Sentences with phrase «as godless»

The author of the poem, Andrew de Coutances, was an Anglo - Norman cleric who refers to the French as godless, arrogant, lazy dogs, cowardly, heretics and rapists.
And even before taking to task Australia's own thousands of Pachauri - like gummint - dole - dependent pretend «scientists» of the Quod Erat Demonstrandum School of Socialist - International - supporting arrangers of the appearance of «evidence» to support their masters» tyrannies — and starting with the infantile temper - tantrum - tossing Jim - Jones - like pretender to what presently passes for Australia's «prime ministership,» the mass hysteria posing as a godless religion's every cult leader, sleeper agent and / or lock - stepping Goebbelsesque propagandist / pamphleteer, polemicist, promulgator and pretender to to the trade of «pressman» pusher aught be charged, arrested and tried for treason.
It seemed ironical to me that a Christian theologian who took seriously the ultimate unity of all things in God was regarded in the popular imagination as a Godless iconoclast.
A worldless God is on the same footing of absurdity as a Godless world.
We could no longer see God as worldless or the world as godless.
The only difference between a Christian and godless Liberals is Christians are forgiven, were as Godless liberals are not, Christians Are aware of there sins and do our best at trying not to sin...
The only difference between a Christian and godless Liberals is Christians are forgiven, were as Godless liberals are not, Christians Are aware of there sins and do our best at trying not to sin, Godless liberals sin willy nilly and do nt give a hoot!
I can love a Godly person just as much as a Godless one.
So Israel kept the war spirit going by characterizing its enemies as godless heathen.
Happy holidays is denounced as a godless substitute for Merry Christmas.
We must not allow our disappointment in Post-Communist Man, who has turned his back to us, to hastily label him as godless.
This isn't quite as godless as it looks at first blush.
Though Christianity is declining in America as well as godless western Europe, it is growing dramatically in Africa, Asia, and S. America.
There would be no way we could any longer see God as worldless or the world as Godless.

Not exact matches

You have no clue as to what a godless world would look like as the world has never known such a way of life with the exception of localized pockets.
The godless respond to a trial or testing as do believers.
Animals, as you know, do not sin, so for you, being godless is your choice to become animal like rather than a child of God.
Dear Mr Holmes and Staff, This letter has been written to inform everyone as a born again christian that I do not appreciate the man from Godless America spreading his demonic lies about there not being a God in heaven believing in christianty.
herbert Juarez stated «@calgary We regularly kick the snot out of «atheists» on Bible knowledge.In [sic] fact the youngest believer has the ability to show the godless, where [sic] the bear does his business in the buckwheat.If [sic] you are Canadian [sic], as in Calgary [sic], don't you have your own news network?
@calgary We regularly kick the snot out of «atheists» on Bible knowledge.In fact the youngest believer has the ability to show the godless, where the bear does his business in the buckwheat.If you are canadian, as in calgary, don't you have your own news network?
Godless:» Atheism is a belief system as much as not collecting stamps is a hobby, or bald is a hair color.»
Such a «godless natural law» entails nothing less than «a direct attack on humanity itself,» because it «would revere the laws of human nature only insofar as we continued to be human.
Insofar as it attempts material constructs, university theology characteristically is moved by the secularism and godless maturity of the university to turn to «God the problem,» and to offer itself to God to help him with his problem of finding a place in a world which has no place or need for him.
I first heard that God had gone missing from the Democratic Party platform from a Facebook friend who rejoiced in a godless platform as a triumph for the First Amendment and the separation of church and state.
I see your argument as being there's an even deeper human condition that the arts can't ignore, no matter how much the artists want to, even if the spiritual world they are picking up on is godless or serving a different god.
Those put the matter correctly who hold that the punishment of hell will consist in this that the godless will wish to escape the hand of God but will find it impossible to do so, as indeed Paul indicated (1 Thess.
Perhaps because he was forced to exist for so many centuries as an exile in alien religious worlds, the Jew has been prepared to live in faith in a Godless world, and therein to preserve the name of the Lord, even if that name must now be named as no - thing - ness.
Please... «study after study»... look at the state - sanctioned «godless» nations of the world... China, North Korea, Cuba... as I've stated... Hitler's regime was based largely on the theory of evolution which led to «eugenics» which led to «building a better man»... they touted their «science» and «reason».
Deriding Mormonism pulls off the neat trick of making the devout and the godless feel as if they are on the same side.
Tragically, numerous evangelical churches support the godless slaughter of Muslims in the Middle East as well as turns a blind eye to the current genocide of the Palestinians (some of whom are Christians)?
Abram's condition as a homeless, rootless, godless, childless son of a radical makes him a natural candidate to respond to God's promise of land, seed, rule, and fame.
We have no history or clue as to what the world would be like if we allowed godless carnal animals to run wild without restraint.
The previous verse identifies the second group as «the sinners and godless»; they are the Gentiles.
As people begin to ask whether our beautiful but fragile world is part of a godless and random universe, on course for an inevitable extinction event, how can we show that it is in fact held in the hands of a sovereign and loving God?
And what about John Hagee, the Texas evangelist who described Catholicism as a «godless theology of hate» and declared that the Holocaust was part of God's plan to drive the Jews to Palestine?
Some Godless men may look upon the events as chance, coincidence of amazing circumstances, but we know better, and we see God everywhere.
You said, «This leaves us what secular godless men have made up as the first marriage.
This leaves us what secular godless men have made up as the first marriage.
the godless left has already trashed Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, the 4th of July (and yet they want all of those as PAID LEAVE for everybody whether or not they are of that faith.
= > you mean godless unions as God would never approve such sham marriages.
As opposed to — get rid of God, hopefully have some empathy in a Godless world, no hope for my human condition...
It is a ruse to forward a Godless and almost Marxist agenda and as history teaches us Godless Marxism has ALWAYS led to dire, negative outcomes for ordinary and poor people.
Christians are just as greedy, selfish and godless as those you pass judgment on, that's the point.
As pastor, I laid down just one rule: Lenten reflections must not be godless.
Don't characterize me as a «hater» because I dare to object to the bigoted nonsense the godless humanists have posted on this blog.
Then decided to bar her from seeing her newborn nieces and nephews, so as to not «infect» them with «godless ways».
Godless Vagabond Well, hell, he might as well have.
Orientation which acts as the all - embracing is thoroughly godless; godless also is the theologian who places his god in causality, a helping formula of orientation, and the spiritualist who knows his way about in the «true world» and sketches its topography.
and Godless (of course) and Ricky Bobby (with a login name like that you want to stereotype me Haha)... Derp if i was a character in Deliverance i would be Burt Reynolds shooting an arrow right through the heart of the problem and as for as your paying attention in class... sounds more like some liberal teacher has you brainwashed already.
The church exists as a sojourner, an alien in a strange and godless land.
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