Sentences with phrase «as human beings»

Helping your child in their difficult situation will not only help them to cope up with the situation but will also help them to grow as a human being in general.
There is a psychological theory that states that our basic need as humans is not for survival but for connection.
What we do as humans is create too much and then get rid of what we aren't using.
Many of the world's worst conflicts and continued suffering have been caused by our inability to recognise others as human beings with feelings and needs just like our own.
The results we receive tell us more about the child's home life and neighborhood than what he or she is capable of as a human being.
Just as a human being doesn't want to be interrupted in the middle of a massage, your hamster doesn't want to be bothered while in the midst of a grooming session.
I felt successful as a student when I felt cared for as a human being.
You have value as a human being no matter what's on your business cards.
What a wonderful world it would be if we got rid of all religions and just lived our lives as human beings.
The recognition of the other as a human being who might be loved must be denied else the whole structure of our present prejudice would be swept away.
We're watching a young woman learn from them and grow as a human being as a result.
On the plus side, you'd have a chance to be seen as human beings who do a hard job and sometimes getting it wrong.
The unfolding development of the school, as well as the human being, is suggested by the organic, nurturing forms out of which the figure emerges into light.
It is not smart to wager your entire worth as a human being on a sporting event each week.
A failure to own or develop one's full potential as a human being is the result.
The within of things we experience as humans is richness of conscious experience.
They should by now know that they are in a strange land where they are not seen as human beings despite their immense contribution to the formation and electoral victory of the ruling party.
That everyone in this country, even this whole world, deserve equal rights as human beings regardless of who they are, how they live, what they do or not do.
Understanding my emotional experience as a human being on planet earth has empowered me to feel my emotions and attend to them in a healthy way.
The trouble with this fascinating cycle, as far as humans are concerned, is that it is extremely unstable.
It is difficult to have a complete understanding of an individual because as humans we are complex.
Both fought for the right of all people to be treated as human beings, able to live and work where they choose.
Given this situation, freedom as human beings know it is impossible.
I do my utmost to conceal my level of need from my church, so that I may retain my dignity as a human being.
You will understand how as humans you are made up of the same ingredients, but with own unique blend to make you into one unique individual.
The coal had been there for ever, as far as humans were concerned.
The findings extend to humans, as humans are also known to alter their behaviours when sick.
Marriage is hard work relationships aren't easy as humans are so diverse.
Plus I really want to show how much you can learn from traveling and what kind of personal development as a human being comes along with it!
But over the course of the five years I was there, it began to transform me — like as a human being.
Had he, in some sense, been diminished as a human being at the end of his life?
Even if these characters have love interests, the main point of their identity is to exist as human beings in their own right.
It's important to see your colleagues as human beings from time to time.
Everything else has value only as human beings desire it.
I now look for what we all have in common as human beings rather than look for ways to divide us.
If they mention the unborn baby at all, it is to dismiss its status as a human being deserving of protection.
Where we are being connected together as human beings, and together — we have complex problems in the world, and we will solve them better together.
It's nice to be comfortable, but our greatest growth as human beings comes when we are challenged.
To fully develop as a human being, and enjoy a rich and fulfilling life, you need to practice giving and receiving love.
Education helps you understand yourself better, it helps you realize your potential and qualities as a human being.
Are you a failure as a human being if you are not happy?
We also believe that as humans we were meant to live in relationship with one another and that our need to bond with another is innate.
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