Sentences with phrase «as little girls»

Although designed as a little girls» bedroom, the space could be transformed into a gender - neutral guest bedroom by changing throw pillows and decorative accents.
Ori and Vee have been inseparable since they met in ballet class as little girls, but a horrible crime tears them apart.
For about five minutes, «Miss You Already» is the tale of a friendship between two women, who meet in London as little girls in school.
With a large variety of jewellery in all different shapes, sizes, and colours, Myntra has beautiful pieces that are sure to please women of all ages, as well as little girls — come shop right away!
As little girls if we mentioned that someone was pretty, he would point to our heart and say, «where does beauty matter?»
For Summer: Dresses, dresses and dresses with very pretty feminine flat sandals is the perfect go - to outfit for women as well as little girls.
Either the twins are eerily alike (such as the little girls in «The Shining») or remarkably different (such as the dominant and submissive twin gynecologists in «Dead Ringers»).
«You can be anything you want to be,» one ad proclaimed, as little girls wearing Hillary Clinton buttons that said «I'm With Her» were led slowly down the main stairs by their parents.
We play with dolls and play dress - up as little girls.
Lots of little boys are just as big Dora fans as little girls!
Even as a little girl, I never took dance.
«I suddenly saw Maria not as a threat to my personal purity or professionalism, but as a little girl, greatly loved by her Father in heaven... [and that] evil had completely devoured and consumed [her life].
Bernice had left the church in profound humiliation when, as a little girl, one of the more prominent ladies in the congregation insulted her in the local general store, but near the end of her life she had reconnected with the church of her childhood.
An aging maiden aunt, one who had loved her as a little girl, dying of breast cancer in the 50s - got weekly visits and home - cooked food.
I hated wearing those as a little girl, but they sure look cute on the kids running around the churchyard on Easter Sunday morning.
as a little girl all she wanted to do was come to the US and live and work and raise a family.
But I digress, I grew up watching Bill Nye the science guy — in fact as a little girl he inspired me to play with microscopes and science kits.
I met a woman who, as a little girl, watched a cross burn in her front yard and endured teachers at her new school shouting racial slurs at her because the community around her was angry about integration.
It took a real effort on my part to keep calling myself to the truths of my faith, which says that however he was behaving, in God's eyes he was just as precious as my little girl, and that's a hard thing to accept when you're having to deal with the loss of somebody that's so dear to you.
We are spiritual beings with a physical body this I do know... However what truly exists after the mortal death I do not know exactly... I do know we all get to find out eventually... However my question still as I had as a little girl my mother could never tell me... If god made us all who made god?
As a little girl she told him that she wanted a big wedding and he should start saving.
Just as a little girl can make early decisions that affect the blueprint of her life [her script], a woman can make a redecision to change her life's direction in a positive way.
As a little girl growing up in Michigan, my parents and I would often go to our little local apple orchard in the fall.
I remember as a little girl, I would go grocery shopping with my grandmother.
I remember making them with my grandmother as a little girl — cutting the dough and shaping it into this crescent form.
You look like you had so much spunk as a little girl!
I use to make these as a little girl only i used maple syrup.
Cindy had a dream of an Easy Bake Oven as a little girl, and hey — so did I!
Though my relatives made rømmegrøt back in the day and my mom remembers eating her grandmothers» as a little girl in North Dakota, the porridge had disappeared from the family's repertoire by the time I was born.
I remember these luxury chocolate balls as one of my favorite desserts as a little girl.
As a little girl, my mom created the most memorable themed meals and special traditions for us that had been passed down from her own mother.
Even as a little girl, Schinner had always found food and the experience of sharing it meaningful.
When I would spend the weekend with her as a little girl, I would watch her make an enormous batch of homemade rolls.
Christelle's grandfather had a cocao farm behind his home in Cameroon where she learned to love the taste of cocao as a little girl.
Cream of Wheat and Oatmeal Replacement I created this recipe mostly due to my history eating Cream of Wheat as a little girl.
One of my fondest memory as a little girl was waking up on Valentine's Day morning and coming downstairs to see three: one for me and my two sisters, red cellophane...
«I've always journaled, ever since I could have a diary as a little girl.
This version was developed by BA contributor Gaby Melian, who is from Buenos Aires and was taught as a little girl by family members how to make them.
As a little girl I would often eat violets, lilacs, really any flower I could find because I thought that was what faeries ate haha.
As a little girl, I loved Saturday mornings.
Deborah Gyurcsek practiced gymnastics as a little girl.
She's been a WWE fan forever and looked up to wrestlers as a little girl, and Charlotte thinks that's f»n stupid and that Bayley is a nerd.
I sometimes ask myself - is this what I day dreamed about as a little girl.
This was perfect for us, as our little girl would nap on our beach bed, overlooking the ocean while we ate lunch, read and listened to music.
That's because I'll always think of Paquin first as the little girl who won an Oscar for her role in The Piano at the ripe age of 11 — making her the second - youngest Oscar winner of all time (Tatum O'Neil was the youngest, for those wondering).
I was obsessed as a little girl.
As a little girl I was never without pencils, clay or crayons and one of my earliest memories is of folding the evening newspaper into a giant paper aeroplane.
For playtime, we have a selection of unique and made - in - usa baby toys as well as little girl purses and little boy wallets.
What kids love about their dolls today is not much different than what I liked about my dolls as a little girl.
As a little girl I very clearly remember many of the handmade doll clothes my grandmother made for me.
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