Sentences with phrase «as less disruption»

The whole class benefits from their peer's improvement whether that shows itself as less disruption and / or more meaningful engagement within the class.

Not exact matches

The copper price could also be affected by any disruption at Congolese mines but any impact is likely to be less dramatic as Congo is only the world's fifth biggest producer, analysts say.
The state farm group showed more psychopathology, greater marital disruption, less drinking alone, and four times the sexual promiscuity associated with drinking, as compared with the clinic group.
In this context, I am seeing less emphasis on packaging disruptions, meaning being different for difference sake, and much more emphasis being placed on packaging solutions — those which consumers see as being different, but more importantly, they understand what that difference means to making their life easier, better, safer, healthier.
Babies will breast feed more often with less disruption to mothers sleep - and the baby will receive more sleep as will the mother compared with solitary sleeping breast feeding babies - as recent studies show (see our publications available for downloading).
One of the big problems with Eliza in the moses basket was that putting her in it would often wake her up, which is where the SnuzPod is a lot easier — as there's no side, we can slide sleeping Florence back in with less disruption.
But the patients who participated in the psychology program — who initially reported higher opioid use, anxiety, depression, and higher sensitivity to pain — showed significantly greater reductions in opioid use, depression and less disruptions in their daily living as a result of their pain than those patients who received TPS physician - guided treatment alone.
Disruption is instead occurring in higher education as we bring education out to less expensive professionals with less expertise in lower - cost venues.
«The majority of children continue to be more actively engaged in their learning and there is much less low - level disruption as a result.»
Using preformed thermoplastic as the crossing material is also less time - consuming, and therefore causes less disruption to traffic.
[18] To estimate the number of prohibited suspensions, we assume that any kindergarten through grade 8 suspension would be allowed in related categories as outlined by OSSE (weapons; harassment (including sexual) or bullying; trespassing, vandalism, or arson; and attacks, threats, or fighting) and banned for other less serious categories (theft; illicit drug related; disrespect, insubordination, or disruption; attendance, skipping, or tardy; alcohol, tobacco, or pornography related; and academic dishonesty or tampering).
Some see industry disruption occurring as soon as five years or less.
Terms for private loans are much more stringent and may be less forgiving if you chance upon unexpected problems or issues that may occur down the road (such as disability, death or any other disruption of your payment schedule due to unforeseen circumstances).
Players will be able to sneak about and jump from cover to cover, use melee attacks to silently take out foes as well as varied firepower (3D printed weaponry, no less, which is a nice touch) to disable or take them out from afar, hijack a large selection of vehicles, and of course use their cellphones to hack into ct0S 2.0 for a number of purposes, like opening and closing doors, causing disruptions, distractions, and explosions, and more.
I personally favour longer periods between hardware refreshes as it permits developers to establish stable workflows, without disruption, to minimise their costs and in the long term focus their efforts more on creative game design and less on adapting to new technology.»
His works depict topics such as migrant displacement, environmental crisis, living conditions of the less fortunate and the results of ill - politics and economic disruption.
Examples of these disruptions and exceptions are, for instance, optical phenomena such as prisms, rayées on a screen or window but also digital glitches in computer programs and on a less visual note even the philosophical train of thought behind quantum mechanical concepts.
With or without the threat of human - caused climate disruption, it's clear the world lacks the menu of energy options it will require to avoid trouble as the human population heads toward 9 billion people (more or less), all seeking a decent life.
Yes, the simple term «global warming» doesn't convey all the complexities of what can happen as that warming causes air and ocean currents to shift, but climate change / disruption provides even less information.
Effective market opening In less than a decade, regulatory reforms and thorough energy company restructuring have transformed Slovak energy markets without disruption to Slovakia's role as a major energy transit country.
Abrupt climate change is defined as a large scale change in the climate system which takes place over a few decades or less and is anticipated to persist for at least a few decades, and causes substantial disruption in human and natural systems.
We define abrupt climate change as a large - scale change in the climate system that takes place over a few decades or less, persists (or is anticipated to persist) for at least a few decades, and causes substantial disruptions in human and natural systems (see Glossary).
If you define «global climate disruption» as being fewer and less severe hurricanes, fewer and less severe tornadoes, fewer and less severe instances of drought, wildfires, etc., well then I guess I would agree that global warming is causing tremendous [laughs] «global climate disruption
When I say causing a disruption, I mean things like trashing a store, or spitting on passerby, or being aggressive, or even less important rules, like cheating at an arcade game, such as skeeball?
We expect to see less disruption, improved interactions, and fewer discipline referrals — just as countless other schools have reported over the years.
Research shows that children raised in a relative's care as opposed to foster care or group homes adjust better to their new environment, have fewer behavioral problems and experience less educational disruptions.
Buying from these kinds of investors underscores how even as the Fed scales back from the market, others will fill the void, and in the near term at least there may be less disruption than many money managers had feared, said Jason Marshall, chief investment officer at Invesco Mortgage Capital, a REIT.
«This is yet another sign that, as we first saw with the initial jobless claims data, the recovery from Harvey was very fast and the disruption from Irma in Florida was far less than initially feared,» said Stephen Stanley, chief economist at Amherst Pierpont Securities.
It is always worth seeing whether your windows can be repaired rather than replaced, as repairing your existing windows is not only cheaper, but also often results in less disruption to your home.
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