Sentences with phrase «as lies go»

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That was never a real concern, as long as immigrants assimilate, and it no longer lies in the mouths of Europeans, struggling with a minority of indigestible and militant Muslims who occupy vast no - go areas across Europe, to comment on the relatively manageable sociological problems of America.
«Much of what goes into the cost of a suit lies in the fabric, as anyone who's had a custom suit made can attest,» he explains.
While lying on the beach, many of us have thought about drinking a nice, cold beer, but most haven't gone as far as starting a beer company.
Bitcoin (BTC), the most valued cryptocurrency by market capitalization, went down by 2 % after Google's announcement, the current value lying at $ 8765 as of 4:36 PM IST.
Instead, I have gone through my career in national media with a misinformed sense of satisfaction that, as a perceptive young journalist, I called Trump on his lies and gave Forbes readers who used the Rich List as a barometer of private wealth a more accurate picture of his finances than the one he was selling.
Rachel Notley is going to be suffocated with lies, innuendos and even personal attacks as soon as the election is over.
As the saying goes, opinions can lie, but numbers can't.
After the suit went public, Avenatti unearthed and released an email proving that Cohen used his Trump Organization email account to arrange the wire transfer to Daniels, which could serve as additional evidence that Cohen is lying when he says Trump had no knowledge of the deal.
P.S., Long as I'm around, I'm not going to allow you to teach my children the lie of homosexuality unopposed.
@flash Millions of people over thousands of years give witness to the Truth!I'll go with the numbers, thank you, sufficient evidence or proof for all but you, and a few additional self deluded.You have no position and no authority, in short the facts remain you have lied to yourself and are trying to drag civilization down with you.You are exposed as a fraud and a liar and will stand before God as such unless you change.God bless
I think I said doing so was stealing and lying, but in any case I said it was wrong, and also pointless, since the congregation is not going to think less of the preacher because he says, «As John Smith says.»
However I don't go around claiming it's absolute fact, that would be the same as lying.
His strategy is to lie about what he's going to do («I support Israel»), do the opposite (send massive funding ovderseas to the Muslim Brotherhood for use against Israel, and positon Israel as the «threat») and then lie abouit what he did («relations with Israel have never been closer»).
Go twist and contort Jude 7 so you can continuing being blinded by satan's lies as you reject Jesus» truth.
11 If they say, «Come with us, let us lie in wait for blood, let us ambush the innocent without cause; 12 Let us swallow them alive like Sheol, even whole, as those who go down to the pit; 13 We will find all [kinds] of precious wealth, we will fill our houses with spoil; 14 Throw in your lot with us, we shall all have one purse,» 15 My son, do not walk in the way with them.
These tablets where carved before the bible was even written and it goes to show how the bible is a replica of what is said on the ancient tablets, but some things are kept out because at the time is was unthinkable technology which then posed as a possible lie, but the technology has come to pass so it proves a lot.
If one is crossing the desert on a camel and a blinding sandstorm comes up, the thing to do is to dismount, lie face downward on the sand with his cloak over his head, and wait an hour, three hours, half a day, until the storm abates and he can go on his way as before.
how come so many catholic priests touch kids, or people covet thy neighbors wife, or lie etc.... look people are people and are going to do as they choose.
With these pastors, priest, popes, and elders all lying to the people, misleading the flocks, as was prophesied they would in Ezekiel 20, Malachi 2, Jeremiah 23:1 - 5, we are all a lost generation of pestilence, greed, and poverty, and this is not old people, as taught to us in Isaiah 43:11,13 - 19; that this book gives us the past, present, and future of what is going on, then, and now, it's juxtapose, meaning one must «compare» what is going on today with what went on long ago, for it has not changed any, not a bit from how people went astray then, full of pride, and are doing the same thing now, calling it good, or right, prophesied in Malachi 3:13 - 15.
As the saying goes, he who lies down with the dogs wakes up with fleas, and she who publishes with the publisher of Marcus Borg, Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan, and Starhawk, not to mention books like Afterlives of the Rich and Famous by the «psychic» Sylvia Browne, finds her book being pushed as another devastating blow to traditional ChristianitAs the saying goes, he who lies down with the dogs wakes up with fleas, and she who publishes with the publisher of Marcus Borg, Bart Ehrman, John Dominic Crossan, and Starhawk, not to mention books like Afterlives of the Rich and Famous by the «psychic» Sylvia Browne, finds her book being pushed as another devastating blow to traditional Christianitas another devastating blow to traditional Christianity.
Jeremy Myers, i think you are wrong and David is right, so many out there are preaching you can live any way you want and be right that Grace covers any sin, they really believe that, that is not what the bible says, God was very concerned about sin so much he sent Jesus his son to die on a cross for us, if we accept Jesus as our savor then we are to obey his commandments, not break them, we are to live a righteous and holy life as possible, the bible plainly list a whole list of things if we live in will not to to heaven unless we repent, if we die while in these sins, we will not go to heaven, what is the difference, between someone who said a prayer and someone who did not, and they are living the same way, none, i think, if we are truly saved it should be hard to do these things let alone live and do them everyday, i would be afraid to tell people that it does not matte grace covers their sins, i really think it is the slip ups that we are convicted of by the Holy Spirit and we ask for forgivness, how can anyones heart be right with God and they have sex all the time out of marriage, lie, break every commandment of God, i don't think this is meaning grace covers those sins, until they repent and ask for forgiveness, a lot of people will end up in hell because preachers teach Grace the wrong way,, and those preachers will answer to God for leading these people the wrong way, not saying you are one of them, but be careful, everything we teach or preach must line up with the word of God, God hates sin,
And yet Anders wrote in his manifesto: «I'm not going to pretend I'm a very religious person, as that would be a lie
«I'm not going to pretend I'm a very religious person, as that would be a lie,» he says.
Come on get real samson old testement its in there wilful sin my definition is walking away from the Lord and doing opur own thing knowing what you should do but still do what you want to do.In the life of Samson WE SEE Gods forgiveness and the sacrifice is the same as today repentence we are saved by the grace of God if we turn from our own way.He was disobedient to his parents and to the Lord his heart was no different from ours wilfully disobedient he chose sin over the Lord all the time sleeping with prostites and lying with foreign woman going his own way and yet God saves him not only that he was Gods chosen instrument to deliver his people.The sad part is his term was only 20 years if he had walking in the ways of the Lord he should have had that ministry for 40 years that is the term of completion.We cut ourselves short when we choose sin over the Lord which is an idol by the way.We all have those areas in our lives that we keep to ourselves thats wilful they are our demons and our comforters.Until we surrender all to the Lord we can not be overcomers and will be influenced by satan like samson it is clear warning to us wilful sin or making sin an idol in our lives has consequences better to serve the Lord with all our hearts even though samson did nt for much of his life God still showed him his grace and faithfullness.You can also see wilful sin in the Life of David yet God saves him but not all were saved in the life of saul as he wouldnt listen to the Lord and kept walking according to his flesh.
You can make people do what you want, but I want them to have a heart change as I am not happy that some will go to eternal damnation because of their greed and lies.
I am not gonna comment on all these sick opinions,, I understand now that most of westerns oppose Islam, therefor they don't wan na hear anything good about it,, all they do they lie and believe their lies,, good for you guys but believe me no one in this world helps the US as Muslims do to the country in all important fields,, and please don't dare me to write novels what we've done to you and i am as a person from Saudi,, You should be thankful instead of your sick racist minds,, TRUST me no one can stop the huge flow of ISLAM anywhere,
Their secrets, lies and slander begin to catch up with them as the series goes on, causing each of them to spin out of control and upend their lives.
all you get in any church is FLIM FLAM and double talk, NOTHING that you hear from ANY church could ever be classed as the TRUTH in fact I would go so far as too say that what you hear in church are packs of LIES.
Frankly I do nt give a dam if you care or not that is up to you and not my decision but as people who go by supposed knowledge I thought you would want to learn the truth so you wouldn't be ignorant and repost lies.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
You are as clueless as a rock... we're going to stick around regardless of how much hate you spew and stop trying to cover it cover with the lie of not hating the country but hating the «butt in» people... you only look like a bigger tool than you already are.
time for me to leave my country for 5 years study (medical field)... and while i am i that country (China) once i intercourse with a prostitute (i am really shamefull)... then after few times i found another girl in facebook (from my hometown only) then fall in love with her and that loves get stronger day by day (she is a christian) and i told her that im not virgin and i had this girlfriend and i did with prostitute so she forgives me and ask me to lie new life... but still i havent leave my e girl friend (i found difficult to leave her, i do nt love her much, but i do nt know how i love her in first place, she is much older than me), my ex gf came to suspects about my new relationship via facebooks post, comments, likes and all and sometimes i did told her that i have this new friend... as time passes by, she realised it and she do nt talk to me anymore till now... and last time i went home i met my new girl friend and we intercourse....
Thoughtful, reflective persons are on the near side of this great modern divide, and I don't think they can go back to premodern ways of thinking, about values as well as religion (any more than they can go back to thinking that the world is flat or lies at the center of the universe).
As an Atheist I find it discusting that other Atheists would go so low as to put a billboard up saying Christmas is a liAs an Atheist I find it discusting that other Atheists would go so low as to put a billboard up saying Christmas is a lias to put a billboard up saying Christmas is a lie.
They get sick, die, murder, lie, cheat, steal, go broke, get rich, sprain their ankles, all with the exact same frequency as non Christians.
«When I lie on my back and look up at the Milky Way on a clear night and see the vast distances of space and reflect that these are also vast differences of time as well, when I look at the Grand Canyon and see the strata going down, down, down, through periods of time which the human mind can't comprehend....
They trash us at every turn, even going so far as to use hate speech and blatant lies to scare people into bashing or even murdering us, passing laws that make our existence illegal, etc., yet when we speak up against this treatment and push back, those same Christians accuse us of intolerance and bullying.
As they bury me now six feet there my body lies Still feel like I'm giong down I hear a distant wailing cry God something must've gone wrong And much too late I realize Go to hell
I used to think it was the old European women from three or four generations back that had religion and superst.ition fed to them in equal amounts — even some as recent as my mother's generation with the nuns» stories about lying before communion and having their tongue fall out of their mouths, or having the stone lions in front of the protestant church come to life and eat them or having the earth open up and swallow them because they didn't go to confession.
I could proof text other quotes where I could just as easily say He was lying if anyone goes to hell.
You will then learn all sorts of things about how to control your flight, your speed, your maneuverability, and the trick usually lies in not thinking too hard about whatever you want to do, but just allowing it to happen as if it were going to anyway.
After I sat down, being all in confusion, like a drowning man that was just giving up to sink, and almost in an agony, I turned very suddenly round in my chair, and seeing part of an old Bible lying in one of the chairs, I caught hold of it in great haste; and opening it without any premeditation, cast my eyes on the 38th Psalm, which was the first time I ever saw the word of God: it took hold of me with such power that it seemed to go through my whole soul, so that it seemed as if God was praying in, with, and for me.
One can almost feel the confusion of Satan in the end the Gospel accounts as Jesus, who has struggled and taught and healed against all the death and destruction and lies of the devil throughout His entire three years of ministry, now goes silently to the cross, like a lamb to the slaughter.
«As he went away from there,» says Luke (11:53 - 54: 12:1), «the scribes and the Pharisees began to press him hard, and to provoke him to speak of many things, lying in wait for him, to catch at something he might say.
It is these who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are chaste; it is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes; these have been redeemed from mankind as first fruits for God and the Lamb, and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are spotless.
Islam's tenet of being «perfect» and «the only true religion» coupled with an ideology that endorses subjugation, lying and, yes — death as legitimate means to spread and rule, is simply not going to go away.
It's a little too late for praying, it's Mrs.Clinton's call to be @ the helm; now, with her hubby Mr.Clinton as VP; and one of you out of all of you, need to tell Romney he's committed fraud, for leaving the Post of so - called gov.that theirs a 2 yr.interval that must be met; the same fo Obama; whom is worst off then Bush Jr.then for none of you to have no Allegiance to be nothing but commander of thieves, since April 4th, 1968 to presently; in the killing of Dr.King Jr.must still go under Oath to all you perjurers; that mustn't go unpunished to the array of charges I have stored up against each of yo on every job, on every public premise; that Obama didn't praywhen he lied to GOD ALMIGHTY in perjury; to have left the seat of jump to the office; knowing he hadn't a clue what to do; so he got Joe, which is Cheney all over; whom should of been out of public; and he knows that and all the fugitives, even in the Italian led court in DC; that will have to answer to what is -LCB- H.R. 7152 -RCB-; and why they let Olsen for Bush Jr.waste the American's People's time, not to mention all the lives that's been lost; for the tyrannies since 1968 to presently has cost; Vote I, Edward Baltimore; to confirm I; Governor of DC; as of 2/16/12; cause DC; has been a State, already; and all you slaves from State to State; need to snap out of your peonage which is prohibited by Federal Laws; on anybody!!!!!!!
5:10 ------- By the way, I don't think Ananias and Sapphira would have considered themselves a loved child of God ---- that is unless you believe God killed them as punishment for lying to the Holy Spirit, just so they would go right on into paradise?
As far as salvation goes with obtaining it and losing it, theirs alot more studying to do on this topic for me, as far as I know, I do nt know at this time, but I do know that my salvation lies in God's hands and not the hands of men, same goes for anyone condemning anyone else to hell, they do nt trully know because they are not God, but the Bible does tell us that we will know who does the will of God by the fruit they bear, and that a good tree can not produce bad fruit, and vise versa, but ultimatly that persons salvation is in Gods hands, and only God knows the future and what will bAs far as salvation goes with obtaining it and losing it, theirs alot more studying to do on this topic for me, as far as I know, I do nt know at this time, but I do know that my salvation lies in God's hands and not the hands of men, same goes for anyone condemning anyone else to hell, they do nt trully know because they are not God, but the Bible does tell us that we will know who does the will of God by the fruit they bear, and that a good tree can not produce bad fruit, and vise versa, but ultimatly that persons salvation is in Gods hands, and only God knows the future and what will bas salvation goes with obtaining it and losing it, theirs alot more studying to do on this topic for me, as far as I know, I do nt know at this time, but I do know that my salvation lies in God's hands and not the hands of men, same goes for anyone condemning anyone else to hell, they do nt trully know because they are not God, but the Bible does tell us that we will know who does the will of God by the fruit they bear, and that a good tree can not produce bad fruit, and vise versa, but ultimatly that persons salvation is in Gods hands, and only God knows the future and what will bas far as I know, I do nt know at this time, but I do know that my salvation lies in God's hands and not the hands of men, same goes for anyone condemning anyone else to hell, they do nt trully know because they are not God, but the Bible does tell us that we will know who does the will of God by the fruit they bear, and that a good tree can not produce bad fruit, and vise versa, but ultimatly that persons salvation is in Gods hands, and only God knows the future and what will bas I know, I do nt know at this time, but I do know that my salvation lies in God's hands and not the hands of men, same goes for anyone condemning anyone else to hell, they do nt trully know because they are not God, but the Bible does tell us that we will know who does the will of God by the fruit they bear, and that a good tree can not produce bad fruit, and vise versa, but ultimatly that persons salvation is in Gods hands, and only God knows the future and what will be.
«When I lie on my back and look up at the Milky Way on a clear night and see the vast distances of space and reflect that these are also vast differences of time as well, when I look at the Grand Canyon and see the strata going down, down, down, through periods of time which the human mind can't comprehend... it's a feeling of sort of an abstract gratitude that I am alive to appreciate these wonders, when I look down a microscope it's the same feeling, I am grateful to be alive to appreciate these wonders.»
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