Sentences with phrase «as fulfillments of prophecy»

To interpret acts of violence by those who oppose God's people as fulfillments of prophecy is to believe that God has something else in mind.
Christians can not help but recognize that Providence has sustained the Jews through their long exile, yet they can not explain why Jews do not recognize Jesus Christ as the fulfillment of their prophecy.
Luke, on the other hand, echoes language from the Hebrew Bible without treating it as fulfillment of prophecy, especially in the great hymns which he attributes to Mary (the «Magnificat») and Zechariah (the «Benedictus»).
Jesus told His disciples to buy swords, not so that they would use them, but as a fulfillment of prophecy so that they would have the appearance of being transgressors.
He also describes the entry as fulfillment of the prophecy of Zechariah in which the king will «speak peace» and forswear war (Zech.
The frightened residents see the foursome as a fulfillment of prophecy and urge them to join with the lion Aslan, to overthrow the wicked White Witch (Barbara Kellerman).

Not exact matches

NOTE: Note here the details that correspond in both prophecy and fulfillment (1) He was to be smitten, (2) He was to be smitten on the face (as well as the other parts of the body).
On exegetical and theological grounds, it is difficult for Christians to interpret the return to the land in our day as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, i.e., to give the return a «political» interpretation, without abandoning the confession that in Jesus of Nazareth the Messianic age has commenced.
With the God of Israel, it is not lack of evidence that proved he was God but the open fulfillment of prophecy that we can still see today, right now, this very minute as you look at your clock.
Jesus Christ, during the time of His earthly ministry, set up a spiritual kingdom on earth, in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy; He being the King and all born again believers the subjects of the Kingdom, and they are now reigning with Him as Kings and priests on the earth.
Some of the prophecies are so framed, in fact, as to preclude their fulfillment by anyone living after the first century A.D.. For example, the patriarch Jacob said, in Genesis 49:10, «The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come.»
I do believe that this is a fulfillment of that eerily specific prophecy where the sea would become «as the blood of a dead man» (and although the oil on the surface does indeed «look» red, the reference to it becoming «as the blood of a dead man» is more a reference to the toxicity of it) but because it was prophesied about doesn't mean God is doing it.
For example, in light of the self - humbling fulfillment of both law and prophecy in Jesus Christ, biblically sanctioned religious persecution or genocide can never again be even remotely conceived as an answer to religious and racial diversity.
Christological exegesis, when applied to the Old Testament, often takes the form of typological exegesis in which the acts of God in Old Testament history as well as the prophecies of his servants are seen to have their fulfillment in Jesus Christ.
That's an amazing fulfillment of prophecy which we can count as a gem.
To insist on a literal fulfillment of all the Old Testament prophecies, as dispensationalists do, is to contradict the New Testament assertion that the church is the New Israel and that at least some of these prophecies have their fulfillment in the church of Jesus Christ.
But Gloege points out that there is evidence in the Jewish Targum, 21 which «shows that Jesus» resurrection «on the third day» was regarded as the fulfillment of Hosea's prophecy by Christians at a very early date; it erased the precise chronological reference «after two days» and «on the third day» and replaced them by the more general phrases «in the days of consolation» and «on the day of resurrection», in order to exclude the Christian interpretation.»
In this section of the Gospel, Matthew completes his description of the fulfillment of that prophecy with the acceptance of Jesus as king by the people in Jerusalem.
I've listed this several times, but apparently Atheists seem to want the clouds to open up for them for proof of God's existence, but prophecy fulfillment is excellent proof for the divine authorship of Scripture... I could talk about prophecies regarding Israel's captivity to Babylon, Cyrus called out by name hundreds of years before his birth as the one that will rescue Israel from Babylon, the destruction of Babylon foretold, the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple foretold, the destruction of Tyre and specifically how it was to be done, how the city of Petra would be destroyed... These are just a few verifyable examples...
Discussions of science are based on nonscientific literature, Jesus is presented as the fulfillment of «Old Testament» prophecy, and archaeological findings are cited as evidence of Bible's complete historical accuracy.
These three chapters alone are worth the price of the book as they provide a big - picture overview of how to read and view Scripture, and give us insight into what C. S. Lewis thought about the Word of God and specifically, about the fulfillment of prophecies.
Wanting to see the historical evidence for this, Yuval followed along as I pointed to a list of Messianic prophecies given in the Tanach (Old Testament) and their fulfillment in the B'rit Hadashah (New Testament).
To be sure, one can make arguments for the existence of God based on naturally inexplicable events, such as miracles or fulfillments of prophecies.
I saw a cultural Christianity cut off from the deep theology of the Bible and enamored with books and audio and sermon series tying current events to Bible prophecy — supermarket scanners as the mark of the Beast, Gog and Magog as the Soviet Union or, later, Saddam Hussein or al - Qaeda or the Islamic State as direct fulfillments of Bible prophecy.
He is deeply concerned with the fulfillment of prophecy; indeed, most of what Jesus did he regards as taking place «that the scripture might be fulfilled».
FULFILLMENT OF BIBLICAL PROPHECY: This is not evidence as you have not specified which prophecy you are referencing or provided evidence that supports youPROPHECY: This is not evidence as you have not specified which prophecy you are referencing or provided evidence that supports youprophecy you are referencing or provided evidence that supports your claim.
All these are presented as further instances of the fulfillment of prophecy.
Her 8 - year - old son Mitchell (Jaeden Lieberher) is into Hawaiian folklore, and he sees Brian's arrival as the fulfillment of a Hawaiian prophecy.
Isolating ourselves from others in an effort to more effectively dive into our gadgets has long - term consequences as a self - fulfilling prophecy — a prophecy of a lack of social fulfillment.
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