Sentences with phrase «as idol worship»

you said that God would view worshiping the messiah as idol worship..
Millions of Christians accept Santa uncritically, but some denounce the attention given to him as idol worship.

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that is what happens when people worship idols... or themselves such as this article suggest
As far as drawings of Mohammad, the bible teaches that one shouldn't worship idolAs far as drawings of Mohammad, the bible teaches that one shouldn't worship idolas drawings of Mohammad, the bible teaches that one shouldn't worship idols.
One in 10 Christians think sport is «an idol that many people worship in society today» and more than half said it's okay to play sport on a Sunday, so long as they're engaged in their churches at other times during the week.
Its the rejection by God of having any son and wife, he is the only one to worship without any idols like these, as all the prophets bring the same massage worship only one god.
And Mohamed destroyed all the idols but kept Mecca as a pilgrimage for the only one God that worshipped Abraham.
People who worship the same idol can trust one another, work as a team and prevail over less cohesive groups.
To me it looked just like idol worship as described in the Bible.
Thus, as Paul says in Romans 1, the primary reason we fail to give honor to God is that we suppress the truth of God; we worship a distorted understanding of God; an idol.
To me it is a sickening abomination of God's will that the most advanced nation on the face of the earth has to be held hostage to these willfully ignorant, dark - age dwelling crackpots, who turn concepts such as Capitalism into false religious idols which they expect people to worship mindlessly.
They failed to destroy the peoples As the Lord had commanded But instead they mingled with the nations And learned to act as they did They worshiped the idols of the nations And these became a snare to entrap theAs the Lord had commanded But instead they mingled with the nations And learned to act as they did They worshiped the idols of the nations And these became a snare to entrap theas they did They worshiped the idols of the nations And these became a snare to entrap them.
23 Rebelling against God or disobeying him because you are proud is just as bad as worshiping idols or asking them for advice.
I am not about to equate visiting a church building with idol worship, but I do think it is important to recognize that people can worship and follow God just as well outside of the four walls of a church building than they can inside the walls — and maybe even better.
I dropped «christianity» from my life starting as a child after I read some childrens bible that showed «God» destroying some people who were worshipping an «idol» — Even at the age of 8 I knew it was wrong to kill those who do nt follow your beliefs.
I am sorry to say this, but as Mr.Limbaugh gets older and closer to passing from this life, now in his 60s, when he stands before the creator on Judgement day and asks what has he done that has been so great to get into heaven, it will be hard to explain because with all his money he will have worshipped the one idol, money.
When history and archaeology shows that the «god» of one of the religions started off as an idol and another of the relgions says that «god» says not to worship idols, it is unmistakably clear that the gods are not the same.
History has shown as many Christian countries fell by worshipping false idols and Greed.
Today as i was thinking about Jesus sending the demons into the pigs and i thought God is not punishing but judging and he made a decision.This idea came from your other discussion which i believe is what he does he decides to make a judgement call he is sovereign and it shows his tender heart and mercy that not a single person was afflicted.The pigs unlike men have no soul so have no eternal consequence upon them they live and they die.either way they were going to get killed.We can be assured that Gods judgements are right and just the pork was going to the gentile nations who worshipped other Gods and no doubt would have been offered to idols so there is a consequence when we disobey the Laws of God even even when we do nt know or understand his laws.brentnz
This was against totems, idols, and statues that people made of their gods which they then worshipped as if it was the actual god.
However, many scholars regard Oriental religions as detrimental to Christianity and describe them in pejorative sense as being syncretistic, polytheistic and idol worshipping.
Much of what Paul writes addresses problems and concerns in the Corinthian congregation, such as the problem of eating foods that have been offered to idols in sacrificial worship and are now offered by a host to an unsuspecting Christian guest, one who might be offended.
Treating an icon as an idol, worshipping it as a natural object, amounts to destroying it.
Otherwise we may as well worship idols.
Fewer than a third of Britons said that people should not worship idols (defined in the survey as statues or symbols).
As widespread as Coltrane is — posters of him are found in nearly every college dormitory in the country — idol worship may very well take place, but the members of the church in his namesake seem to have embraced his true vision — to worship the only being worthy of praisAs widespread as Coltrane is — posters of him are found in nearly every college dormitory in the country — idol worship may very well take place, but the members of the church in his namesake seem to have embraced his true vision — to worship the only being worthy of praisas Coltrane is — posters of him are found in nearly every college dormitory in the country — idol worship may very well take place, but the members of the church in his namesake seem to have embraced his true vision — to worship the only being worthy of praise.
Known as the Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church, the congregation's concentration on a musician may seem to some as borderline idol worship, no different than groupies following the Grateful Dead or their jam band torch bearers Phish.
In his research, Justin found that «in Paul's day, as in the time of Leviticus, some idol - worshiping cults included sex (in some bizarre ways) as part of their worship rituals.
Are they the one's on Earth controlling our lives or are you about God the creator of universe that is worshipped by mankind in different ways, given different names, given different looks and combinations, partners, sons... others worshiped Satan or made him partner to God... The Message of the «Monotheism» was there from time of existance up to Noah PBUH and the monotheist derived from those saved by Noah named Abraham PBUH who came up then with the message of «Submission» and rebuilt the house of worship in Mecca for religion teachings redirecting pagans worshiping idols, trees, or worshiping many Gods they made and named as in Greek mythology...
well for starters, in jewish lore there is not spirit of god, there is god... so what we have here is a creation by man to explain something that they view as important but missing something... what do you suppose that is... perhaps its what they were worshiping in the first place... according to the 610 laws one must follow or burn is not to idol worship, and that was defined by jewish lore as anything but god.
He saw it as «unnatural» and flowing from idol worship.
Daniel, the righteous man of God, puts himself in the same category as all of Israel who were worshiping false idols.
A view of God as one who can receive nothing because He already has or is everything is a pagan conception; it is an idol which no Christian should pretend to worship.
Because if widespread worship of idols and images gives statistically the same results as worshipping an invisible Jehova, (which it does - or there'd be no Auroroa shootings), then the priesthood is going to have an uphill battle convincing the general population to come over to their camp.
Persons can trivialize the civil religion through idol worshipping, Second, not civility as the natural laws of procedure but civility as merely etiquette can be elevated to sacred status, thus trivializing the civil religion by legalisms.
This is not to say, as some philosophers do, that thinking itself is worship of God; an element of worship is present, to be sure, in all objective thinking but the worship may be that of an idol or the sort of self - worship which desecrates the object of thought by making it a means to the end of self - glorification.
Because they are worshiping idols, because they are not faming the name of Christ, because they are worshiping other gods, because they don't know Christ or recognize the Bible as authoritative, we feel compelled and must «therefore go.»
But Christians had no idols, no objects and they closed their eyes in prayer, and had no visible object of worship and so they were branded as «atheists».
While some objects have fetishistic qualities others are used for such reasons as fertility, worship or shamanistic idols.
In this this auction the centerpiece was the «The Golden Calf» which sold for # 10,345,250 with buyer's premium and was cited as a reference to Hirst's representation of cultural excess, worshipping false idols and likely Hirst's own myth making.
The foreigner commented that they see just as much idol worship in America, but it's more disturbing to them because we don't recognize it.
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