Sentences with phrase «as good an example as»

They are as good an example as there is to demonstrate the particular problems of spring training 1990.
There could be many other instances that you could point to as better examples as to why the Braves lost a game where they should have won.
Macherano is as good an example as it gets, a player who refused to play for Liverpool in the Europa Cup for fear of losing his dream move to Barcelona.
That's as good an example as any of how spectacular (in Debord's sense) our politics has become: bread tomorrow, circuses today.
, the sly con of Out of Sight, and the morally compromised soldier of Three Kings are as good examples as any.
As a time capsule of the early stages of the social media generation, it's as good an example as any, and emphasizes the importance of maintaining physical connections with people around us, rather than the distancing, fraudulent ones we're growing ever more reliant on.
Pottermore isn't as good an example as you might think.
This is about as good an example as you can find of the evolving mortgage market.
We expect nothing less of this team now and Trials Fusion was as good an example as any.

Not exact matches

Retirement is one universal example, but a job loss, medical expense, or other big life event could happen as well.
For instance, we usually associate green with growth and creativity, while orange makes us assume good value (with Home Depot as a prime example).
But just because a company has the technical ability to use facial recognition — as an example — it's not necessarily something that's in their best interest when it comes to building trust with consumers.
For example, a banker can help you build a strong credit profile, as well as help you gain access to the capital your business needs when you're credit ready.
It may set a precedent in other British lawsuits as well — for example four messenger companies are currently being sued by bicycle messengers who claim they should have employee status.
Chalupka uses technology as a good example of a secular decline.
For example, the Huggies ® MomInspired ™ Grant Program awards moms up to $ 15,000 in seed money, as well as business resources, to further the development of original product ideas and startup businesses.
For example, interest - rate - sensitive income stocks and bonds tend to do well coming out of the trough, and more cyclical companies excel later on as the recovery gains steam.
Citing Denmark as a good example, Sanders said every other advanced western nation offered employees paid time off for medical and family matters, such as attending to sick children, and the U.S. should too.
For example, we use the Alliance as well as email feedback from customers.
Transitioning your business to one that uses a virtual bill and invoice payment system, for example, will save you an exponential amount of time every month, as well as keep your files more organized and easier to retrieve.
Journey is a great example of an early 80s bands that focused on business as well as art by plowing earnings back into stage, sound, and lighting equipment; purchasing their own trucks and transportation gear; and providing their label (CBS) not only with finished records but also with artwork and merchandising material.
For example, failing to get your brakes fixed when you only need to replace the pads, could result in the need to replace the drums as well, due to delaying the job for several months.
If your customers are in «soft» industries such as construction or computers, for example, you would do well to use a conservative policy.
He poked fun at what we called his «hilariously useless» guide to playing the xylophone as an example of what not to do, and said content farms should focus on quality, not quantity of content, and that Google will eventually reward those that do with better search rankings, and therefore that it will be better for business over the long run.
That software, called Kickboard, allows teachers to make notes about their students throughout the day, noting, for example, discipline problems, difficulty in grasping key concepts, and positive behavior as well.
Although the T. Rowe Price survey found that 69 percent of parents are very or extremely concerned about setting a good financial example for their kids, 40 percent are relying on a «do as I say, not as I do» attitude for teaching their kids about money.
Here are three great examples of millionaire entrepreneurs, as well as the lessons they can teach us:
To most Chinese, for example, lobster may as well have come from Mars.
Earlier this year, for example, it launched a program in which more than 420 of its most active and influential community members sell products to their friends and followers; in turn, they receive a cut of the profits, as well as rewards that include sneak previews of products and trips to New York to visit Glossier and have dinner with Weiss.
As an example of «better living,» Mauchly asserted that computers might one day serve to lower the cost of a loaf of bread.
For example, you'll find such leaders measuring the demographics in their talent pipeline of incoming talent as well as existing talent for promoting people equitably.
The suit, for example, may automatically sense when to stiffen and relax at key body joints to help prevent injury, as well as augment the work done by muscles to help counter the negative impacts of fatigue on performance and injury.
In his popular book Good to Great, Jim Collins describes them as «hedgehog» companies, citing U.S. bank Wells Fargo as one example.
Regardless, all of us can learn from the examples of these historic leaders, as well as the leaders in our own lives.
In the past, a good number of pets were put down for behaviours that their owners couldn't deal with, such as uncontrollable urination, for example.
If you haven't picked it up yet, it's well worth a read in full and is packed with examples of how our knee - jerk decision - making machinery can lead us astray, as well as techniques to short - circuit bias.
Before and after the ten weeks, all received brain scans and completed a cognitive exam, as well as a test designed to assess decision making and risk tolerance (for example, whether they were more likely to choose a smaller reward now or a larger reward later).
Another good example comes from Target, which offered free shipping as early as November 1 this holiday season.
In a continuation of a conversation we began last month at the Vatican, the assembled corporate chieftains shared specific examples of best practices, highlighting the good their companies do as part of their everyday business activities.
By Jason's example, there is no need to label something as «bad» when significant good can be found in even the most difficult situation.
For example, U.S. airline tickets prices are 11 % higher because the largest index funds that track the S&P 500 own not just American Airlines (aal), but Delta (dal) and United Continental (ual) as well.
McCall said that a successful «Dadvertisement» subverts this positioning, and cited a recent campaign by Cheerios as a good example.
It's better to think of an email subject line as more like a headline (for example, the one for this article).
The complete Buffer post also offers hints on making your content more shareable, as well as examples of great content that uses these insights in practice.
In many countries where you'd think the opportunity would be good (in Europe, for instance), entrepreneurs have found that the infrastructure wasn't as well developed and clear as it is in the U.S.. For example, angel networks aren't as well organized or even that easy to find, and venture capital firms are almost nonexistent.
For example, when someone says they're too busy for you, the dog ate their homework or some other lame excuse, count them as a person you're better off without.
The music industry is a particularly good example of the importance of face time, as an artist's success is largely dependent upon name recognition.
As in, yes you can buy into a private plan at age 60 for example, but it will be very expensive and you'd better pray they don't come up with an exclusion if a disease of age catches up with you.
So congratulations to Barbara and I hope Jenna follows suit and others follow by example as well
Social networking service Facebook, for example, made health and wellness options as accessible as snacks and offers a wellness center with primary, urgent, and online care, as well as physical therapy, chiropractor and acupuncture services.
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