Sentences with phrase «as imagining»

He learned about engineering design, scaling, and iterating, as well as imagining, selecting materials, and deciding on next steps toward a larger, complex goal.
As fun as imagining alternate timelines is, I wouldn't have it any other way at this point.
«These artists are hard at work on projects that capture the world as it is, as well as imagining it as it could be,» said Hajnal Molnar - Szakacs, the recently - appointed Director of the Sundance Institute's Documentary Film Fund.
A life of abundance can be as simple as imagining a better future now.
During those long nine months of pregnancy, as well as imagining what your baby might look like, you'll probably spend a lot of time focusing on the birth.
The idea that «the baby knows when to be born» is paradigmatic example of the purpose driven misbelief; it's just as foolish as imagining that a cheetah knows that if it runs faster it will catch more prey.
Teach her some techniques to help her relax, such as imagining herself floating on a cloud or lying on a beach.
But nothing I've ever tried has ever turned out as badly as I imagined it could.
Nobody likes to use tools when the result is not as great as you imagined.
The interesting spot I find myself in often, as I imagine a lot of fellow digital marketers would, is that efforts online are intensely measurable.
If, after all the reference - checking, soul - searching, and risk - reward analysis, the candidate from a rival firm still looks as good as you imagined, don't forget that you need to sell them on what you and your company have to offer.
Optimism goes a long way, but things rarely work out exactly as imagined (whether you make a cross country move or not).
That probably seemed like a reasonable prediction, considering computers» limited uses at the time, just as we imagine flying cars to be a great innovation for our automobile - dependent and rush hour - suffering suburban society.
Weingard believes that all innovators have ideas about how to improve their products, businesses, and the world in general, but the truth is «it's lots of hard work, and many failures, before the idea can be executed as imagined
Stone said that the controversial events coming out out of President Trump's administration don't make their jobs easier as some imagine.
We often have a different idea of the Middle East but we're not as different as we imagine
As you imagine walking from room to room, you attach important information with scenes or images.
c) Saving for a house builds anticipation, as you imagine what you'd like to build or buy, while paying for a mortgage with interest might give you buyer's remorse, as you shell out that monthly payment to the bank.
«The Social Security Surprise» may be that retirement is just as they imagined it would be — safe and secure.
The universe exists, so it must have been created by «god» (and of course, god is exactly as I imagine him / her / it to be.)
I enjoyed reading your comments against Richard Rohr with a smile on my face as I imagine he is smiling too.
We probably aren't that different as you imagine.
As I imagine is similar in other faiths, it is hard for an active member of the LDS Church to publically maintain political views that fall more in line with the Democratic Party than the GOP.
As you imagine yourself there, on that day, as the mass presses upon him murderous rage, where do you picture yourself standing?
So, like all forms of bigotry, it's all comes down to demonizing all of these people as something that they, and many others, would consider wrong if straight people did it except that they would express a certain admiration for a straight guy having as many partners as the imagine all gay men have.
There is no god and prayers are merely delusional internal dialogues with your imaginary god as you imagine him / her / it to be and not to a supernatural creature that is real.
Truly, we must see things as they are and not as we imagine them to be or wish they were.
Religious freedom, as I imagine you understand it, includes freedom to practice one's beliefs without persecution and without being threatened.
Radha is jealous as she imagines the «vines of his great throbbing arms circle a thousand gopis», but more than jealousy she is infused with all the perplexing emotions of a proud, passionate woman who feels deserted by her lover.
Radha is consumed with jealousy as she imagines him engaged in an amourous encounter with a rival.
Faux Spirituality: Faux spirituality is the tendency to talk, dress, and act as we imagine a spiritual person would.
The empty sanctuary is as big as we imagine heaven to be: we file down the broad scarlet runway of the central aisle nearly to the chancel rail.
However, when the rubber met the road and missional living didn't quite pan out to be as immediately effective as we imagined, a lot of us dropped it.
I'm here, hopping on one leg, saying «some of these guys are not as logical or reasonable as they imagine they are.»
However, if time is not as we imagine it to be, neither to suppose that we will «immediately» be with the Lord, nor to suppose that we may exist in some state (sleep?)
Jesus clearly knew the limits of perfect forgiveness as imagined by humans.
From his perspective you are just as much a pretender as you imagine him to be.
The answer appears to be yes, although the shift is not as dramatic as some imagine.
But our leadership class has just received a shock: They have become aware that their consensus isn't as widely shared as they imagined.
But the prognosis is nowhere near as bad as she imagined.
Then there's about 20 % of the population that are $ e xu al maniacs who think they have to have $ ex with something... and they usually line up for the prison trans gen der that does it for books of stamps (prison currency) as they imagine that they're with a female.
Their writings remind us that the problems we face are not nearly as original or intractable as we imagine.
It should be possible, as imagined, for such a thing to release control of said universe and allow it to expand and develop on its own.
If we find out what they think first - hand, we might find they're not as scary as we imagined.
It is an axiom of organismic cosmology that no one is an island; even in our estrangement from others and from the cosmos (as imagined perhaps along the lines of dualism and cosmic pessimism) we are still being influenced inevitably by the totality of which we are a part.
This implies that the «basic conditions» for which the initial aim indicates the best possibility of synthesis are themselves involved only as imagined, and so with «abruptness» and not with the complete concreteness of their real essences (SMW 170 - 171).
I would not have tried giving them to visitors however, as I imagine I would have found bits of sneakily discarded brownies in various hiding places after my guests had departed!
I've been looking forward to cooking this dish all week, and wow, it was as yummy as I imagined it to be.
They turned out really well, as I imagined from watching the video.
I hope it was every bit as fun as I imagine it would be!
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