Sentences with phrase «as heretics who»

Paul's point in putting it this way is not to give us a book of theological trump cards by which we can denounce as heretics all who disagree with us.

Not exact matches

In Altman's view, people who have criticized those ideas for businesses have cast the entrepreneurs behind them as «heretics,» like how the Catholic Church sentenced Galileo to house arrest for (correctly) saying the Earth revolves around the sun.
Which is what he richly deserved as a blasphemer and a heretic who polluted the holiest of holies of the Temple.
There were of course some who saved records, but for the most part Christianity tended to condemn anything not like them, blamed them as heretics and causes of plagues and poisoners of wells trying to wipe out any alternate religions that remained in Europe through much of the last two thousand years.
It was Calvinists who condemned me as a heretic and threw me out of the church but I did not and will condemn them.
If they didn't try to stone you on the spot, you would at least be condemned as a heretic liberal who deserved to spend eternity in the deepest hell.
Correction: Biden is a heretic who claims to be a Catholic, just as madam Pelosi.
For purposes of classification, therefore, it would perhaps be most accurate to think of Davies as a writer of Christian apocrypha: a novelist who finds himself uncomfortably restrained by the canon of Christian thought, but who is not, on the other hand, a heretic; a self - proclaimed moralist who holds that while we reap what we sow, it is often difficult to know the nature of the seed or the outcome of the harvest.
I see heretics not as people who resist God but as people who do not bow to religious tradition and dogma.
«Until we know the power of divine grace, we read in the Bible concerning eternal punishment, and we think it is too heavy and too hard, and we are apt to kick against it, and find out some heretic or other who teaches us another doctrine; but when the soul is really quickened by divine grace, and made to feel the weight of sin, it thinks the bottomless pit none too deep, and the punishment of hell none too severe for sin such as it has committed.
I imagine that most people who teach or write about Scripture and theology have been condemned as a heretic at least once or twice.
But if we condemn those who disagree with us as «heretics,» or if we smugly think that their disagreement with us is «persecution for our faith» which therefore proves our view is correct, we will never grow in unity with one another, and we will never learn to see our own doctrinal and theological missteps.
The evidence of the Rabbinical literature, which is mostly of late date and uniformly hostile to Christianity, adds little of historical worth, but confirms that Jews who became Christians formed a community to some extent separate from other Jews, and by the end of the first century at least were regarded as heretics.
We shall see how important the creeds and other summaries of belief have been to many Christians, who have unchurched those with whom they disagreed and at times persecuted people whose opinions were regarded as unorthodox, whom they called heretics.
Heretics and schismatics were those who thought of themselves as Christian but did not agree with the Holy Roman Church.
Often these definitions were fashioned in the shops of the heretics themselves — weapons sometimes as dangerous to those who fashioned or wielded them as they were to their opponents!
It is important to point out that the belief was used in the early church as a way of affirming Jesus» full humanity; «born of a virgin» in the Apostles» Creed has the force of «really born of a woman,» in opposition to heretics who denied that Jesus was truly human.
But depending on who you ask, how the Church has dealt with «heretics» in its midst can sometimes be seen as anything but sympathetic.
So my question is: how did the backlash against open theism shape you, what did you learn from it, and what would you say to those who would dismiss you (and others) as heretics for your views?
I have been kicking around on this with a couple of folks who think of me as a heretic as well, I will post the longer version on my blog.
Wilson, who describes More as authoritarian and his treatment of suspected heretics as inquisitorial asks whether Luther himself might be considered «God's instrument for punishing the sins into which the Church had fallen.»
The honeymoon, that is, between the now enfeebled and increasingly remote souls who for over a quarter of a century had carped and sneered at Pope John Paul II (and by the same token at «PanzerCardinal» Joseph Ratzinger) but who had nevertheless hoped against hope for a Pope who would be somehow reborn if not as a fully paid - up liberal, as a Pope at least who would go easy on all that counter-cultural JPII stuff about being «signs of contradiction» and about continuity with the pre-conciliar Church and who had breathlessly found (so they thought) that, lo, it was even so, in the wonders of Deus Caritas Est. «On his election last spring,» carolled The Tablet, «the former CardinalRatzinger was widely assumed to have as his papal agenda the hammering of heretics and a war on secularist relativism, subjects with which he was associated as head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.»
God appears to me in another form besides that of love; in the form of omnipotence, of a severe power not bound by love... So long as love is not exalted into... an essence, so long there lurks in the background of love a subject who even without love is something by himself, an unloving monster, a diabolical being, whose personality, separable and actually separated from love, delights in the blood of heretics and unbelievers, — the phantom of religious fanaticism.»
Most people who get to stage 5 leave Christianity because there are not enough Christian 5s or 6s to create a local community; they are ostracized as heretics; they do nt like hypocrasy.
is itself symptomatic of a reassessment of the role of those whose views came to prevail and those who were to be treated as deviants or heretics.
The use of the phrase «teachers of the early church,» [13] is itself symptomatic of a reassessment of the role of those whose views came to prevail and those who were to be treated as deviants or heretics.
In reply, Jesus told the familiar parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30 - 37), where the neighbor who must be loved is clearly one whom strict Jews would regard as a half - breed and a heretic.
Anyone who dares to follow this wild and radical Jesus, and not from afar off, is looked upon as a crazy heretic.
Iranian authorities view Baha'is as «heretics» who may face repression on the grounds of apostasy.
Yes women who have the gift of Teaching via God the Holy Spirit can teach but they can not take on the clearly defined «Office» Position of Pastor as defined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1:6, The Scripture is the first and final authority on what God has spoken, not the rhetorical babble of heretics who don't follow the word of God.
Those who treat the wrath of God as taboo, whether in sermons or hymns, stand in a long lineage too, one that includes Albrecht Ritschl, Faustus Socinus, and the unnamed revisionists in the second century who followed the heretic Marcion.
Similarly, Aquinas shows a great deal more respect for unbelievers, such as his beloved Aristotle, who knew nothing whatever about Christ and His revelation than he does for heretics.
He is pictured as himself a story - teller in whose stories there is equally vivid harmonizing of contrasts: a father embracing a prodigal son, a tax collector praying for forgiveness; a heretic showing a compassion far surpassing that of the orthodox, an employer rewarding laggards with the same wages as those who have worked a full day.
At this point the Anthony's of the world will write me off as an apostate heretic who is bound for hell.
Christ's perfect union of divinity and humanity is the central mystery of the Incarnation, and, as de Lubac pointed out a generation ago, the abjuring of this paradox marked the heretics of the early Church, not her faithful adherents: the Adoptionists and Docetists were the ones who refused to live with the ultimate inscrutability of the God - Man.
As far as Jesus is concerned, the Church has always insisted that anyone who says Jesus is exempt from the rules is a heretic because he undermines the full humanity of JesuAs far as Jesus is concerned, the Church has always insisted that anyone who says Jesus is exempt from the rules is a heretic because he undermines the full humanity of Jesuas Jesus is concerned, the Church has always insisted that anyone who says Jesus is exempt from the rules is a heretic because he undermines the full humanity of Jesus.
Or, as another example, two groups who define themselves as «believers» and «heretics» or as «faithful» and «infidel» may nevertheless be convinced they will receive fair treatment in the courts and thus allow themselves to buy and sell, enter into contract, and so forth.
On the other hand there seem to have been Christians at this period, nicknamed «Alogi» (= anti-» Word» men, also — anti-Reason men) by their opponents, who rejected the Johannine authorship of the gospel and the Apocalypse, but were not generally regarded as heretics.
First, since human society always employs violence to enforce some set of standards, Christians» whom Christ called to live out a radically different form of community, one in which it is the crucified rather than his judges who is vindicated as God's Word» should simply take up the burden of civic order and abandon the Gospel where prudentially necessary because, you know, someone absolutely has to kill heretics, and so we should make sure the right heretics get killed.
The detail of the argument was not - at issue — it was enough that Luther was challenging authority, Popes and Councils alike, and defending Huss, a heretic known in the popular mind as one who said the laity should receive the wine at communion (not in fact an heretical claim), and whose followers had set up the still flourishing schismatic Church in Bohemia.
The Waldensians, a reforming group dating from the twelfth century in France who survived persecution as heretics by retreating to the mountains of northern Italy, established close relationships with Geneva and were drawn into the family.
In light of my previous post on Luther, and my opening post for this blog about being called a heretic, I thought I might comment on some recent articles and books which condemn me (and other speakers and writers) as someone who teaches a crossless gospel.
He was a genius who invented calculus as a student at Cambridge during a 1665 outbreak of plague but failed to publish his findings; an egotist who would later covertly convene a committee to accuse his rival Gottfried Leibniz, an independent originator of calculus, of plagiarism; and a heretic who rejected the Trinity but was deeply religious (one fascinating document on display is his hand - drawn reconstruction of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, based on biblical units of measurement).
Set in Citadel City, you play as a young woman named Luditte who has been cast out as a heretic by theocratic ruler, the Copper Hand, for associating with an AI named Jasper.
As the offspring of a lowly blacksmith murdered by an invading force, you take up arms in service of a real - world ruler of your choice, eventually leading an army against the heretics who stand against you.
Throughout this whole period, the scientists and researchers who has doubts the base hypothesis were derided at conferences, told that they shouldn't disagree publicly (as it would dilute the main message), found funding difficult, had results re-interpreted or quietly ignored (or found it hard to publish), and generally either ignored or treated like heretics to a true faith.
The notable exception was Judith Curry who was roundly turned on as heretic when she stood up and said it was time to get climate science back on the rails in 2006.
But yet the language of the global warming alarmist, is to accuse anyone who does not believe in man - made climate change as a «denier», a heretic, a blasphemer.
Giordano Bruno, the wandering monk who influenced Spinoza and Liebniz, was burned in 1600 as a heretic, for (among other things) speculating about life on other planets, much like scientists do today.
However, in today's blogspace on climate we have scientists acting as if they are religious leaders who hold anyone who expresses doubt as a heretic and someone who is to be despised.
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