Sentences with phrase «as macho»

He whips out his dick as a macho - expressionist paintbrush.
And I do think there was some animosity about my taking on what was thought of as these macho painters.
At the same time, Mr. Chamberlain very much maintained the Abstract Expressionist persona of the artist as a macho man.
Women of Abstract Expressionism (at the Denver Art Museum through September 25) highlights the work of 12 women who participated in the development of not only the first American - grown modern art movement, but the movement always characterized as male - dominated... as macho.
The painter Catherine Murphy has described the mid-century brushstroke as a macho imperative she chose to reject.
The voice acting and music is generally up to scratch; or as up to scratch as a macho story about army people chainsawing monsters to bits can be.
Bash, skate, and ooze as the macho half - ape, half - fish The Missing Link, the 49» 11» tall woman, Ginormica, and the gelatinous, indestructible,
Because PETA believes that there is a chance that someone with bad intentions might adopt a pit from a shelter and use him / her for fighting or tie him / her out in the yard to serve as a macho guard dog.
Both vehicles are being pitched as macho, off - road machines, but Land Rover and Jeep know that's not how most buyers will use them.
SUVs are all about feeling powerful, as the macho appeal and the intimating dimensions do signal to other road users that you are the king... Read More
Hoult's joined by hunky rising stars like Glen Powell as the macho Falvy — a far cry from his work as a pretentious ladies» man in Everybody Wants Some!!
Instead of trying to recapture the youthful antics of his career, he would be better off acting his age and playing characters that are not as macho.
As the macho male energy blends with gallons of alcohol, racial tension becomes even more prevalent.
He's since played several supporting roles in Canadian and American indies, notably, as a macho oil rig worker in Never Steady, Never Still.
Still, the ensemble cast is mostly very good; Jason Isaacs is especially fun to watch as the macho Georgy Zhukov, reimagined with a Yorkshire accent.
Chad Koechner is ridiculously hilarious as the macho sports reporter, Champ Kind.
Will Ferrell returns as the squishy, touchy - feely Brad, and Mark Wahlberg is back as the macho, outwardly gruff Dusty.
Anecdotal supporting evidence arrives in the form of 36th Precinct, a top - notch criminal thriller import from France which finds a pair of cops skirting the edges of the law in the name of their jobs as well as macho competition.
Given that Deadpool is a canonically pansexual character in the comic books from which he originated, this might make sense, if it weren't for the fact that in this cinematic rendering, he's so aggressively set up as a macho, #NoHomo hero.
With such a sensitive character at its heart, all of the image manipulation both in front of and behind the cameras inevitably comes off as macho posturing — which is, this film suggests, precisely what drives the sport of boxing in the first place.
Sam Peckinpah has a popular reputation as a macho movie director obsessed with portraying graphic scenes of violence and pursuing a relentlessly misogynistic outlook, particularly in the films he made after...
He presents himself as a macho - adventurer, offering his services to bring them to safety, and it takes until the very final moments of the second act before the obvious joke that he's anything but how he looks is finally revealed.
As the macho Dusty, Mark Wahlberg is comedically game as usual.
His character could not be more of an embodiment of a woman's fantasy, as a macho bad boy who is secretly sensitive and just wants to find love.
Shatner was cast as the macho starship captain James Kirk on Star Trek, commanding a crew that included an acerbic doctor, a Scottish engineer, and a logician with pointy ears, on a mission «to boldly go where no man has gone before.»
Playing to type as the macho but good - hearted and poacher - hating Davis Okoye, Dwayne Johnson leads the charge and secures a surprisingly engaging (and even sweet) dynamic with his computer - generated pal George (a motion - captured Jason Liles).
The Inspector General of Police (IGP), John Kudalor, has said the decision to provide flagbearers and their running mates with police protection during political events, is to reduce the influence of heavily built men popularly known as macho men, in the political process.
Now I'm going to get my hair colored, because if there is such a thing as a Macho woman, well, that's not me!
A veteran Playboy columnist predicted that the controversial medication would be «as monumental as the birth - control pill,» and the publisher of Penthouse hailed it as a macho wonder drug that would «free the American male libido» from the feminists who sought to «emasculate» them.
The professors also endeavored to eliminate what Klawe referred to as macho behavior.
For example, primordial black holes fall into a category of entities known as MACHOs, or Massive Compact Halo Objects.
The latter possibility seems unlikely, but astronomers have considered a few candidates, which they refer to as MACHOs, or massive compact halo objects.

Not exact matches

As it turns out, this isn't just a metaphor for a macho culture but a biological fact.
Canadians have adopted the American «ah» for words like macho, taco and lasagna where we once employed an «a» as stiff as a Brit's upper lip.
After defying a grim outlook for the consumer discretionary sector, the designer and retailer of «yoga - inspired» sportswear is once again back to being a stock - market darling, testing its record highs and all but silencing the skeptics who once dismissed it, with no small whiff of macho market chauvinism, as a fluff stock — a women's fad.
They are also a macho, power - hungry lot, as Linda Diebel remarked on TVO a few nights ago, and they correctly interpreted Dion's move to include more women candidates in his party as a direct attack on their status within the party.
They began to mix up the magisterium with macho masculinism, as if the pope were Hemingway.
In it, the author writes, «Calvinism has somehow become cool, and just as startling, this generally bookish creed has fused with a macho ethos.»
The draft resistance movement cultivated a macho image to counteract the image of the dominant society of draft resisters as cowards.
I've seen the macho stuff as a cover up for fear based weak (afraid of emotions) men who are FEARFUL of being vulnerable - something Christ wanted out of His followers.
And if a woman goes into those fields with a tough, macho spirit, she may be as «successful» as many men, but she will be a failure as a woman.
If as we saw in the Introduction, to be religious is to imitate God, the God that is imitated is the model of a Cosmic Macho Male.
They look real macho but don't cook as well as the uprights in that price range.
Serve alongside huevos rancheros, macho tacos, or leave out the alcohol entirely and just enjoy as a refreshing juice.
And now some Germans have added another multicultural twist: spiking the sauce with Caribbean and South American peppers, to stratospheric levels of Scoville Heat Units, as a challenge to macho munchers competing for the top - dog spot in their local Currywurst «Hall of Fame.»
Patterson served as the architect for many of WrestleMania's greatest moments, including the sublime stretch of matches Hulk Hogan delivered at WrestleMania III, V, and VI, as well as worked with the «Macho Man» Randy Savage and the Ultimate Warrior in the blow off to their feud in a phenomenal retirement match at WrestleMania VII.
when u have macho unreal playing as a cb says it all about arsenal & arsene wenger no planning nothing the players look lost no one seems 2 know what their role is.
Sure, he bought his first Rottweiler as a «macho» dog.
You could make it, like Jim Jordan did, as a 98 - pound young man in a macho tough - guy world, if you wrestled.
The crash at Tie Siding has propelled people in Laramie, only 16 miles to the north, and beyond into a frenzy of self - examination, with both the state's image as a bastion of macho self - reliance and its conservative political establishment coming under fire.
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