Sentences with phrase «as impact child»

Additionally, the court must assess each party's character, fitness, and attitude as they impact the child.
In determining custody, the family court «must consider the character, fitness, attitude, and inclinations on the part of each parent as they impact the child [ren].»
It may restrict your travel to other countries, limit job opportunities as well as impact child custody and immigration decisions.
«But I see my fellow principals in my former district really struggling with NCLB as it impacts children and teachers.»
The fire and smoke damage extended to at least five other apartments, as well as impacting the children who lived in her apartment.
Videotapes we recommend related to divorce mediation or concerning divorce's challenges, especially as they impact children.

Not exact matches

He said having shelters in Massachusetts would have no impact on town budgets and when an immigrant child moves into a community, he said, «it's just as if your cousin moved to town.»
She's released a series of workout DVDs such as Bodyshred and Body Revolution, authored a handful of bestselling books about weight loss, and in 2014 launched a women's and children's activewear brand called Impact.
Whatever side of the fence you fall on about Pokémon Go's merits as a children's game, you can't argue its impact on local businesses and marketing.
And paying for time off isn't the only part of the process of course — there's also the impact of the policy on other benefits like health care as children are added.
In addition to its corporate diversity, Alphabet Inc. ranked strongly for worker pay and benefits, including a flexible paid time off policy, and a strong 401 (k) savings program, and for its supply chain impact (the company has committed to reasonable worker hours, and to policies such as no forced or child labor).
There are worrying social impacts downstream as a result of these factors: a lowered marriage rate, more adult children cohabiting with their parents, a reduction in the birthrate, and young people holding off on major life events such as starting relationships or home ownership.
Instead of giving toys or clothes for birthdays, holidays, or other occasions, ask loved ones to make a gift this way, as it can make a more lasting impact on a child's life.
The New York Times recently highlighted the long - term impact difficult schedules can have on family wellness, in an article called: «A growing body of research suggests that a child's language and problem - solving skills may suffer as a result of their parents» problematic schedules, and that they may be more likely than other children to smoke and drink when they're older.»
Even if you're a stay - at - home parent without an income, your family would feel the financial impact of your absence because the contributions you made, such as child care, would have to be outsourced.
As long as you (as the parent) are the account owner and your child is a dependent, the savings in a 529 will have a much lower impact on financial aid for higher education than a different type of account opened in your child's namAs long as you (as the parent) are the account owner and your child is a dependent, the savings in a 529 will have a much lower impact on financial aid for higher education than a different type of account opened in your child's namas you (as the parent) are the account owner and your child is a dependent, the savings in a 529 will have a much lower impact on financial aid for higher education than a different type of account opened in your child's namas the parent) are the account owner and your child is a dependent, the savings in a 529 will have a much lower impact on financial aid for higher education than a different type of account opened in your child's name.
I hope this is not too political — but I would appreciate knowing how you find optimism in what I view as a dire future for my adult children and grandson — even if it doesn't really impact me.
What is the impact on the women who serve as surrogates and on the children who are born from surrogacy?»
«The roothas been sociological factors — as family breakdown has increased and children are split between their mothers and fathers at weekends, regular Church attendance is less consistent and is having an impact.
We joined an abusive, (house / semi-communal) «Bible» church primarily because it seemed to provide what we desperately felt we needed at that time, as a young couple, expecting our first child: Stability, Clarity of belief, «Coolness», Community, and a sense that we were joining something that promised it was going to have a great impact on the culture in the future, and we were thus getting in on the «bottom floor.»
Some traumatic thing may have happened to you as a child, but the impact is still felt today.
There is no way Ms. Kelly could have felt that the main topic had no impact on her as a woman — even if she planned never to have children, the fact that she was a career woman did make this about her in a way that it simply was not about the two men.
These trends are particularly important because they impact the quality and stability of children's family lives, as the figure below indicates.
To put the point another way, if 9/11 drove to church for weeks on end millions of Americans who had not darkened that doorstep in years — as it did — imagine the even deeper impact on ordinary mothers and fathers of a sick child or the similarly powerful desire of a devoted spouse on the brink of losing the other.
There's three general categorizations of how children / siblings tend to be impacted by the abusive relationship, and affected as adults.
Through their associated non-profit, Sudara Freedom Fund, they have an even greater impact on the lives of women and children in India by equipping even more women and their children with education and housing and micro-loans — tools needed to build and sustain a new life such as the Sunetha Home, supporting long - term, systemic change by directly addressing issues that lead to generational sex work.
Isaiah's comparisons of God's love with that of a mother (49:15; 66:13), Jesus» longing to protect Jerusalem's children as a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings (Luke 13:34), the impact of the prodigal son's return on the father — all these took on new meaning.
It is fear, it is torture, it is the impact on the family, it is the loss of work and income, it is the tragedy that affects children when they see the violence used in taking their father away and demolishing him as a person, it is the amazing deterioration of life's possibilities, it is losing one's dreams to become a professional and independent person or becoming someone who could participate more actively in democracy.»
Beth Redman remembers a moment growing up in church which further emphasises this: «When I was very young I saw a song on the overhead was written by a married couple [Noel and Tricia Richards] and something about that really impacted me... Even as a young child I knew God was speaking to me that one day I would do that with my husband too.»
While I appreciate Cessario's discussion of the dilemma facing Pope Pius IX, torn between his religious obligation to raise the child as a Catholic and the humanitarian plight of the child's parents, Cessario seems more interested in the PR impact of the event than in the parents» loss of their child.
Everyone experiences trauma, however it's coping alone as a child which yields a negative impact.
As consumers grow more concerned about the potentially negative health impacts of artificial food dyes — specifically allergic reactions and hyperactivity in children — the food industry as a whole is moving away from these kinds of productAs consumers grow more concerned about the potentially negative health impacts of artificial food dyes — specifically allergic reactions and hyperactivity in children — the food industry as a whole is moving away from these kinds of productas a whole is moving away from these kinds of products.
The cocoa commodity market is rife with poverty and human rights abuses, including child slavery, as well as environmental impacts such as rainforest destruction.
Family meals eaten at home have been proven to benefit the health and wellness of children and adolescents, to fight obesity, substance abuse and to make families stronger — creating a positive impact on our communities and our nation as a whole.
She says their next steps for these families is to assess and address the emotional and physical needs now that the children are back in school as the parents start to fully process the impact of the fires.
But it isn't generally what the woman experiences at the birth of a child that impacts a couple so much as the whole pregnancy and postpartum period.
«Paul Tough's «How Children Succeed» is an extraordinarily thoughtful book that had a profound impact on me as both a parent and a policy maker.
Even if you are anti-choice — as those who marched on Washington this past week are — this should still be disturbing as the rule will impact organizations fighting such things as AIDS and malaria — maybe even human trafficking — while also providing for maternal and child health across the globe.
Communicate any changes in schedule, such as guests coming to your home or shopping that must be done, especially if it will impact that time you usually spend with your child.
As parents, our choices can have a significant impact on our children, especially when they are small (less so as they get olderAs parents, our choices can have a significant impact on our children, especially when they are small (less so as they get olderas they get older).
What the studies can't capture is that personal choice and gratification in choosing to breastfeed or be at home with your children has a significant impact on the well - being of the family as well.
For those of us who devote our lives to keeping sports active children safe, impact sensors have the potential to provide staunch opponents of collision sports such as football a chance to reconsider whether they can be made safer by solving one of the most pressing and chronic problems in concussion safety: the chronic underreporting of concussion by athletes; what a new report from the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council calls a «culture of resistance.»
It's important to remember when visiting a place like India that your attitude as a parent will severely impact your children's view of the country.
As I've written before, there's been some research on divorced men, but they tend to focus on men who have children and what happens to their relationship with their kids post-divorce, but mostly on how it the loss of contact negatively impacts the children.
• Long - term negative impact on children of fathers» depression may, as with depressed mothers, relate to chronicity: i.e. depressed new parents may continue to be depressed or function negatively in some manner in the longer term (Ramchandani et al, 2008), an hypothesis supported by Cox et al (1987) who found adverse mother - child interaction patterns continuing beyond the period of depression.
Britax has just released a new car seat that keeps children in a five - point harness longer, as well as converts into a booster, including side impact protection that doubles as a nice resting place for sleepy heads.
As I had more children, and my career unfolded, I pursued various avenues of research related to breastfeeding and weaning, and the impact of La Leche League has only grown.
As a parent who's involved, you have a huge opportunity to influence your child's self - esteem and mitigate the impact of your ex's abandonment.
Further, fathers» mental health had a long - term impact, leading to differences in children's social skills (such as self - control and cooperation) when the children reached fifth grade.
It is better for your child to come slowly to a stop rather than suddenly and with the tether webbing, your child does not feel the sudden impact as much since the webbing is released in stages.
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