Sentences with phrase «as irregular menstruation»

Its major uses are for female related conditions such as irregular menstruation, PMS, and dysmenorrheal.
Also, an erratic menstrual cycle which keeps shifting is considered as irregular menstruation.

Not exact matches

A: Some causes of vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse, such as dryness due to menopause or irregular menstruation, are not serious and can be easily treated with topical hormone creams and / or contraceptives.
So, especially in women, men have their own host of issues when it comes to hormonal imbalance, but women, because our hormones are cycling and going through different phases all month long, we're more susceptible to problems with proper hormone regulation, especially in the face of female endocrine disorders such as PMS, PMDD, PCOS, all of the acronyms, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, and just dysmenorrhea, so painful and heavy menstruation, or irregular cycles.
High levels of stress can lead to irregular menstruation as it leads to hormonal imbalances.
As you probably know, BCPs are prescribed, mostly off label, for acne, hirsutism, painful periods (dysmenorrhea, including endometriosis), irregular menstruation, heavy periods (menorrhagia), reduction in risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, and improvement in premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD).
Hi... For a while now I've been reading about the effects of hormonal imbalance in the physical appearance or physique in general... What I'm really concerned about is my broad shoulder which come off too manly and instead of the feminine shape like a normal girl would have... I ofen get insecure because I can not wear the clothes I want because my shape seem to be too masculine for the attire (as it appears as an inverted triangle rather than an hour glass)... and just recently I checked with my doctor about my irregular menstruation to where she said that I'm having imbalances in my hormones... having too much estrogen than progesterone... Is it possible that my masculine appearance could be attributed to the said hormonal imbalance???....
Presenting Problem «Undiagnosed Celiac Disease presenting as food allergies, bloating, gas, constipation, back pain, Rosacea, acne, other odd skin disruptions, irregular / heavy menstruation, PMS, depression / anxiety, forgetfulness.
Excessive exercise, such as the kind of training needed to participate in marathon running or professional dancing, can cause painful heels, shin splints, headaches, blood in the urine, irregular or stopped menstruation.
Alfalfa has a long history of use as a folk remedy in Europe, China, and India for indigestion, arthritis, bladder problems, high cholesterol, allergic rhinitis and hayfever, and irregular menstruation.
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