Sentences with phrase «as less parent»

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Other members of the exclusive club include, Google (goog) parent Alphabet and Priceline Group (pcln), and lesser - known companies such as Seaboard (seb), a pork producer that also ships cargo by sea.
It's that having your kids do chores doesn't necessarily wind up being less work for you as a parent.
(See Making Student Debt Less Sticky) While the very uniqueness of each loan and each employee's situation makes it inefficient and uneconomical for any one business to take on the problem, in the aggregate this problem is a large source of growing concern for more than 40 million student and parent debtors (as well as their employers).
As most would guess, kids with more disadvantages, such as poverty and less educated parents, come to school less prepared, which pulls down average test scores at districts where more kids face these challengeAs most would guess, kids with more disadvantages, such as poverty and less educated parents, come to school less prepared, which pulls down average test scores at districts where more kids face these challengeas poverty and less educated parents, come to school less prepared, which pulls down average test scores at districts where more kids face these challenges.
Parents are particularly likely to see a tax increase in 2027, as the increased child tax credit and boosted standard deduction will expire, and they appear less likely to benefit from corporate cuts:
It's a very simple analysis: as a parent, would you prefer to have more protection or less protection for your children when they go online?
We invest much less in young children, and that stems largely from the fact that most other advanced economies view early childhood education, child care and other benefits targeted at parents with young children as «public goods,» meaning investments that, absent public support, would be insufficiently made from the perspective of society's well - being.
The answer is not, as such histrionics imply, to do less for the elderly, most of whom depend on Social Security and Medicare (Dean also makes the point that you don't do the young a favor when you fail to adequately support their aging parents).
And regardless of social class, the stresses and distractions that afflict unemployed parents also afflict their kids, who are more likely to repeat a grade in school, and who on average earn less as adults.
Recall the earlier point that parents of rescuers laid far less emphasis on obedience as an end in itself than those of non-rescuers.
It is no accident that children have to be indoctrinated with their parents religion at an early age, as it means they are less likely to switch sides as adults...
To exclude violence completely, especially from God's expressions of love, would be to make his care for us less passionate than our own parents, who disapline us for our own good, and protect us as needs be.
For the first time since becoming a mother, I was thinking less about how I didn't want to parent and more about how I did want to parent, particularly as it concerned my child's spiritual formation.
How could one ever live down the social humiliation of being adjudicated less fit as a dog «parent» compared to the winning spouse?
But as more and more of us find ourselves called upon to provide such prosthetic support to afflicted parents, relatives, or friends, we may find it a challenge to remember that such patients are never less than persons.
It belongs to our childhood, too, in the less charming sense of demanding a tyrannical authority: a protective parent who demands compulsory love even as he extracts a tithe of fear.
Young people are often less convinced of the need to develop abilities in other crucial areas, such as in relationships and in parenting.
So she conducted her research at two sites, one of them a more or less typical second - generation congregation (which she calls «Grace») that meets in the same building as its parent Korean immigrant congregation, and the other («Manna») a predominantly Asian American but remarkably multiethnic congregation that meets in a building owned by an African - American congregation.
Matthew and I were both puzzled by this mixed message: As parents, wouldn't we want more time, not less, for Christ to open our child's heart?
Of course, most parents who give birth to a baby who is seen as less than perfect will go on to provide that child with incredible love and support.
Some Christians continue to characterize fathers who share parenting responsibilities or stay at home with their children as «man fails» and «worse than unbelievers,» instructing women to intentionally avoid earning more money than their husbands, even if it is less practical for their family to do so, or else they will injure their spouse's ego.
Cairns describes his upbringing as less conservative and fundamentalist than the church of his youth; his parents, especially his father, encouraged reading and learning.
Shaken and disillusioned, my parents abandoned the charismatic church, and during my later elementary school years we shuttled between Lutheran and Methodist churches, finally settling for prayer at home as schedules grew busier and church worship less fulfilling.
As less and less parents indoctrinate their children from birth with this ancient nonsense organized religion will fail.
One suspects that in our own society, as was also the case in ancient Israel but apparently to a much lesser degree, honoring of parents is withheld because this profoundly theological basis of honor is ignored or denied.
Our work as parents lies less in planning which plant our kids should grow into, than in doing what we can to let their gifts — whatever they are — grow.
There will be no more prancing around along with all the other gay activities that homosexuals like to do... More importantly, we as parents can now sleep a little better at night just knowing there will be less gays out there wandering the streets trying to molest our children.»
Concerned parents and pastors, lay committees and curricula writers and all their colleagues and cohorts have tried to pump life into the old Sunday school, especially as they have found the alternatives even less effective.
Others, confused about essences and accidents, misconstrue the argument as entailing that infertile couples, the elderly, and adoptive parents have second - class marriages worthy of less dignity than those of their fertile peers.
So, as a parent myself now for more than 18 years, I've allowed my kids to eat sweets so that they don't feel deprived but talked about limits and the effects of eating too much «less than quality food» — but that a small amount also be fine occasionally in the context of an overall healthy lifestyle.
As his severance package dwindled, Mark decided to lead a less wasteful life by moving back to his hometown of Kansas City and into his parent's house.
«There is, however, the possible more subtle reward for being adult and doing what members of one's society do, as well as the less subtle encouragement of parents and peers.»
«Since I was 15 years old, when I left my parents, I knew that I would not come back as anything less than a professional, someone who always tries to do his best at every moment, even though at times his best isn't enough.
Don't be disappointed if it does not work out at first, as new parents report the scheduled date strategy works less than half the time.
I feel like I've written just about everything I wanted to write about parenting (and I don't like repeating myself) and I also find there are less common topics to discuss as our children get older.
Related to point # 2, in the Parenting as an Entrepreneur episode, Alicia Ybarbo said something that really stuck out to me — that women get very good at narrowing in on solutions and making split decisions because there is basically no time to labor endlessly over camp options or put up with working with someone crazy when there is a less crazy alternative.
This is important because it helps create a situation where dads (by which we mean the full diversity of men with a significant caring role in children's lives, including biological and other fathers and father - figures), as well as mums (in a similarly diverse sense), feel comfortable and valued — in the context of a culture which still privileges women as more naturally suited to caring, and more important as parents (and by extension, less important in other contexts, eg the workplace).
Getting an active child to sit down for a meal of any kind, much less a well - balanced, made - from - scratch meal with the entire family, as he rushes off to or home from school, sports practices or games, or other activities that cram virtually every nook and cranny of a child's day, has become virtually impossible for many families, especially those headed by single parents.
Children whose fathers were highly involved with them at ages 3 - 5 and 7 - 9 hold less traditional views as adolescents about both parents working and sharing childcare (Williams et al, 1992).
Insofar as breastfeeding proxies for attachment parenting (and I'm afraid it does), the result is happier, healthier, and more productive future adult members of society, less likely to engage in destructive and self - destructive behavior and more likely to help others and generally increase the overall level of happiness in society.
Plastic bottles are lighter and generally less expensive than glass bottles, but as mentioned, some parents are concerned about BPA.
Plus, every parenting book I read as my kids became adolescents themselves talked about the changing role of a parent — you become less of a manager and more of a consultant.
As my son grows older, I've found that I have less passion about birth experience, breast feeding, attachment parenting, etc..
As parents, our choices can have a significant impact on our children, especially when they are small (less so as they get olderAs parents, our choices can have a significant impact on our children, especially when they are small (less so as they get olderas they get older).
Having reluctantly grown, as an adult, to realize my dad was right when he lectured that being tidy is in fact easier than being messy — in that it ultimately requires less effort — I feel qualified to judge that my husband is the laziest functional parent I've ever met.
My husband takes part in our bedtime routine as much as he can, maybe less than he could - but he tries so I can't say I know what it's like to be a single parent.
But the problem is that many less informed, exhausted parents have come to rely on her as a source of information believe they are getting the information from a Dr / PhD because it is implied in her self - appointed name / title.
Most parents love watching their child try new foods and slowly develop flavor preferences as they start to be less dependent on breast milk.
I do not consider them any less of parents as a result of their choice.
Finding a support network of other lesbian or same - sex couples, or parents who parent in less traditional ways, including single parents, may be helpful as you both find your way in your new parenting roles.
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