Sentences with phrase «as images of people»

If an incident occurs, law enforcement wants to be able to use video analytics to capture certain characteristics of a suspicious scene, such as the image of a person's face or a license plate, so it can be searched against other available video for a potential match.

Not exact matches

Post statements or images that people will want to identify with as a way to declare that they are part of a group or a cause.
People have an image of entrepreneurs as those who take crazy risks just for fun.
Because it sees itself as mostly a place where people share photos with their friends, Facebook removes violent or disturbing images as part of its «community standards.»
In the fall of 2014, the fallout of a 30 - person layoff at Hsieh's Downtown Project, which was also structured as a Holacracy, was a blow to his public image.
People in China and Japan are, to some extent, buying what Trump's selling: her image as a have - it - all feminist who's masterfully balanced her roles as successful entrepreneur, mother of three, and style icon.
«As it turns out, one of the perhaps six people on planet Earth who could have looked at my cartoon and said «yes» was a woman married to a guy who was the spitting image of, and had the same job as, DilberAs it turns out, one of the perhaps six people on planet Earth who could have looked at my cartoon and said «yes» was a woman married to a guy who was the spitting image of, and had the same job as, Dilberas, Dilbert.
It's replete with glittering images of people such as pro basketball player Jason Collins and transgender fashion model Geena Rocero.
The visual image actually makes sense as a way of helping people see that what I do over here in finance does impact what my friend does over there in sales.
One of the features Apple is exploring is the ability to take a picture and then change the depth of the photograph or the depth of specific objects in the picture later; another would isolate an object in the image, such as a person's head, and allow it to be tilted 180 degrees.
Now, while publishing as a former SEAL connotes a negative image within the community, the benefits of doing so help people like me learn enough to make informed choices.
Personal branding is the practice of people marketing themselves and their careers as brands — the ongoing process of establishing a prescribed image or impression in the mind of others about an individual.
«But viewed as a group, the images immediately convey the pervasiveness of damaging stereotypes of subordinate categories of people in the U.S.»
Something as simple as a feed of text and images has provided us with an easier way to achieve the benefits that the Wright Brothers» life - threatening experiments have: an on - demand way to expose ourselves to new ideas, meet new people and better maintain relationships with friends and family.
In my opening essay for Fortune «s The Future of the Image series, I made the case for the rise of visual literacy as people increasingly substitute photos for text.
Critics say the images often unfairly portray the person as dangerous or deserving of extrajudicial punishment, rather than a fully realized person with a meaningful life.
How it worked: The simulacrum sylph known as Mia Ash was constructed using images grabbed from the Instagram account of a Romanian woman, a real person.
The «tenner», as it is known in Britain, has two clusters of dots in the top corner to help blind and partially sighted people identify the note, and is decorated with a gold foil image of Austen's burial place.
«If he's an arrogant windbag, then my self - image as a modest and thoughtful person is reaffirmed, while my terror of self - promotion or provoking conflict can safely be tucked away into a corner labeled «bad» and «not me.»»
How this can affect your brand's Facebook strategy: It looks as though Facebook is trying to improve the quality of people's News Feed, minimizing marketing messages and images that look like banner ads.
Under this law, it is illegal to distribute sexual images or videos of someone without his or her consent, so long as it is intended to cause serious emotional distress and so long as the person depicted experiences distress.
But as Lewis» samples show, the scammers are circumventing this prohibition with ease — using Lewis» image to drive unwitting clicks to a secondary offsite layer of fake news articles that directly push people towards crypto scams.
That sounds good as a headline but it's not really true, says Brad Allen, of Branav Shareholder Advisory Services Inc. «People continue to reinforce this image that proxy firms have all this power.
If the bank is too hard on its borrowers — suing a struggling family for unpaid debts, for example — it could revive a popular image as a bank that earns profits at the expense of ordinary people.
Ideas around the non-monetary aspects of employment in providing a self - image for people, giving them standing in the community, a sense of personal worth, a role as family provider, a network of peers, and way of life are not part of the economics curriculum, so can be assumed not to matter.
Remember to add images and give names to your personas to help you and your team think of these buyers as real people — not just a piece of business.
As for the still images of people shown, those are just stock photos and stolen unattributed images from other websites, which is a common tactic that these binary options robots use.
This is just as true for people with a conservative theology of gender as for egalitarians: we should all be able to agree that, as humans created in God's image, the oppression of women is unacceptable.
Flood the TV with images of White and Black together... thats fine... as long as we continue the theme of scapegoating brown people.
The image of monks as peaceful these days is because no militant Buddhist sects are conducting violent acts in their traditional garb however 4000 people were injured in a poison gas attack on the Tokyo subway system by a Buddhist group.
They could, but you would get as many answers as there are people, because belief is a very personal thing and we all craft our gods in our own image... or in the image of what we fear most.
That's the danger with the anthropomorphism of God... one people making self idolizing images of themselves of a human God vis - à - vis Jesus, making graven images of themselves, blonde hair blue eyed Jesus»... then elevating themselves above all other men, a self reinforcing feedback to oneselfs, as if they are Gods, which is blasphemy.
Ok... first off, the Church (Roman Catholic), during the Middle Ages, as Christianity rolled across Europe, commissioned famous painters to depict Jesus as a White person, taking images of several Celtic & Norse gods to draw from.
People forget that some of technology's best and brightest, NASA, and the majority of their employees, live and work in the southern part of the country — Texas, Florida, etc But you have to admit, as long as we in the North (and East) are portrayed as disconnected, unAmerican elitists, those in the South will have to live with the image of being gun - toting, crude know - nothings.
The proof is in the pudding so to speak, since man was created by God in His image, there is within every person the knowledge of God.Standard equipment.In order to become an atheist you first have to lie yourself past your inner knowledge of God.You have to ignore your life, your spirit, your environment and the whole of creation.That takes a lot of lying to oneself, and you have to buy into a lot more lies to get there.This is not made up, it is a part of the process that ultimately allows the created to deny the creator, God.Deep down every atheist knows they are a liar, but as with any repeated sin the suppressed truth gets farther away, and harder to recognize.God bless
These people that proclaim that they have seen an image of Mary of God are as lost and crazy as all of these Anti-Christ (Atheists / Agnostics) are.
Recalling these heroic moments flatters Poland's patriotic self - image as a long - suffering but iron - willed people who have emerged victorious from more than two centuries of subjugation.
Naming / defining is an exercise of power over others, so perhaps naming other persons made in the Divine image, with the potential to become godlike, by labeling them «believers» or «unbelievers» is a failure to see all people as God sees them, children of the one true God.
Thus it is far more problematic when someone who believes in God and that people are created in his image and have souls kills an innocent person than for someone who thinks of people as really smart animals to kill an innocent person.
To regard the ordinary embodied experience of men and women as theologically significant in a positive way is to receive all these images of physical delight, of beauty and ecstasy, of human growth and nurture, of the contact between human persons that the touching of bodies can make possible.
But these texts call us to re-imagine our life together as the people of God, and the texts» images are of sheep and shepherds.
In the image of Psalm 82, whatever we claim to do in our churches, as a people we have worshipped the gods against whom the God of Israel speaks in the council.
But most days, at heart I see myself as shepherd, as caretaker, as fortunate steward of these small people, these images of God.
«The Christian vision of the human person made in the image of God with a spiritual soul as well as a body is of central importance.
Behaviour considered idolatrous or potentially idolatrous may include the creation of any type of image of the deity, or of other figures of religious significance such as prophets, saints, and clergy, the creation of images of any person or animal at all, and the use of religious symbols, or secular ones.
«The second person of the Trinity is revealed as the eternal Son not daughter; the Father and the Son create man and woman in His image and give them the name man, the name of the male... God appoints all the priests in the Old Testament to be men; the Son of God came into the world to be a man; He chose 12 men to be His apostles; the apostles appointed that the overseers of the Church be men; and when it came to marriage they taught that the husband should be the head.»
The Vatican's sharing of the Pope's birthday plans is sure to burnish Francis» image as «the People's Pope,» a man who eschews pomp and ceremony, favoring small and intimate gatherings instead.
Boulding suggests that an ideology may be regarded as that part of a total image which a person regards as essential to his own identity — to his self - image.
So, are we as Americans becoming less religious or is the media becoming more skeptical of religion and therefore driving the image of a more elite group of people?
This image must include the notion of humanity living in symbiotic harmony with the natural environment, and organized technologically and politically in such a way as to provide equal access to the means of human fulfillment to all of the earth's people.
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