Sentences with phrase «as infants in»

It said, among other things: «Charles Sturt University's Linda Harrison told The Australian the analysis was based on a longitudinal study of 5000 Australian children recruited as infants in 2004.
You have to remember, dogs, cats, and other household pets should be regarded as infants in some ways.
Prior to this report, such treatment was only recommended with risk of preterm delivery before 34 weeks of gestation, as infants in the late preterm period were thought to be at little, if any, increased risk of complications.
I had to deal with you on the merely natural plane, as infants in Christ.
According to 2009's «The Little Book of Curses and Maledictions for Everyday Use,» by Dawn Rae Downton, the actor who played Superman as an infant in the 1978 film, Lee Quigley, died at age 14 from inhalant abuse.
He said Rubio was baptized as an infant in the Catholic church, but when they formally joined the Mormon church, Rubio was again baptized.
No such thing as an infant in the womb (I'm 38 weeks pregnant with a FETUS right now).
While hospital - grade pumps should still be available to customers with a documented clinical «need» for them — such as an infant in the NICU — the idea that a breast pump is a discretionary item for new mothers, and that «access» to medical equipment is something an insurance company can toggle up or down to suit its bottom line, is dangerous.
Smith moved from Germany to South Orange, New Jersey as an infant in 1955.

Not exact matches

A similar trend likely exists in human fathers, to the point some researchers think elevated levels of vasopressin in dads helps explain why they tend to be more tactile and stimulatory with infants as opposed to soothing and comforting (as is more typical with moms).
With its state license for 116 students; lucrative tuition subsidies for single parents, available from North Carolina's Child Care Resources program; and expertise with children, from infants to after - schoolers (up to age 12), this business could advance as quickly as a 2 - year - old — if placed in the care of a growth - minded new owner.
As Dan Mangan reports for CNBC, «despite spending well in excess of the rate of any other of those countries in 2013, the United States achieved worse outcomes when it comes to rates of chronic conditions, obesity and infant mortality.»
As expert Jessica Shortall pointed out in her excellent piece for «The Atlantic», we do a better job of legislating protections for newborn kittens and puppies than we do for human infants.
Volume / mix declined 0.8 percentage points primarily due to lower shipments in infant nutrition in the UK and Italy as well as soup in the UK, partially offset by growth in beans in the UK as well as condiments and sauces across Europe.
In the years after stabilization, Bolivia enjoyed a restoration of economic growth, low inflation, democratic governance, and improvements in social indicators [3] such as life expectancy and infant mortalitIn the years after stabilization, Bolivia enjoyed a restoration of economic growth, low inflation, democratic governance, and improvements in social indicators [3] such as life expectancy and infant mortalitin social indicators [3] such as life expectancy and infant mortality.
Many businesses that are in the infant stages of marketing themselves choose to use advertising as a supplement to longer - term marketing tactics.
Before anyone starts trolling me: I am wealthier / more privileged than most; aristocratic background; LOVE children but have none of my own; can easily afford First Class, but just as often choose to sit in PREMIUM ECONOMY (and a screaming infant is just as annoying in the back of the plane as it is up front!)
However, in light of recent high - profile food scandals — such as exploding watermelons and melamine - tainted infant formula — there is understandably a lot of public opposition and mistrust towards «freaky» GM foods and China's agri - chem / agricultural technology sectors in general.
Its product suite addresses the entire human life - cycle, from infancy to old age, and comprises ingredients in products ranging from infant formula to nutritional supplements, as well as branded medical foods, sold only under a doctor's supervision.
With the decrease in infant and childhood mortality and the extension of life expectancy by modern medical technology; perhaps the unitive function of genital sexuality will begin to be valued as much as or more than the procreative function.
As a country we have the highest infant mortality rate in ALL the developed countries.
The last act of decency that was in Walt's power was to renounce his infant daughter and play the monster he had become on a phone call he knew the police were overhearing, so as to exculpate his wife Skyler from her cooperation in his schemes.
When in ancient times did we have an infant mortality rate as low as we have today?
I have a young daughter that has been in the church even as an infant and taught by both the church and ourselves to believe in God and Jesus Christ but ultimately it has to come from within her heart.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
We become ourselves, as infants, by learning to love and to speak, and we have language in particular as a gift from other people.
In Advent, as we prepare again to welcome the infant Christ, we are reminded of purgation, our need to repent and be cleansed.
In the guise of a tiny baby in its mother's arms, obeying the great laws of birth and infancy, you came, Lord Jesus, to dwell in my infant - soul; and then, as you re-enacted in me — and in so doing extended the range of — your growth through the Church, that same humanity which once was born and dwelt in Palestine began now to spread out gradually everywhere like an iridescence of unnumbered hues through which, without destroying anything, your presence penetrated — and endued with supervitality — every other presence about mIn the guise of a tiny baby in its mother's arms, obeying the great laws of birth and infancy, you came, Lord Jesus, to dwell in my infant - soul; and then, as you re-enacted in me — and in so doing extended the range of — your growth through the Church, that same humanity which once was born and dwelt in Palestine began now to spread out gradually everywhere like an iridescence of unnumbered hues through which, without destroying anything, your presence penetrated — and endued with supervitality — every other presence about min its mother's arms, obeying the great laws of birth and infancy, you came, Lord Jesus, to dwell in my infant - soul; and then, as you re-enacted in me — and in so doing extended the range of — your growth through the Church, that same humanity which once was born and dwelt in Palestine began now to spread out gradually everywhere like an iridescence of unnumbered hues through which, without destroying anything, your presence penetrated — and endued with supervitality — every other presence about min my infant - soul; and then, as you re-enacted in me — and in so doing extended the range of — your growth through the Church, that same humanity which once was born and dwelt in Palestine began now to spread out gradually everywhere like an iridescence of unnumbered hues through which, without destroying anything, your presence penetrated — and endued with supervitality — every other presence about min me — and in so doing extended the range of — your growth through the Church, that same humanity which once was born and dwelt in Palestine began now to spread out gradually everywhere like an iridescence of unnumbered hues through which, without destroying anything, your presence penetrated — and endued with supervitality — every other presence about min so doing extended the range of — your growth through the Church, that same humanity which once was born and dwelt in Palestine began now to spread out gradually everywhere like an iridescence of unnumbered hues through which, without destroying anything, your presence penetrated — and endued with supervitality — every other presence about min Palestine began now to spread out gradually everywhere like an iridescence of unnumbered hues through which, without destroying anything, your presence penetrated — and endued with supervitality — every other presence about me.
They offer the warmth and intimacy that many recall knowing as infants with their mothers; they offer the authority and value strength many can remember honoring in their fathers.
While a baptismal service was in progress, he arose to dispute the practice of infant baptism as un-Biblical and proceeded to take each point from the pastor's sermon and to answer it with Baptist views.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, writing from prison shortly before his death, addressed his godson, Dietrich Bethge, on the occasion of the infant's baptism, which he could not witness: «Music, as your parents understand and practice it, will help to dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibility, and in times of care and sorrow will keep a ground - base of joy alive in you.
``... as it is certainly in the power of a mother to give strong food to her infant, but the child is not yet able to receive more substantial nourishment; so it was possible for God to have made man perfect from the first, but man could not receive this [perfection], being as yet an infant.
Jensen links this rejuvenation of Lazarus to other images, such as the depiction of Jesus as a child in the baptism by John in the Jordan, or Adam and Eve portrayed as infants at the moment of creation.
The wisemen's recognition of kingship in a powerless infant, the angels» choice of humble shepherds to whom to announce the news, Jesus» birth as an outcast in a stable — all these point to a very different kind of king, to a power and truth that transcend worldly power and the socially acceptable status quo.
He might easily have come to us in His immortal glory, but in that case we could never have endured the greatness of the glory; and therefore it was that He, who was the perfect bread of the Father, offered Himself to us as milk, as to infants.
(See Melinda Gates» TED Talk on the role of contraception in curbing maternal and infant mortality as well as abortion.)
The well - fed, gurgling infant in his crib looks as if he had everything he wanted.
With respect, that you see removing a non-sentient embryo / fetus as comparable to the drowning / hacking to death of sentient children / infants suggests a lack of reasonable empathy (perhaps you don't have children and have never felt the helplessness in watching them suffer through pain?).
After God drowned almost the whole human race in the flood, including babies, infants, etc., murdering the first - born in Egypt just to make a point, citing the Bible as rationale to ban abortion is irrational.
Tom Tom The Amalekites worshipers of Baal thought they were doing right by offering infants into the red hot brass arms of their fertility God as they gyrated in mass orgy.
These conditions are not always associated with evil; indeed, they are sometimes necessary, as in the pain of childbirth, the separation of mother and child, the helplessness of an infant.
Yes, we have run frantically back and forth between the gods of the «up and out» and the «down and in,» like Hagar searching desperately for water among the hills of Mecca, even as the infant Ishmael's kicking heels opened the clear - flowing spring of Zamzam in the sands of the valley.
Scripture repeatedly describes baptism as occurring in conjunction with repentance, and I see absolutely no evidence that Jesus, the apostles, or members of the early church engaged in infant baptism.
Even though my store is in its infant stages, I'm excited about its potential as well as the new items I'll be able to offer.
At issue is Obama's opposition to Illinois legislation in 2001, 2002 and 2003 that would have defined any aborted fetus that showed signs of life as a «born alive infant» entitled to legal protection, even if doctors believe it could not survive.
First, David could be saying that since he was born as a human, he learned to sin, in the same way that infants and toddlers learn to talk.
So far as I know every science in its infant days has put its principal attention upon what seemed most strikingly different from the commonplace.
Biblical literalism is a powerful force today; it tends to imprison people in attitudes that were suitable enough when science and technology were little dreamt of but which fail to illuminate a society in which, for instance, it is desirable, because of the effects of modern hygiene on death rates, for women to bear, on the average, perhaps a third as many infants as were appropriate two or three thousand or even two hundred years ago, a society in which war might mean something like the end of the species, or at least vastly closer to that than any war of the past could be.
The prototaxic mode describes the manner in which an infant first encounters experience as a random blurring of stimuli, disconnected and without logic or reason.
As participants in the essential sin spread to them by the semen of the father, infants dying prior to baptism are condemned.
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