Sentences with phrase «as going against their beliefs»

BRC, I do understand fully, what I think you don't understand by having that clause in their employees insurance policy, they feel that they are aiding a person to get contraceptives or an abortion which to them is the same thing as going against their beliefs.

Not exact matches

Going against the grain of popular belief, Mr Buffett sees volatility and «old world» stocks as boons and frowns upon an over-diversified portfolio and excessive trading.
This media trap pits us against each other for the sake of race, religion, and beliefs as a distraction from whats really going on.
When someone calls that Imam one of the most evil people on the planet, when someone says he wants to build his center to train terrorists, when someone calls for amending the constitution to exclude Islam, when someone says our founding fathers wanted this to be a Christian nation and that they didn't want Muslims included, when Muslims are afraid to go out because they will be attacked, when Christian pastors are preaching against Muslims (as opposed to the belief in Islam), THAT is hatred.
Employees also pay as well, of course, but what we have here is a company, under the policies approved not just be the CEO but by the board, that is being forced to pay for something that goes against their beliefs.
The belief basically goes as there is a ritual in the afterlife where the deceased would have their hearts weighed on a scale against a feather.
Requiring us as a Church to be forced to participate in covering birth control plans that go against our fundamental belief.
I suspect because it is required to keep the belief going otherwise you would have to call in to question everything you believed in and that is a very deeply painful road — so most interpret it as a «test» rather than your brain working rationally because it is scary to go against tradition.
I find it sad that every time someone voices an opinion that goes against the popular belief they are looked at as being hateful.
It was the book, taken as a whole, held up against history, held up against decency and hope, held up to the person I desired to be... I had to choose to cling to belief despite all of that and continue to fail to be a person of compassion and love or to begin to let go of that belief and make room in my heart for compassion and love.
However we as Christians can not be required to teach what goes against our beliefs.
Today's world man has become with no value other than his organs if sold or stolen... so what is happening only proves that we are imposing marketing the wrongs against the rights... cultures and beliefs are going down the drain with all those values, morals, virtues some how turning into commotion among cultures and beliefs turning against each other misunderstanding each other or unaware of cultures way of living and beliefs to ease communication mutual understanding as a nation of mankind and a nation of faiths.
He should have known better that you can't continue as part of an organization if you are publicly going against their core beliefs and practices.
«But technical expertise,» they go on to note, «is no proof against bizarre beliefs,» and they cite as evidence people who have a view of creation that differs from evolutionary dogma despite their «backgrounds in engineering or other technical subjects.»
Should be banned just the same as advertising Jesus and God can't be shoved out there because your political correctness just can't go against someone's beliefs.
I am Greek Orthodox and as such we do believe in birth control, but to force the Catholic Church to go against its beliefs is against Freedom of Religion in our country After giving over 1,200 waivers this administration chose to force the Catholic Church to follow its regulations is irrational.
Just as a Christian Science organization would have to provide insurance coverage for real medication, even though it goes against their beliefs, so are the Catholics now having to do so with contraception coverage.
Many of my views seem to go against my faith, as far as common beliefs, but I believe in God and believe in Jesus, so I think I still fit the definition of a Christians
When what a person sees goes against what they believe they can not continue to hold that belief, and it is nothing but dishonesty to attempt to change it after the fact as if they believed that all along in the first place.
«We believe there is nothing in Dr. Hawkins» public statements that goes against the belief in the power and nature of God, Christ, or the Holy Spirit that the Statement of Faith deems as a necessary requirement for affiliation with Wheaton College,» states the letter, which also praised Hawkins, the only African American woman with tenure on the Wheaton faculty.
This can be physical risk, such as going to bad parts of town, or moral risk, as in engaging in manners of dress, music, and recreation which are against the parent's values and beliefs.
On Monday, the head of the Catholic church in England and Wales, Cardinal Cormac Murphy - O'Connor, warned church - run adoption agencies could not adhere to the new rules as it would go against their «conscience» and belief that homosexuality is wrong.
Heastie characterized some member's opposition as a «core principle» for some Democrats, and he says he won't ask them to go against their core beliefs to vote for any measure.
Now to many this way of training may seem somewhat counter intuitive as it appears to go against their long held beliefs of overtraining and how training a body part any more than once a week will supposedly cause you to crash and burn out.
Sometimes they meet other people that want them to do things that go against their beliefs such as drinking, doing drugs, and sex.
But as time grew and the more and more he threatened Europe, Carlos went on one big ego trip as his fight against Europe became more about his thirst for power than his actual beliefs.
I would challenge the NAACP and those persons with beliefs such as Randi Weingarten to look at how insinuating that charter school leaders and advocates are racist goes against what the movement stands for and has done.
«We are struggling against belief systems such as «fix the kids, not the schools» and expectations that go along with poverty.
This was a new concept for me, as it went against my life long belief about and attitude towards breeders.
, each person is assigned a strict role; going against «Mother» and her beliefs would label you as a sinner.
In the world of Iconoclasts, each person is assigned a strict role; going against «Mother» and her beliefs would label you as a sinner.
The entire ethos behind State of Decay as a series is to create a comprehensive simulation of a zombie survival tale, forcing a player to adhere to some narrative the team has dreamt up goes against Foge's core beliefs of what it is the team is actually building.
«While interests on both sides of the issue will debate the relevance of the manipulated or otherwise omitted data, these revelations undermine confidence in the scientific data driving the climate change debates, WHICH IS WHAT WE WANT, AND WHICH I DO N'T WANT, AS IT GOES AGAINST MY DEEPLY - HELD BELIEFS»
(See above paragraph, combine with economic alarmism, a great sense of solidarity, an easy issue — complex and futuristic — to do it on, and a huge tea party and right wing conservative movement predicated on the idea that markets «solve» everything even though by definition they can't solve externalities — hence along with justice and national defense why we even need just limited government in the first place, and an implicit inherent belief in the right to pollute (here it's really better characterized as just radical alteration against our interests, not pollution), since common area is «fair game,» and there we go.)
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