeed (and get the buy - in of the Resourceful Builders who are so crucial as the winning ideas move towards execution).
As for the idea of restoration camps, there are some major flaws.
Dr. Frederick Seitz, a legendary figure in the world of physics (recipient of the National Medal of Science, NASA's Distinguished Public Service Award, and other honors; a former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and president emeritus of Rockefeller University), wrote a letter accompanying the petition in which he challenged the Kyoto treaty as «based upon flawed ideas,» and declared it «would have very negative effects upon the technology of nations throughout the world, especially those that are currently attempting to lift from poverty and provide opportunities to the over 4 billion people in technologically underdeveloped countries.»
Failure may be a result of many factors, including: flawed design, being ahead of its time, our tendency to stick to «good enough» solutions we are comfortable with rather than the possibility of something better, solutions in search of a problem, being too expensive, poor execution of a good idea, poor marketing, being user unfriendly, and simply not as good as other solutions to name a few.
Sometimes new ideas grab a lot of quick traction and are projected to be the next global change, yet ultimately fall by the wayside as experience and empirical evidence reveal their flaws.
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