Sentences with phrase «as getting older»

Harder to breathe as I got older, so time to fix.
«As you get older, you suddenly realize you [may not] have the time to invest on your own.
But flaky, itchy, dehydrated faces tend to be a common complaint among people as they get older — especially women.
There are various theories about why the years pass as you get older.
And as we get older, forming new relationships can feel like hard work.
Then, as you get older, you can adjust your plans and savings goals.
Spreng and his co-authors found that as we get older, changes to the brain occur in regions that help us decide whether or not to trust someone, leaving us less likely to notice deceit.
What about the «old school» thinking that says retirees should get more conservative with their investments as they get older?
The gymnastics work stresses mobility and flexibility, which is more important to me as I get older, and the mountain biking is just a great long stretch of hours outdoors.»
We talked about you not wanting to think conservatively as you got older.
But as I get older, I've got to be careful not to get more conservative in my decision - making, which some other people do.
But as we get older, we mature.
Faulk said that in real life, players never get faster as they get older.
As we get older, particularly past middle age, we tend to naturally grow happier.
We all, of course, tend to naturally slow down as we get older, but according to this study not everyone slows down at the same pace.
When I was younger I had more pet peeves, but as I get older I'm more tolerant.
That concept faded away as I got old enough to understand reality, but it was a dream that kept me going as a kid.
Often as we get older we get a little clearer about what we don't want in our life, perhaps more clear than we are about the things we do want.
As they get older, loosen the reins and trust them with bigger decisions.
This too will impact your ability to recover your losses as you get older and have less time on your side.
«As they get older, three things happen,» he said.
Her children are too young to help in her business, but she is building it now with the goal of working with them as they get older.
We lived off the land and pretended we were alone... and as we got older, that snowballed into doing extreme expeditions and spending weeks at a time in incredibly remote areas.
As you get older, things inevitably happen that will make you feel it.
When I was really young I wanted to be an airline pilot, but as I got older I wanted to be like my dad and run my own business.
As they get older, seniors exit the market — one way or the other — while children grow up and enter.
«As they get older they're a little bit harder to buy for, and sometimes you just can't always get them what they want,» she said.
Exercising regularly as we get older appears to help defend against some of this decline, both for healthy people who show normal signs of aging and for older people who may be on the path toward developing Alzheimer's disease.
You know, things like going out to eat or going to shows, which for the time being is great, but as you get older, you realize this money is well spent other places.
We don't necessarily live at home as we get older.
But while the decline of our mental faculties as we get older is widely accepted as fact and inevitability, what actually happens to the brain as we age through our middle years is much more complicated than simple deterioration.
It developed as I got older.
This wasn't the history he wanted for the person he was becoming: «As I got older, the more I just didn't want it to be in my past.
The digital tweaks all amount to a repositioning that could help the retailer attract younger shoppers — and keep them as they get older and wealthier.
Stay the course and keep buying VTSAX on the cheap and at the same time adjust your asset allocation slowly into bonds as you get older.
It has been suggested taht some of the long - term contracts for aging athletes are intended as a form of deferred compensation scheme on the theory it spreads out their income over more years (instead of earning very high income in their peak years, and lower incomes as they get older).
As I get older (in late 30s now), I am reminded that I need to clean up my act and lead a healthier lifestyle if I want to enjoy the later years of my life.
I plan: 5 % — swing for the fences 10 % — save for big blue chip bargain buys that pop up throughout the year 10 % — VNQ, other than our primary residence, I have no exposure to RE, so this should help with that 15 % — VXUS, international index exposure 60 % — VTI, total stock market index (as I get older, I will be also adding BND or a bond fund, but at 32, I'm working on building equities!)
Many couples fight about money — and those disagreements may increase and intensify as you get older, particularly when it comes to saving and planning for retirement.
But as I get older I want to be more free so online is where I am focusing.
As you get older, financial obligations tend to be reduced significantly, since fewer people depend on your income and more of your financial obligations have been paid off.
This is a trade - off many investors feel is worthwhile, particularly as they get older and more risk - averse.
As such, rebalancing is more important as you get older, and more worth the downside of selling off a well - performing asset.
You're welcome to increase your risk as you get older.
But dividend stocks can be viable for diversification as you get older or as you begin to draw income from your portfolio.
Also, as you get older and near retirement age, you'll want to adjust your allocation appropriately (120 — YOUR AGE = STOCK PERCENTAGE).
As I get older, I will increase my bond holdings as that is typically a less volatile investment.
But in reality, Canadians make this place Canada, and as we get old and die, we need to be replaced, if only so Canadian businesses still have an employee and customer base.
Many people put more of their investments into bonds as they get older because bonds are traditionally more stable than stocks.
Even as you get older, you'll still want to hold some stocks to protect your wealth from inflation and lower returns on bonds.
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