Sentences with phrase «as institutions seek»

In this opinion piece, Biggs argues that the bitcoin community has become complacent in its quest for financial change, standing by as institutions seek to stamp out its revolutionary impulses.
That's useful to bear in mind as institutions seek to innovate.

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Bitcoin partisans, from developers down to rank - and - file users, often seem to revel in the idea that they are threatening the control and profits of Wall Street institutions, who they see as rent - seeking fat cats.
In the last decade, the Bush Administration, seeking a Trojan Horse to privatize Social Security in the United States, applauded Chile's disastrous privatization of pension accounts (turning many over to US financial institutions) even as that nation's voters rejected the Pinochetistas largely out of anger at the vast pension rip - off by high finance.
Executives of banks and other financial institutions of all sizes have grown to rely on International Banker magazine's cover stories and featured articles for inspiration as they seek to challenge themselves to take a fresh and objective look at their businesses, to «think outside of the box», to consider new ideas and angles.
In the years immediately following these problems, credit outstanding grew more slowly than nominal GDP and, in a number of countries, fell in absolute terms as businesses and financial institutions sought to correct the excessive debt positions built up during the 1980s.
For centuries, the Church's credibility as an institution that seeks truth has been called into question due to the error of theologians who mistook phenomenological language in Scripture for ontological language.
«As we press forward, despite the challenges and hard conversations that are taking place at Moody, our executive team and the Board of Trustees are unified in our love for the Lord and this great institution, the pursuit of truth, and seeking reconciliation where possible,» they wrote.
And when we are at a loss against the hypocrisy and the casual violence of certain individuals and institutions, we will, as per Chief Jim Hopper, punch some people in the face when they seek to destroy the weak and the disenfranchised and the marginalized.
«The event, the fourth of its kind, seeks to raise global awareness and create a forum for collaboration around the wide array of powerful and promising cell therapies, gene therapies, and immunotherapies emerging from medical institutions around the world, as well as the impact new technology will have on humanity and society,» a press release by the Cure Foundation explains (h / t Christian Post).
They can not be free institutions unless all the opposing parties reach an agreement — unless there is not one person left who seeks revenge, not one person who sees the institution as a powerful machine that rides roughshod over him.
It stands to reason that this institution would seek to justify itself by depicting God as a vicious cosmic despot.
Marx rarely misses the opportunity to vent his sarcasm at the self - seeking of the religious institutions as when he notes in Capital that «the English Established Church... will more readily pardon an attack on 38 of its 39 articles than on 1/39 of its income.
Of course, some patients may avoid this dilemma by remaining outside a medically dominated institution, or by seeking a setting, such as a hospice, where medical authority is secondary.
«We will continue to stand united with brother bishops, religious institutions, and individual citizens who seek redress in the courts for as long as this is necessary.»
They should seek to have incorporated into American practices and institutions such principles of the Jewish religion as the following: 1.
Our churches serve her and others like her best if they seek to reclaim «Christian marriage» as an institution into which we enter but whose terms we do not define.
And I am sorry, and humbly repent, for all that I have done and all that I have left undone as my sisters and fellow sojourners seek equality while I glide through denominational structures, powers, hierarchies and institutions with an ease that I truly should not.»
In this context Hans Urs Von Balthasar observed that since the Council the Church has become more than ever a male institution, which without the Marian dimension threatens to become inhuman and irrelevant.9 It is essential that we rediscover the feminine, Marian dimension of the Church because viewing the Church as a mere organisational or institutional entity not only impoverishes her from within but also «severely diminishes her authentic religious appeal and misleads women who are seeking a legitimate and fruitful role».10 The loss of this feminine dimension of the Church gives rise to a false feminism in the Church - one which expresses itself in appeals for the ordination of woman.
They seek to heal the psychological wounds of women caused by our sexist society, and (as an essential part of this healing) to empower them to work together to eliminate the collective growth - constriction of all women by all our social systems and institutions.
It seeks to serve as a middle institution between the denominations, the theological schools, and the local inner - city situation.
One aspect of the problem is administration; particularly in institutions of higher learning, treatment of various departments and their faculties is as discrete, isolated substances, seeking their own competing self interests, that need to be balanced, instead of a community of common inquiry embarked on the quest for a common vision.
Though the HHS mandate represents an expansion of government power into the heart of many religious institutions, efforts to resist this expansion were portrayed by HHS Secretary Sebelius as a «war against women,» a label that has stuck and a narrative that the Democratic party during its Convention sought to make a dominant theme of the campaign» it would seem, with considerable success.
In these texts, King defined the black freedom movement as seeking to redeem the soul of America and to liberate its political and religious institutions from the cancer of racism.
Such a community — or communion — is a human institution; but it is more than that, for it was established by the will and purpose of God, is sustained by the Holy Spirit, and seeks to exalt Christ «as the incarnate Word of God to the lordship of all human life.»
John warns those who seek safety in the old order, in the comfort of conventional standards and institutions, «Do not begin to say to yourselves, «We have Abraham as our father.
They seek «excellence» as defined by the same standards as secular institutions.
Turning first to the Asian values claims, I offer a four-fold critique of the these culture - based claims: first, I will briefly address the Asian values claim on a substantive level; second, I will address a related cultural prerequisites argument which seeks to disqualify some societies from realization of democracy and human rights; third, I will consider claims made on behalf of community or communitarian values in the East Asian context; and fourth, a recent shift to concern with institutions and their role in social transformation will be considered as a prelude to the constitutionalist argument addressed in the second half of this essay.
The Fourth Republic Parliament has been seeking to re-establish its role as a key public institution.
The People's Forum - Ghana in the recent past has done some works to protect the sanctity of our State institutions such as The Bank of Ghana (BoG) and the Statistical Service of Ghana (SSG) from the effect of the works of political speculators who sought to cast doubts on the efforts of our hard working professionals, only for the purpose of gaining political advantage.
The legislation seeks to increase the criminal and civil statutes of limitations, remove special protections for public institutions that have acted as a shield against liability and create a one - year look - back window to allow survivors over the age of 23 to seek retrospective civil relief.
In addition to increasing the statute of limitations, the CVA would also remove special protections for public institutions that have acted as a shield against liability and create a one - year look - back window to allow survivors over the age of 23 to seek retrospective civil relief.
Executive Secretary of the commission, Prof Abubakar Adamu Rasheed said as at now, only about 20 % of applicants seeking university education actually get placements in the existent institutions.
The Trump administration, and the President, have also sought to pivot the label «fake news» from referring to largely fabricated reports describing fantastical and untrue events which veer often into paranoid, anti-authority conspiracy theory to a more insidious label applied to the press corps as a whole; but also specifically any press institution classed as critical of the Trump administration.
Sammi contends that, political parties, just as any other institution, should continuously seek to enhance their capacity in response to changing circumstances.
But the mayor noted that seeking additional revenue from valuable property owners in Albany such as Albany Medical Center or imposing student fees at local higher - education institutions would likely result in those entities or groups clamoring for the state to either block the local efforts or pick up the costs.
The Umar Musa Yar» Adua University in Katsina has fixed 170 as its cut - off mark for candidates seeking admission into the institution.
Our long experience with educating mathematical ecology students provides some lessons that are likely to be useful to potential students who wish to compare training opportunities, as well as for young independent researchers who are seeking an institution with which to affiliate themselves in order to develop their own interdisciplinary research and training programs.
As you research, seek student organizations, including postdoc clubs or committees at your own institution.
Much of the advice should apply to those seeking jobs at other types of undergraduate - serving institutions as well.
Institutions that conduct research with animals have been targeted by groups such as the Animal Liberation Front, for example, and institutions that do defense - related studies may need to increase staff awareness of those who might seek access to restricted materials or Institutions that conduct research with animals have been targeted by groups such as the Animal Liberation Front, for example, and institutions that do defense - related studies may need to increase staff awareness of those who might seek access to restricted materials or institutions that do defense - related studies may need to increase staff awareness of those who might seek access to restricted materials or information.
They were determined to stay together, seeking faculty positions in the same city, even the same institution, and they started a family just as they began searching for jobs.
Most institutions responding to the survey expect the number of students seeking postgraduate study in England to plateau or even decline as a result of the high undergraduate fees introduced in recent years and increasing global competitiveness.
Members of this Working Group aim to steer the development of research on RD in developing countries, by transferring and sharing scientific expertise, models and best practices as well as by seeking contacts with Universities, scientific associations, institutions and patient organizations.
As such the Centre seeks donations from a wide variety of organisations with an interest in the accurate reporting of science in the mass media, including scientific institutions, science - based companies, charities, media organisations and government.
As such, he has been sought out to consult with multiple companies, academic institutions, and wellness organizations.
As experts in financing solutions, we seek mortgage options from 16 banks and financial institutions in Singapore Frequency about 1 post per week Since Aug 2015 Website / blog + Follow Facebook fans - 3,052.
What advice can you offer women seeking to break into the highly competitive film industry, as well as a world - renowned institution like National Geographic?
Radical feminists view society as fundamentally a patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress women, and seek to abolish the patriarchy in order to liberate everyone from an unjust society by challenging existing social norms and institutions.
We're really in the home stretch of the Democratic primaries now, as the last few territories and the last eight states will all be voting in the upcoming Hippies definition, a person, especially of the late 1960s, who rejected established institutions and values and sought spontaneity, direct personal
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