Sentences with phrase «as haemorrhage»

The cause of death was ruled as a haemorrhage from an ovarian cyst, consequent of advanced liver disease.
Senior Labour figures will propose a departure deal — as he haemorrhages support but defiantly remains in the post.

Not exact matches

However, the title of the article is not quite accurate: there has been no «split» as such, only a haemorrhage of members away from the United Church.
International organisations including the World Health Organisation list «unsafe abortion» as a significant cause of maternal death after haemorrhage and sepsis but the category is misleading for a number of reasons.
Global figures are difficult to gauge because of poor reporting in some countries and differences in methods of reporting; for example, some countries will classify maternal mortality as the death of a woman within 21 days of birth, others 42 days; some include only direct causes - sepsis, haemorrhage, obstruction - whereas others will include indirect causes such as malaria and anaemia.
There was a low rate of caesarean section, postpartum haemorrhage and third degree perinatal tears as well as low rates of stillbirth and early neonatal death in this sample of women and babies.
As a result of post-birth haemorrhage, her haemoglobin was low yet Jan felt fine, «so very different this time».
As noted, western practices do not facilitate the production of a mother's own oxytocin, neither is attention paid to reducing adrenaline levels in the minutes after birth, both of which are physiologically likely to improve uterine contractions and therefore reduce haemorrhage.
In this group of women, the risk of severe blood loss after delivery (also known as postpartum haemorrhage) was 19.6 per 1,000 for a planned home birth compared with 37.6 per 1,000 for planned hospital births.
But it added: «Women need to be counselled on the unexpected emergencies — such as cord prolapse, fetal heart rate abnormalities, undiagnosed breech, prolonged labour and postpartum haemorrhage — which can arise during labour and can only be managed in a maternity hospital.
Even after adjustment for known confounders such as parity, the odds of postpartum haemorrhage (≥ 1000 ml of blood lost) are significantly higher if a hospital birth is intended than if a home birth is intended (odds ratio 2.5, 95 % confidence interval 1.7 to 3.8).
This was defined as admission to an intensive care unit, uterine rupture, eclampsia or major obstetric haemorrhage (requiring a large blood transfusion).
Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) has been identified by the UK Care Quality Commission as one of three «potential markers relating to the risk of maternal mortality» [10].
Anti-acids (used for heartburn) decrease the absorption of Vitamin K in the body — bare this in mind if you have lots of indigestion during pregnancy and be sure to increase with Vitamin K intake from around 38 weeks of pregnancy, as this will help prevent against haemorrhaging too.
It also offer a range of benefits to mothers, such as facilitating bonding and reducing risk of post-partum haemorrhage.
As well as losing voters to the Conservatives, Labour has haemorrhaged millions to non-voting and apathAs well as losing voters to the Conservatives, Labour has haemorrhaged millions to non-voting and apathas losing voters to the Conservatives, Labour has haemorrhaged millions to non-voting and apathy.
That's a lovely dream for a Labour leader, so he seemed stubbornly committed to it, even as Labour haemorrhaged votes to Ukip, the Greens and the SNP.
Someone needs to get a grip or we will continue to haemorrhage the best staff as a result of intolerable uncertainty and pointless morale - sapping denigration.
As commentators increasingly speculate that it is Mr Blair's personal unpopularity that is haemorrhaging votes for Labour in the regional elections, Mr McConnell and Mr Blair urged Scots not to use the Holyrood election to cast a protest vote.
Anyone who really cares about improving the living conditions of people on low incomes can't afford to ponce around making a show of being «principled» and watch their party haemorrhage votes as a result, critics suggest.
The internal debates within the Liberal Democrat party may not be of huge concern to the Labour supporters, particularly as they are likely to haemorrhage seats at the next election.
The Conservative party has ignored the rise of Ukip and is haemorrhaging voters as a result, but the fundamental problem is that it has ignored conservative principles, its members and voters for too long.
WHEN he found out that his old flame, Maureen, was in a vegetative state as a result of a brain haemorrhage, neuroscientist Adrian Owen started wondering whether she, and other people in a similar situation, might have some awareness.
The official deficiency of Vitamin C is known as «scurvy», which although uncommon, can still occur in adults and children and is characterised by irritability, leg pain, and loss of appetite, shortness of breath, fever, tissue haemorrhaging and pain.
While deficiency — known as scurvy — is uncommon, it can occur, with symptoms including irritability, leg pain, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, fever, tissue haemorrhaging and pain.
Seamen everywhere feared this disease which started with lethargy and lacklustre energy, progressed to bleeding gums, weak joints and strange spots on the skin, and finally ended with death as the blood vessels collapsed and haemorrhaged.
Unfortunately, cerebral aneurysm can be extremely dangerous as about three in five people who experience brain haemorrhage die within two weeks, and 50 % of those who survive suffer from severe brain damage and disability.
Despite promising a «crawl, walk, run strategy» back in 2015 after a disastrous 2014, former CEO Michael Egan and Spark were unable to resuscitate the dating company, with both its Christian and Jewish networks haemorrhaging users as revenue continued to fall.
That didn't happen to De Niro, as far as I know — in fact De Niro is playing Madoff in HBO's forthcoming film The Wizard Of Lies — and I don't think that he's paying Norman Mailer - like levels of alimony, nor is his Tribeca business empire haemorrhaging cash.
Join Oli and Scott as they almost haemorrhage with nerdy excitement and Kylo Ren crushes.
Okay, this only applies to Xbox Live, but who's to say that Sony might not start charging for PSN as it keeps haemorrhaging money?
Recent reports suggest that the NHS is under grave staffing danger, as its «haemorrhaging» nurses with one in 10...
However, firms which are not supporting their employees in the way in which they are legally obliged to, risk not only comeback for non-compliance, but also haemorrhaging vital skills as disengaged staff take their expertise elsewhere.
Recent reports suggest that the NHS is under grave staffing danger, as its «haemorrhaging» nurses with one in 10 leaving the service each year.
Headway defines an acquired brain injury as a type of brain injury that has occurred since birth, and it can be caused in many ways — from strokes, brain tumours, haemorrhages or a lack of oxygen to the brain.
That this could be evidence of the regulations working will be of little comfort to banks that are haemorrhaging revenue as a result.
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