Sentences with phrase «as life philosophies»

Let me know if you know a group who would like an entertaining after - lunch speech on how lessons learned from dating have implications in business and personal relationships and well as life philosophies.
The minister of abandoned care says the Carnival concept of enjoying life despite the specter of death stayed with him as a life philosophy.
From the studies she have got in touch with Zen Buddhism and she adopted ideas of Buddhism, as a specific practice of fighting chaos and a code of ethics as well as life philosophy.

Not exact matches

As an active owner of both public and private companies, CPPIB already lives its long - term investment philosophy, notes Winslow.
Name: Payal Kadakia Company: ClassPass Work - life balance philosophy: I look at work - life balance as the ability to to carve out time for both your passions and your work.
Name: Oliver Kharraz Company: Zocdoc Work - life balance philosophy: My way of dealing with that is to protect my weekends as much as I can, and get most of my work done during the week.
Name: John Zimmer Company: Lyft Work - life balance philosophy: It's a combination of finding work that you are passionate about so you feel good about committing the time, as well as making the physical and mental time and space to be the with the people most important in your life.
A former serial entrepreneur who founded Aardvark and Perspecta among others, Horowitz gave up the Silicon Valley dream for a new life as a philosophy Ph.D., flipping the current wisdom on the relative value of technical and humanist knowledge on its head.
As Buffett has shared in a video clip, the book changed not only his investment philosophy but also the course of his life.
As for your disrespect on display towards «a profit motive», I take it part of your philosophy was receiving a salary that barely met your basic needs for a spartan living and not a dollar more, right?
Stone had lived by Hill's principles and stood as a shining example of his success philosophy.
As an ASPIRAnte she implements Dr. Antonia Pantoja's philosophy of Awareness, Analysis, and Action in all of her life's work.
My philosophy has always been — life is short — enjoy as much as you can afford to — but make sure you always pay yourself first to ensure you don't HAVE to work forever.
If they would get rid of the term «10 Commandments» and call them say «Good Advice for God fearing Men and and women» or «a philosophy for modern living», they wouldn't be stigmatized as they are.
As things have turned out, there are those that think that it's unChristian and unbiblical and that we're being boastful and arrogant, and those that understand that, in our context and times... we're living by the philosophy that we don't want to ask people to do something that we're not willing to do ourselves.
That book changed Kass's life and helped move him toward his own remarkable work in bringing together science, medicine, and a philosophy worthy of human beings, as in his own Toward a More Natural Science.
This same philosophy is shared by the backwoods rednecks and those that live in trailers as well.
A vivid contrast — and one that points up the shortcomings of philosophy as a guide to life — is provided by the writings of Julius Caesar.
Philosophy as taught, he thought, had long ago been «forced out of the context of teaching and living»» which is to say, teaching for living, philosophy understood as «a life that poses the questions of the true and the goPhilosophy as taught, he thought, had long ago been «forced out of the context of teaching and living»» which is to say, teaching for living, philosophy understood as «a life that poses the questions of the true and the gophilosophy understood as «a life that poses the questions of the true and the good.»
Another fascinating chapter is Frederick Pike's on Latin America since 1800, wherein the suggestion is offered that liberation theology's «ahistorical» character comes from its Neoplatonist strain» ironically, one of the most radically transcendental philosophies available as a basis for religious life and theology.
Gadamer himself described his introduction to ideas as a young man in the following terms: «It was «life - philosophy,» above all,... that was taking hold of our whole feeling for life
Forty years later, his mature philosophy would join that tradition, as philosophy with a special connection to life.
That is why I never speak of «God» in philosophy, but only of «universal will - to - live» which meets me in a twofold way: as creative will outside me, and ethical will within me» (Kraus, p. 42).
For many it will fall short of a true theistic belief, and appear too meager to serve as a firm foundation for a religious philosophy of life.
I say this as a life long student of many religions and philosophies (Spelling not being one of them) and as a Mormon convert.
No mention is made of a Supreme Being in his own religious philosophy, only of a mysterious life - force or universal will - to - live which appears as a creative - destructive force in the world around us and as a will - to - self - realization - and - love within us.
To choose doubt as a philosophy of life is akin to choosing immobility as a means of transportation.»
It should be clear from these examples that the analysis of the composition of Process and Reality provides the means whereby White - head's can be appreciated as a living and growing philosophy.
Every people has its culture, whether primitive or advanced, and this culture is discerned in the folkways and moral standards, forms of family life, economic enterprises, laws and modes of dealing with lawbreakers, forms of recreation, religion, art, education, science, and philosophy that constitute the social aspects of human existence as contrasted with the bare biological fact of living.
A remarkable «grandparent» generation of theologians such as Cornelius Ernst, OP., Herbert McCabe, OP., Fergus Kerr, OP., and Nicholas Lash, together with others in history, philosophy and literature, have led the way into widespread participation in university life.
Several of the book's features are shared with other British theology: a basic concern for intelligent orthodoxy informed by worship; the Trinity as the encompassing doctrine, strongly connected to both church and society; a well - articulated response to modernity; a wide range of «mediations,» through various discourses and aspects of contemporary life (philosophy, history, friendship, sex, politics, aesthetics, the visual arts and music); a special affinity for the patristic period; and a preference for the essay genre.
It is not taught as the truth about life in most philosophy departments.
This philosophy sees life as a meaningless absurdity, a succession of moments of decision into which no hope enters to provide expectations of a better tomorrow.
The postulation of extraneous organizational principles leads biologists like Monod to classify Polanyi's thought as vitalistic.2 (Vitalism is the philosophy of nature which holds that the existence of life is exclusively the result of some extra-material principle totally different from matter.)
This diversity is no problem — such diversity can be found in Christianity and many other religions or life philosophies such as philosophical Buddhism or Taoism.
The group is called the «Philosophy of Living Group,» and all patients currently at the Day Center are required to come, as they are to all other group meetings.
I see it as a «philosophy for life
If we now understand religion and morality as forms of life and experience that are quite different from that of science, the same can also be said of our understanding of philosophy and metaphysics.
If the nature of horseness is a static constant, as it seems to befor St Thomas and Aristotle, the question arises: can this philosophy really give an adequate account of the continuum of development in life forms that lies at the heart of the theory of evolution?
Drawing on Albert Schweitzer's use of the terms «optimistic» and «pessimistic» (to mean «world and life affirmation» and «world and life negation») Horney described her own philosophy as follows: «With all its cognizance of the tragic element in neurosis, [it] is an optimistic one.»
The content of the gospel as eternal salvation is either reduced to a social message to ameliorate the conditions of life in this world, or it is equated with the loftiest wisdom of philosophy and heroic examples of moral achievement.
For our own age, overly captivated by abstraction, the task of philosophical reflection is often to reverse the process and recover living experience» living experience of God, who transcends our human conceptions and confronts us as a philosophy - defying Other even as He addresses us and makes Himself available to us.
This quest requires an internal renewal of theology and philosophy — not merely as academic disciplines, but as ways of life — and they need to be brought to bear on the governing assumptions, the unarticulated ontology of our culture.
By the end of his long life in 1935, Holmes was virtually a national monument, and liberal intellectuals found it convenient to portray him positively as a forerunner of the new governing philosophy.
They wanted to ditch the old Judaeo - Christian belief in the sanctity of all human life and replace it with what they regarded as a more advanced and rational philosophy.
everything in the universe evolves, not only life forms but also memes, Religion is a meme so it also change in conformity to its era or time of its conception as faith.Because in pre scientific times thousands of years ago, the scientific method of approach or philosophy has not existed yet, myth or merely story telling is considered facts, The first religion called animism more than 10,000 years ago believed that spirits or god exists in trees, rivers, mountains, boulders or in any places people at that time considered holy.hundreds of them, then when the Greeks and Romans came, it was reduced to 12, they called it polytheism, when the Jews arrived, it was further reduced to 1, monotheism.its derivatives, Christianity And Islam and later hundreds of denominations that includes Mormonism and Protestants flourished up to today.So in short this religions evolved in accordance to the scientific knowledge of the age or era they existed.If you graph the growth of knowledge, it shows a sharp increase in the last 500 years, forcing the dominant religions at that time to reinterprete their dogmas, today this traditional religions are becoming obsolete and has to evolve to survive.But first they have to unify against the dialectical process of change, Theism in one hand and the opposing force atheism in the other, will resolve into a result or synthesis.The process shall be highlighted in the internet in the near future.
I am an avid reader of the sciences and philosophy as well so I believe that with my educational and life's background I can speak intelligently on these subjects but certainly not exhaustively and stand ready to discuss evidence (s) for and against with anyone willing to dialog without rancor or name calling or nastiness.
6William Blackstone argues for Schweitzer's role as mentor in the animal liberation movement in «The Search for an Environmental Ethic,» in Matters of Life and Death: New Introductory Essays in Moral Philosophy, ed.
Pixley charges Whitehead's thought with three things: (1) that it is «at the very least... open to appropriation for counterrevolutionary purposes;» (2) that «Justice shines by its absence» from Whitehead's list of five cultural aims as the measure of civilized life; and (3) that Whitehead's philosophy contains within it latent counterrevolutionary tendencies.»
Can they develop theologies of ecology that affirm the intrinsic value of all life, as do the deep ecologists and most others within environmental philosophy, and that also affirm the care of a compassionate God for the poor and oppressed, as do prophetic biblical traditions?
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