Sentences with phrase «as late»

His breakdown amid the variety of Roman alternatives was cured by the new Christian alternative, his intellectual doubts as a late antique philosopher were resolved by Hebrew and Christian truth, his dissatisfaction with professional advancement in Rome was rechanneled into an enthusiasm for the new society of the ecclesia.
As late arrivals on the historical scene, those systems enjoy the challenging and difficult advantage of building new social orders, rather than operating old ones.
You can see this even in so confident a writer as the late Geoffrey Hill.
As late as the 1870s when Schaff was writing, creeds were obviously important.
As late as October 2006, the journal of the British Medical Association, The Lancet, published a study conducted by researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and al - Mustansiriya University in Baghdad estimating that, since March 2003, there were some 601,027 more Iraqi deaths from violence than would have been expected without a war.
And Wilson's theory will have considerable difficulty explaining the fact that when, as late as 1960, Fontana Books published a new edition of Miracles, it included a revised version of the crucial third chapter to which Anscombe had objected.
From that group, even as late as 1900, came over 90 percent of the men of great wealth in the society.
The decision for obedience or disobedience, which, as late as the eighth century, remained primarily communal, now became primarily individual.
As late as 1948, one of them said to a staff member in the Theological Hall at Knox College in Dunedin: «All we ask is to be left alone.»
Though they want to criticize government for the sake of reforming it, the editors deny any need for basic societal restructuring.27 It was this basic trust in the American system which caused Christianity Today to accept the president's word concerning Watergate - until Cox's firing and the tapes - and to back the president concerning his role in Vietnam as late as May 1972:
As late as the first half of the twentieth century, college teachers of religion and seminary professors were often ministers who distinguished themselves by their reflectiveness and scholarly habits.
The average age of nuns is quite high and not many new young converts as late.
As late as the 1940s King George VI could still seek divine help against the enemy in World War II by calling for a national «Day of Prayer» (though the enemy was making similar appeals to the same God).
Even as late as 1937, four years after Heidegger was supposed to have withdrawn from the Nazi party, students at his own university thought it appropriate to protest Nazi denigration of Karl Jaspers by boycotting Heidegger's lectures.
As the late Francis A. Schaeffer, a popular evangelical author, asserted in A Christian Manifesto:
James is revealed as a late - Victorian gentleman, unwilling to act on his impulses, unwilling even to acknowledge them, and yet, contrary to the prevailing wisdom of the twenty - first century, a man leading a worthwhile and satisfying life.
Muslims such as the late Isma'il al - Fariqi say that in Islam God reveals only his will, not himself.
The suggestion is that the Greek word kamilos «camel» should really be kamêlos, meaning «cable, rope», as some late New Testament manuscripts have.
As the late Carlyle Marney said, «You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you flinch before it makes you free.»
In an issue of the Intercollegian as late as 1948, Paul Popenoe, author of the widely used textbook Applied Eugenics, warns readers that «too large a proportion» of children are «born in homes which can give them the worst start in every way.
Do you think there is no such thing as late term pregnancy issues?
Hartshorne inserted a couple of parenthetical comments in the paper as late as 1996 — which are included in the version published here — but the paper is essentially as Hartshorne first presented it.
As late as the 1970s, Italian immigrant communities of Pentecostals were still saying to their American counterparts «you do not know the Catholic Church» in reference to their experiences in Italy.
As the late Issac Asimov put it: The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not «Eureka» but «That's funny...»
First guy,, «you mean as late ar 2075 they believed a spirit in the sky created the universe?»
As late as the 19th century, artists like Audubon or Catlin or Bierstadt could venture into the wilderness and bring back pictures of a teeming paradise.
As late as the second century of the Christian era some Jews were still not reconciled to the canon.
As late as the nineteenth century, the Church still banned the writings of Hugo Grotius, an early defender of the sovereign state and the father of modern international law.
As late as 1931 Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes was saying that «the essence of religion is belief in a relation to God involving duties superior to those arising from any human relation.»
In 412, the Donatist church was banned by imperial edict and driven underground, though there are hints that Donatism survived as late as the time of Gregory the Great (590 - 604).
As late as the 16th century Martin Luther the «father of the Protestant Reformation» was still arguing for the books of Hebrews, James, Jude and Revelation to be dropped from the New Testament altogether because he perceived them to go against some of the doctrines he was promoting.
As late as 1674, the English scientist Robert Hooke noted that the strongest and «better reasoned grounds» for embracing the Copernican system were its «proportion and harmony.»
We try to avoid divine judgment and the anxiety it brings by refusing to think, by permitting our prepossessions to prevent the emergence of new insights, as the late Bernard Lonergan wrote.
Persian still retained its predominance as late as the period of the last Mughal emperor, when Ghalib, one of the most brilliant Urdu poets, still prided himself on his Persian odes and looked upon his Urdu poetry with shame.
He has distinguished himself as the late - night comedian who occasionally delivers Democratic talking points.
As late as David's time, when a devastating famine was blamed by the oracle on Saul's slaughter of the Gibeonites, two of Saul's sons and five of his grandsons, entirely innocent, were put to death and their bodies hung up «before Yahweh.»
Doctors and families make judgement calls in at risk pregnancies as late term abortions are outlawed.
As late as the early «60s, Altizer believed Christianity to require of us a total rejection of all that the modern world understands as reality and creativity.
As the late legal historian Kermit Hall notes, the court in this case «did not believe it was granting Catholics a benefit to which persons of other beliefs are not entitled.»
The First Church of St John, or «the community of the beloved disciple,» as the late Raymond Brown called it, seems a lot like the church around the corner when you read between the lines.
The Book of Psalms seems to have been the hymn - book of the Temple liturgy — a book, quite literally, of «hymns ancient and modern», since it contains poems of the period of the monarchy (possibly, as some believe, as old as David), and others composed as late as the third century or even (as some suppose) the second century B.C.
As late as 1893, Howe was still suggesting a Mother's Day dedicated to peace, wondering forlornly whether women might remake July 4 into such an occasion.
And, as the late Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist noted, «It is impossible to build sound doctrine upon a mistaken understanding of constitutional history.»
As late as 1790, after years of otherwise progressive thought and effort in such areas as poverty, unemployment, prisons and slavery, John Wesley could write:
The Mormon church didn't allow black people until as late as 1978.
Actually he and the Mormons believed that as late at 1978.
Reinhard Bendix's fine work From Berlin to Berkeley tells us that, even within his own family and as late as 1939, Jewish people decided to return to Germany to resume their occupational roles.
Future children could be paraded through it by guides who say «Look children, as late as 2011, many people in America still believed in Middle Eastern Bronze Age mythology.
Thus, today Easter is celebrated on different dates every year and can occur as early as March 22nd or as late as April 25th.
As late as the Reformation, Protestant churches executed heretics, including Catholics.
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