Sentences with phrase «as inferior»

Even though the popularity of certain mediums can be cyclical, painting is not seen as an inferior medium in contemporary art anymore.
Dairy - free ingredients are beautiful, delicious and sumptuous in their own right, and shouldn't be viewed as inferior to their dairy counterparts.
The protein found in many plants, vegetables, and grains such as rice, hemp, and pea is often thought of as inferior to animal proteins.
Why is it taking the world so long to stop seeing women as the inferior gender?
The strong can not survive without the weak, but the weak must not be regarded as inferior without their own proper work.
Whether due to physiological reasons, work, an intentional decision or not, formula feeding is perceived as an inferior path, as a lack of dedication to one's baby.
Someone who goes around treating other people as inferior to them.
Often considered as inferior to visual flair by developers, quality audio design is just as important to delivering an engaging virtual experience.
As a result, it's in danger of being dismissed as the inferior, forgettable sibling.
I didn't want to have the 3DS port looked at as inferior.
It is safe to use but essential to buy top quality salmon oil as inferior substitutes can have high levels of toxins that can do more harm than good.
Other manufacturers don't want their products to be seen as inferior so they follow this pricing lead.
In the beginning digital camera images were seen as inferior low resolution.
It could be the best tablet in the world, but with looks like this, it's going to get judged as inferior long before anyone actually manages to buy one.
The situation will worsen as lower revenue mean further editorial staff cuts and lower quality as inferior computer generated enhancements replace human intervention.
But it never occurred to me to think of our hosts as inferior.
Social conditions no longer encourage a special marker to rank the one addressed as inferior or equal.
That's a big problem about religion, people are so convinced that their «truth» is more true than everyone else's that they treat other religions as inferior.
The key word there is good, as an inferior stroller will only make your day harder and, let's be honest, more swear - filled.
As an inferior white boy, with a useless, tiny, penis, but a powerful, active tongue for the Ladies.
Whilst the idea is intriguing, the ambitious feature fails to emulate the emotion of the modern sci - fi classic, instead appearing as an inferior copy.
Hiring managers don't see online degrees as inferior to traditional ones.
This is because professor is going consider your essay as inferior in quality.
But, despite all that, and despite some really impressive gameplay enhancements, it somehow comes out as the inferior game.
We want to stop being treated as inferior, and that isn't going to happen if we sit in the corner or hide.
While green cleaning products once occupied a small market segment and were viewed as inferior to their traditional counterparts, demand is shifting in favor of more natural options.
In truth, society at large has always treated women as inferior.
Local writers without some Western seal of approval are automatically perceived as inferior.
This is different from a regular bank loan because credit and job history are considered as inferior to the amount of home equity.
Mixed bred dogs are seen as inferior and since no one is interested, most of these are rounded up and die in an animal shelter.
98 Citing the essayist Louis Menand, O'Connell and Kowal go so far as to describe writing as an inferior form of communication, precisely because it lacks the disfluencies that mark our speech.99 To them, writing is a hieroglyph, while speaking is «a symphony.»
At the same time, superstitions make cats out to treat humans as inferior or as servants.
This will forever mark Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition as an inferior version of the game, as all of its counterparts will be getting the feature in the future.
Ok people let's use this same pathetic logic against African Americans and women, they were both view as inferior by prejudice bigots similar to Bob.
If you say you «love your neighbor and rob his home — you lie»... or «if you say you love God but treat another person as inferior due to their race — you lie» — and this is where we see what Jesus is teaching compared to what our churches are now teaching — «follow me» is an action.
To read it literally is to believe in a three - tiered universe, to condone slavery, to treat women as inferior creatures, to believe that sickness is caused by God's punishment and that mental disease and epilepsy are caused by demonic possession.
Oka and her twelve guests discussed the racist mechanisms perpetuating the black body as inferior while the audience watched and listened.
The music, which might be described as inferior Mozart, was not bad, though it had nothing whatever in common with the script and the staging.
«For the most part, women were also looked down on as inferior beings.
A new study by MIT neuroscientists reveals how the brain achieves this type of focused attention on faces or other objects: A part of the prefrontal cortex known as the inferior frontal junction (IFJ) controls visual processing areas that are tuned to recognize a specific category of objects, the researchers report in the April 10 online edition of Science.
Monetary easing only provokes yield - seeking speculation when low - interest money is viewed as an inferior asset.
Let's see, I could find a religion that has a long history of treating blacks as inferiors and cursed.
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