Sentences with phrase «as in a supernova»

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This is NOT to say the resurrection did or did not happen, it is to say with Troeltsch, that the resurrection is not a «historical» fact in the sense that it is not possible for historians to consider it — just as a supernova would not be a biological or sociological «fact» because it is outside their scope, don't mean novae don't happen!
The universe itself, as described by science, may be seen as our Mother but it can also be a capricious Tyrant who could destroy all of us in the blink of an eye and with less effort at any moment (supernova, asteroid, etc).
Ripples in space time have already been observed when hyper - violent events, such as stars collapsing into black holes or supernova explosions, occur.
I'm reminded of some dude named Icarus... and of the term «hubris» and the phrase «pride before the fall»... McGregor was a supernova flash in the pan, and as I've said before, he's probably going to go out just as quickly.
She estimated Buso's chances of such a discovery, his first supernova, at one in 10 million or perhaps even as low as one in 100 million.
SHINE BRIGHT Supernova 1987A shone as a brilliant point of light near the Tarantula Nebula (pink cloud) in the Large Magellanic Cloud, as pictured from an observatory in Chile.
The supernova, known as SN1987A, was first seen by observers in the Southern Hemisphere in 1987 when a giant star suddenly exploded at the edge of a nearby dwarf galaxy called the Large Magellanic Cloud.
Before 1987A, astronomers thought that only puffy red stars known as red supergiants could end their lives in a supernova.
A ring of hot spots (in images from the Hubble Space Telescope) gradually lit up as a shock wave from supernova 1987A plowed through a loop of gas that had been expelled by the star tens of thousands of years before the explosion.
The colors represent the relative amounts of short - lived radioactive isotopes, such as iron - 60, injected into a newly formed protoplanetary disk (seen face on with the protostar being the light purple blob in the middle) by a supernova shock wave.
And while this structure was born in violence - a supernova is as nasty as it gets in the Universe, pretty much - and glows from violence, it's amazingly delicate - looking and wondrous.
Riess has since hunted down supernovae that exploded more than 7 billion years ago, filling in gaps: The universe first slowed down as the inward pull of matter dominated over the relatively mild outward push of dark energy.
«By introducing asymmetry into the explosion and adjusting the gas properties of the surrounding environment, we were able to reproduce a number of observed features from the real supernova such as the persistent one - sidedness in the radio images,» said Dr Toby Potter.
This should lead to tremendous advances in time - domain astronomy: studying fast - changing phenomena as they occur — black holes being born, supernovas exploding — as well as locating potentially Earth - threatening asteroids and mapping the little - understood population of objects orbiting out beyond Neptune.
This effect becomes even more apparent as the shock collides into the equatorial ring, as observed in Hubble Space Telescope images of the supernova.
After shining for many millions of years, stars end their lives, mainly, in two ways: very high mass stars die very violently as supernovae, while low mass stars end as planetary nebulae.
The most massive stars in the original cluster will have already run through their brief but brilliant lives and exploded as supernovae long ago.
The object is located in the center of a colorful cloud of material consisting of the remains of an ancient star that exploded as a massive supernova.
The star, which was 25 times as massive as our sun, should have exploded in a very bright supernova.
Penn State University astronomers have discovered that the mysterious «cosmic whistles» known as fast radio bursts can pack a serious punch, in some cases releasing a billion times more energy in gamma - rays than they do in radio waves and rivaling the stellar cataclysms known as supernovae in their explosive power.
This calcium and other heavy elements could have been created in supernova explosions, and then incorporated into new stars, but the clusters as they are today are too small to keep hold of the material violently thrown out by supernovae.
As it floats in an area of the LMC racked by the explosions of numerous supernovae in recent cosmic history, one theory was that the pattern might be caused by a set of localised ripples created when clumps of debris from an ancient supernova were hit by a blast wave from a relatively recent one.
In the failed supernova of a red supergiant, the envelope of the star is ejected and expands, producing a cold, red transient source surrounding the newly formed black hole, as illustrated by the expanding shell (left to right).
Metals (elements heavier than hydrogen and helium) are created in the interiors of stars as they evolve and then released into surrounding gas through supernova explosions or stellar winds (often referred to as chemical evolution).
Stars exploding as supernovae are the main sources of heavy chemical elements in the Universe.
A type Ia supernova that exploded when the universe was half its present size is about one ten - billionth as bright as Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.
The vast distances to the galaxies and thick shrouds of dust blocked a view of the inevitable climax: supernovas exploding in rapid succession as each generation of giant stars dies out.
This awkward status as cosmic in - betweener means brown dwarfs are often overshadowed by their flashier counterparts, such as alien worlds or fiery supernovae.
Gas and dust in space can have an impact on the brightness of standard candles — objects with known brightness such as type 1a supernovas and some variable stars
DAZZLING in its brightness, a rare type of star's first outburst in 2009 was soon dismissed as the tantrum of a supernova impostor.
When the bubbling of the gas becomes sufficiently powerful, the supernova explosion sets in as if the lid of the pot were blown off.
FLASH OF LIGHT Type 1a supernovas, such as the one seen in this Hubble Space Telescope image, can be triggered in at least two different ways, new research shows.
Young supernova remnants such as Cassiopeia A are among the most beautiful objects in the X-ray sky.
Four images of the same supernova flashed in the constellation Leo as its light bent around a galaxy sitting about 6 billion light - years away between Hubble and the exploding star, researchers report in the March 6 Science.
Jon Mauerhan at the Steward Observatory in Tucson, Arizona, cites brightening on 26 September and material shooting out at 13,000 kilometres per second as sure - fire signs that SN 2009ip truly went supernova (
When a massive star dies, it explodes as a supernova, which includes a short burst of visible light, as in this illustration.
Observations of type 1a supernovas imply a faster expansion rate (known as the Hubble constant) than studies of the cosmic microwave background — light that originated early in cosmic history (SN: 8/6/2016, p. 10).
As part of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Maryland, he leads one of the world's few groups looking for the reverberations of ancient supernovas — those whose light hit Earth thousands of years ago.
Studies using type 1a supernovas as «standard candles» to measure how fast the universe expands (the Hubble constant) produce a result in conflict with other data used to infer the cosmic growth rate.
The process could be used to detect supernovas as well — if a supernova explodes nearby, scientists could spot its neutrinos scattering off nuclei in their detectors.
Rest fell in love with supernovas by accident, as a young researcher at the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.
The highest energy gamma rays originate in the graveyards of big stars, such as the spinning pulsar remnants of supernovae.
Rather, they analyzed microscopic silicon carbide, SiC, dust grains that formed in supernovae more than 4.6 billion years ago and were trapped in meteorites as our Solar System formed from the ashes of the galaxy's previous generations of stars.
But some astronomers wonder if distant supernovae appear dimmer than expected because supernovae in the past were not as bright as they are now.
In that case, faraway supernovas (which we see as they were billions of years ago, when the growth was more rapid) would have accumulated redshift more quickly relative to their distance than nearby ones.
Last April astronomical detectives announced a break: An orbiting X-ray observatory picked up the chemical fingerprints of several elements in a burst's afterglow, identifying the object as an unusual type of supernova — the detonation of a massive, dying star.
A shock wave from that collapse will speed outward, violently expelling the star's outer layers in a massive explosion known as a supernova.
The supernova was discovered in July 1992 by Roberto Antezana of the University of Chile as part of a search being conducted there and at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile.
The results, presented April 15 at a conference in Geneva, may force scientists to rethink theories that focus on supernovas as the producers of these speedy particles.
It is the energy released in this collision that causes the rapid brightening we see as a supernova.
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