Sentences with phrase «as if their wearing»

To be sure, this is a travesty of economic reality inasmuch as it reflects a distorted set of tax laws that permit absentee investors to depreciate buildings again and again, as if they wear out and lose value through lack of upkeep (despite landlords being legally required to maintain rental properties intact), or by obsolescence (even as construction standards cheapen).
Yes, baptism and communion can resemble magic rites, almost as if we wear certain articles of clothing, use certain substances, say certain words and so on, something magic will happen.
Just put your arms through the pillow as if wearing it like a backpack.
I love this green jumpee because it looks powerful, as if you wear you mean business, but glamourous at the same time.
There are exceptions to this rule, such as if you wear the exact same pattern twice but in different colors it can look well if the colors look together well, but these looks are extremely hard to pull off.
Yet, we could not lower our eyes and ignore them, as if wearing imaginary blinders.
Players whisk through levels as if their wearing rockets; even holding «Left - Shift» to walk is faster than the majority of modern shooters.
She used photography as an extremely personal means of expression, as if wearing her skin inside out, making herself the only subject of her work.
This is his way of inhabiting a different voice or identity, as if wearing many different hats.
It's as if wearing gloves during a minor crime would count as the larger crime because you deprive the police of the opportunity to find your fingerprints...

Not exact matches

On the one hand, there's probably very little training required, and if a delivery person isn't wearing a company's T - shirt, it's probably not that big a deal as long as the package arrives on time.
It's a bit of an odd shoe to place — if you go with a darker color, they work well as a comfortable shoe you can wear to the office, but are probably a little too casual for formal events.
If your run a McDonald's, and an employee is engaging in a day of protest, make sure they're not out wearing their McDonald's uniform while they do it, regardless of whether or not you as a manager support the cause personally.
For instance, if you're a heavy metal fan, go ahead and occasionally wear the concert t - shirt to the office on a casual day or save an album cover as your screen saver.
Don't get me wrong, it's not as if I hate the clothes I wear to work every day; I really like a lot of them.
I only had to think of what else I could do with that money, as well as the fact that I don't normally wear a watch, and if I really wanted to spend that much I would already have a pretty good one.
People wearing the outfit get extra help picking up objects and walking, as if they were somehow suddenly stronger.
Make things easy on yourself by packing your exercise clothes in luggage that's easy to access, such as a carry - on, or wearing them during your commute if you can.
When I took the job as Santa I had to decide if I was going to shave it off and wear a fake beard, or try to make mine white.
Sure, there's a degree of professionalism that a suit or the business casual looks convey, but if your job function is solely internally focused, such as IT, then who really cares what you wear?
As it turns out, it doesn't matter if you wear socks with sandals, because if your kid thinks that you're cool, then you're cool.
And, if your business is like most of the SM newbies out there who are running to catch up while wearing concrete sneakers, you've got a lot of otherwise productive time and energy being spent by your people (and possibly a pile of money as well on outside vendors) in the unclear pursuit of who knows what.
This is where Hathcock would earn the nickname «White Feather» — because he always wore a white feather on his bush hat, daring the North Vietnamese to spot him — and where he would achieve his status as the Vietnam War's deadliest sniper in missions that sound as if they were pulled from the pages of Marvel comics.
If you see someone wearing a rubbery wristband that takes his vitals and records his sleep patterns, you might automatically refer to the device as a Fitbit — even if it's a different branIf you see someone wearing a rubbery wristband that takes his vitals and records his sleep patterns, you might automatically refer to the device as a Fitbit — even if it's a different branif it's a different brand.
If you wear one, you risk being labelled as «that fellow who wears novelty ties,» a sort of office oddity akin to «that lady with the Chihuahua pictures» or «the gentleman with the Tardis on his desk.»
If someone suddenly jumps out — as in one case in which a man wearing no pants approached a Google vehicle — the car's technology can immediately spot the potential problem and brake or steer out of the way, he explained.
For example, if you arrived at a meeting and Jim from accounting is wearing the exact same tie as you, that's not ironic.
But if you define entrepreneurial thinking as seeing situations with fresh eyes and thinking through solutions from first principles rather than following received wisdom or well - worn paths, then the appeal of this approach is easy to see.
Even if you don't wear glasses, it's worth considering getting special computer glasses to protect your eyes so you can prevent as much cumulative exposure to these harmful light waves as possible.
If the person slicing up the Black Forest ham is wearing the same white coat as the one reading your prescription, the pharmacist seems just a little less special, and so does the place he or she practices in.
If you don't wear cologne, you can easily go with something with a stronger scent, as the smell will fade with time.
If Trudeau is wearing thin on some people, as the pollsters keep telling us, what exactly is the problem?
If accepted, the bill would protect workers from being required to wear unsafe footwear as part of dress and uniform codes
Regardless of all that, the Euro is just a fiat currency, same as the Dollar, and they are wearing out their printing press just as we are (if only in creative ways).
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
If you as a Christian had to live and work in Iran, how often do you think you would go out and proclaim your faith, wear the cross around your neck to work?
Some of the same churches I've been to, You left some out, tho... only if she wears a head covering... as long as she doesn't wear makeup or jewelry (wedding ring and denominational pin excepted)... no peep toe shoes, especially with toenail polish... if what she is doing gets bigger than what the men are doing, she's out (Thats a real big one)... only if she'll do it on a volunteer basis and never expects an honorarium, even if she speaks at the main Sunday service.
If you are legendary actor Nicolas Cage — and on the verge of a career renaissance and even higher, unprecedented levels of global fame as the star of the upcoming Left Behind film — what would you wear if you were attending a Guns N» Roses concert in Las Vegas alongside Andrew Dice ClaIf you are legendary actor Nicolas Cage — and on the verge of a career renaissance and even higher, unprecedented levels of global fame as the star of the upcoming Left Behind film — what would you wear if you were attending a Guns N» Roses concert in Las Vegas alongside Andrew Dice Claif you were attending a Guns N» Roses concert in Las Vegas alongside Andrew Dice Clay.
So I guess now you can only be Christian and be considered as a Christian is if we wear huge crosses on your backs, tattoo a cross across my face and scream loudly to everyone that you are a Christian.
If I were working in an environment where the culture and or / religion required me as a woman to wear a burqa, I would.
Im not sure if I consider being forced to wear a religous (debatable) costume as a condition of employment as particularly fun.
The truth is if the majority of Americans wanted a cross dressing man as president, Obama would be wearing a dress.
So if you have a daughter working and she is ordered to wear a bikini as her «uniform» then its ok just because the employer says so
NOwens probably has it right, if the company hired her as «Christmas seasonal help» wearing Christmas attire is probably a valid job requirement and a Jehovah's Witness should not ask for special treatment a JW should just not apply for work as Chrismas seasonal help unless it is in the back room wear Christmas attire is not required.
Otherwise you will be dismissed as some marginaly literate unstable zealot (But hey, if the shroud fits, wear it!)
People who introduce themselves as bearing a message from God do not commend themselves to us easily if we do turn an ear to them out of curiosity, or perhaps out of an amused and sometimes horrified fascination, they tend to wear out their welcome quickly.
Access to birth control and education on the proper uses (like, even if you're on birth control, the guy should still wear a condom) of it, as well as true education about intercourse, what causes disease and how giving birth affects the female body is one of the most responsible things we can help the poor with.
Just as they have the freedom to get another job if they want to wear their crosses, you women are free to go to another university or employer if you want insurance that provides contraceptives and abortions.
If some members of the Muslim community voluntarily choose to wear a burque as a demonstration of religious piety or modesty, it is no different than an Orthodox Jew wearing a yamulke or an Amish man maintaining a beard.
If the military uniform is humanity's badge of shame, he added, wouldn't Jesus count those who wear it as his disciples?
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