Sentences with phrase «as groping»

We've all been there: Some mornings simply aren't compatible with a task as sophisticated as groping for an iPhone and then pawing at the screen or volume button to activate the snooze.
The filmmaker was caught on tape apologizing for the alleged sexual assault — described by the victim, Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, as a groping of her breast — but he was able to avoid arrest after Vance declined to prosecute the case.
After multiple women accused Assemblyman Vito Lopez of sexual harassment, such as groping them and making sexual remarks at work, a 2013 state ethics report found Silver failed to investigate and tried to cover up the allegations.
Walking in the light is distinctive because of loving behavior which often appears to others as groping in the darkness.
In these discussions, the suffering God participates in the pain of the universe as it gropes to survive and produce new forms.
As they groped for a new identity, the Dolphins were not always entertaining.
The ball hit his hands and forearms, spun off, then glanced up into his eyes as he groped for it in vain.
Breslin and Nivola's two - step is a delightful pairing and both sing up a storm as they grope and grapple their way to some kind of understanding and, yes, that word again, «acceptance.»
It's like saying that each episode of George Lucas's prequel trilogy was better than the previous: maybe so, but why should we pay for the privilege of watching the bumbling trial and error as he gropes his way towards mediocrity?
Many bizarre protocols have emerged over time as we grope for meaningful anti-viral therapy.
As he groped his way into this strange and clunky vocabulary, Guston discovered an incredible world awaiting him, and realized, as he put it, that «I wanted to tell stories!»
Even those of you with good, green intentions are being pretty much ineffective as you grope toward a hazy green mirage.

Not exact matches

«This election hasn't so much appealed to our better angels as it has groped our better angels, mocked their weight, and called them «sixes at best,»» Oliver joked, alluding to a handful of Trump's scandals.
A woman who worked as a war correspondent for NBC News said Tom Brokaw groped her, twice tried to forcibly kiss her and made inappropriate overtures attempting to have an affair, according to two reports published Thursday.
The donation came shortly after a recording surfaced of Trump bragging that a man as famous as he could grope women without consequence.
(Crews claimed that Venit, who works for William Morris Endeavor and represents top clients such as Emma Stone, Adam Sandler, and Eddie Murphy, made a series of lewd gestures and then physically groped him at a party in 2016.)
Anderson told the newspaper that she pushed the hand away, turned around and recognized Trump as the man who had groped her.
Other celebrities and politicians have denied accusations, but none has stooped as low as suggesting that their accusers weren't attractive enough to be honored with their gropes.
The company's frat - like work environment was in evidence both during a 2014 outing in South Korea when Kalanick and other executives went to a karaoke bar that allowed male guests to select paid «hostesses» by number — leading to an HR complaint by one one female manager in the group — as well as at a Las Vegas retreat in 2015 where one male employee groped a fellow employee and another brought a prostitute to his room.
As the network groped for an answer to this question, its increasingly desperate attempts to attract viewers, to turn news into BREAKING NEWS, transformed it into something of a late - night punch line.
And he explains how he and other policy makers such as Treasury Secretaries Henry Paulson and Tim Geithner groped for approaches that would first stop the crisis, and eventually push the US economy back to growth.
As a woman, I would not want my boobs or my tweeter groped by a guy who want to wins a match.
Acts 17:24 - 28 «24 The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in temples made with hands; 25 nor is He served by human hands, as though He needed anything, since He Himself gives to all people life and breath and all things; 26 and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, 27 that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and exist, as even some of your own poets have said, «For we also are His children.»»
Others were groping down false paths toward the reform of an institutional Church that, for all its integration with culture and society, was becoming evangelically flaccid and sluggish, perhaps in the complacent conviction (not unlike that of the recent past) that the faith could be transmitted by cultural osmosis, as a kind of ethnic heritage.
Our groping can end at the communion table, where we dine together as a family, where God is placed into our hands, and where we are reminded that God has come and will come again in Jesus the Christ.
To search for the divine as only an intellectual matter is another form of misguided groping for God.
Seen from the viewpoint of our human experience and drawn to our human scale, the world appears as an immense groping in the dark, an immense searching, an immense onslaught, wherein there can be no advance save at the cost of many setbacks and many wounds.
Further, there should be an in - depth series immediately on Acts 17:26 - 28 which reads, «And He has made from one blood [a] every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, «For we are also His offspring.»
It is what the saints strive for, what Dante attempted to suggest in the closing lines of the Divine Comedy, what, in a lesser way, many of our best novels grope after as well.
If we ask what he means by «it», he can not precisely tell us; but he is evidently groping after the idea that «we», that is our personalities, will be re-made by God for a different mode of existence from that of the flesh - and - blood body, and yet that in some way we shall retain our identity and be the same personalities as those which now live in the mode of physical beings.
However, he also took very seriously the world around him — the postwar world of the Weimar Republic, groping for financial as well as spiritual stability (in the end, its gospel was Mein Kampf).
Although this new concern with the experiential relationship between client and therapist was «still in an infant and groping stage» in 1951, there are indications that Rogers himself, if not the counselling group as a whole, has moved somewhat further in this direction since then.
As Protestant ministers were groping about for a solution that would embrace both a personal and social reality, a brilliant Lutheran theologian, J. H. W. Stuckenberg, worked out a solution in terms of the New Testament teachings of Jesus as related to all of lifAs Protestant ministers were groping about for a solution that would embrace both a personal and social reality, a brilliant Lutheran theologian, J. H. W. Stuckenberg, worked out a solution in terms of the New Testament teachings of Jesus as related to all of lifas related to all of life.
He was, of course, always more neo-orthodox than orthodox in his beliefs, and his essay on the concept of «basic Judaism» shows him struggling, as so many other thoughtful modern Jews do, to extract what is enduring and imperishable in the Jewish understanding of life: «groping to establish rapport with the Jewish tradition, standing at the synagogue door.»
To be sure, it is possible to interpret those particular possibilities as pure eternal objects, but it seems more likely that Whitehead was contrasting them to eternal objects, but was still groping after their proper ontological status, which I take to be real propositional possibilities requiring divine temporality.
As life itself gropes toward new and higher expressions, so new visions evolve, mutate, leap up and out of the imagination.
Gee, all that blanket electronic surveillance, and all the scanning and groping at the airport — it's obviously not to «keep us safe» as the propaganda line goes.
All I have is a voice To undo the folded lie, The Romantic lie in the brain Of the sensual man - in - the - street And the lie of Authority Those buildings grope the sky: There is no such thing as the State And no one exists alone...
Likewise, if he finds that wrestling necessarily involves «groping,» the bible is at least as much if not more opposed to men groping men.
So in your Christian view women are not to be viewed as «objects to be defeated on the wrestling mat to be, in some cases, groped or slammed.»
He said he was confused as to where he could not grope or what not.
but in your Christian view it IS ok for men to be viewed as «objects to be defeated on the wrestling mat to be, in some cases, groped or slammed.»
Claims of groping and sexual harassment occurring during a men - only charity dinner in London have been described as a «wake - up call» for churches that ill - treatment against women can occur anywhere.
Social science looks at religious activity and expression as something done on the earth by our species, instead of seeing it as something the earth does through us, as a further phase of evolution's groping toward mystery.
I turned this way and that in the darkness, and groped mentally for the familiar sense of that higher mind of my mind which had always seemed to be close at hand as it were, closing the passage, and yielding support, but there was no electric current.
Those of us from nations who have known oppression, who have groped around for years in that «darkness deep as death,» have no difficulty doing so.
And yet the great themes I have been probing here were present, not in any articulate form but present in the uncertainty, the groping, the yearning for something that has so slipped out of memory as to be almost without a name.
Whitehead was saying there is a grasping at a new possibility, a feeling out, groping, establishing something not just as a result of pure chance.
Then there's the awkwardness of public masturbation and groping the neighbor in the dining room, about which Dr. Philip Sloane says, «A lot of time, the activity we think of as sexually deviant behavior is just reaching out for intimacy.»
Groping in the darkness of resurrection, we come to know that asserting that God's nature is light may not be wrong, but it is as limiting as asserting that God's nature is masculine.
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