Sentences with phrase «as flea bite hypersensitivity»

Flea Allergy Dermatitis: FAD also known as flea bite hypersensitivity is an allergic reaction to flea saliva injected by the bites of fleas.
FAD also known as flea bite hypersensitivity is an allergic reaction to flea saliva injected by the bites of fleas.
Flea allergy dermatitis, also known as flea bite hypersensitivity, causes severe itching, and can arise from just two flea bites.
Some pets can also have an allergic reaction to flea saliva, which can cause a serious condition known as flea bite hypersensitivity.

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There are several medical conditions which can also result in bald patches such as the following: hyperthyroidism, allergies (food or inhalant allergies), bacterial pyoderma, fleas or flea bite hypersensitivity, mites, eosinophilic granuloma complex and feline ringworm.
The successive feeding activity of fleas on cats frequently may elicit a hypersensitivity skin disorder known as flea allergy dermatitis (FAD) or flea bite hypersensitivity.
Flea bite hypersensitivity is the most common dog allergy, with as many as 40 % of the dog population affected.
Products are available to address symptoms associate with flea bite hypersensitivity such as itch (Fleaderm).
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