Sentences with phrase «as much impact»

Botanical prints in burr wood frames grouped together have as much impact as a single large painting, while an over-sized lamp with an Oriental - style base, checked curtains and the floral chair fabric add pattern to the pared - down scheme.
You can also pick out slimmer details to make just as much impact — your skirtings and door frames or, as in the below room, the inside of an arch or opening.
This is an inexpensive update that can have as much impact in a small narrow hallway as it does in a grand entrance hall.
«For those CMBS lenders that have large balance sheets, it won't have as much impact,» he says.
A formal hedge of green velvet boxwood, a border of green lilyturf, or dense Boston ivy - colored trellises can have just as much impact as a garden full of colorful flowers, NALP notes.
The incarceration of a parent can have as much impact on a child's well - being as abuse or domestic violence.
Research shows that the incarceration of a parent can have as much impact on a child's well - being as abuse or domestic violence.
The way it is handled has about as much impact as the news itself.
How you and the other parent handle the divorce process has at least as much impact on your children as the divorce itself, maybe more.
Over time, education may not have quite as much impact on a couple's divorce rate.
How well you write your cover letter will have just as much impact on your chances of selection as to what you have actually written.
For those who would like to make changes in their life but aren't ready to make a strong commitment to do the work, coaching might not have as much impact.
What you don't say when rejecting a candidate has as much impact as what you do say.
Regardless of the impact of Mt. Gox's 35,000 sold BTCs, we believe that FUD — Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt — may have had at least as much impact on the crypto market.
Listening to «Aljamiado» by Renaud Garcia - Fons, I get a series of delightful bass thumps (which my iMac speakers can't even register) anchoring the song, but the wind instruments feel insubstantial and don't have anywhere near as much impact or effect.
Couple that with low interest rates that may weaken dividend yields, and your 401 (k) may seem like a wholly dated, retro savings account that doesn't have as much impact as it used to.
The reality is that where you were born, your family structure, how you were parented, your cultural norms, social values and roles of authority in your life will have as much impact, if not more, than your date of birth.
Because lack of access to legal rights can have as much impact on an individual life as an ability to access health care, or education, or housing.
But because there's not much methane to begin with, it's not true that 1.33 x methane has more impact than a doubling of CO2 (we've already increased methane by well over this amount)... a doubling of methane doesn't even have nearly as much impact as a doubling of CO2.
The CO2 emitted in Los Angeles has just as much impact in Bangladesh as in L.A.. That's why people are trying to address it on a global level.»
Tax policy can have just as much impact on energy security as access decisions can, and the relationship between taxes and energy production is a two - way street that can lead to either mutual benefit or mutual detriment.
Sadly, if this article had been written with some (or maybe even any) supporting evidence for these highly entertaining but somewhat wild conclusions, it would probably make as much impact within the scientific world as the IPCC's latest report is making now.
Exports do not count against meeting federal or state carbon reduction targets even though they certainly have just as much impact on climate as if they did.
But the campaign to make sure that the document has as much impact as possible on climate diplomacy leading up to Paris treaty talks in December is just getting into gear.
I have merely pointed out that they are unlikely to have as much impact as some would like them to.
Fifteen lines from Shelley's Ozymandias had as much impact on me as fifteen hundred pages of Tolstoy's War & Peace did, as much as I loved the latter.
I've spent a lot of time over the last year thinking about this question: how can The Abundant Artist achieve 10 times as much impact, while I exert the same amount of effort?
Let's call him Captain Planet» No other cartoon I watched as a child has had as much impact on my day - to - day adult life.
This means his words didn't have as much impact as say, Reggie Fils - Aime, Nintendo's usual host, or even Ubisoft's horrible tag - team (we'll get to them later).
It's right up there in terms of literary merit with Metal Gear Solid 2's existentialist and postmodernist themes, but it doesn't land with as much impact as it should in large part due to the inconsistencies, and downright lack of quality, found in Skull Face's characterization.
While the advanced classes and additional traits in the nemesis system are great additions, they struggle to have quite as much impact as they perhaps should simply because you have so many different ways to do damage to your opponents.
They may not all be as pretty as the King of Fighters series but they give just as much impact.
While the lore bits of the Story DLC does add a lot of interesting and disturbing stuff to the experience, it is mostly littered with recycled areas, enemies, and jump scares that just don't feel like they have as much impact as they did in the original game.
Whatever the PlayStation Meeting has in terms of the PSVR though it won't have as much impact on the consumer as building momentum and bigger public facing events like Gamescom.
Negative experiences during this time have just as much impact as positive experiences.
Algorithms and report refreshes could have as much impact on your credit score as on - time payment of credit card balances or long, overdue mortgage payments.
As I've detailed previously, when earnings - based measures are used to explain subsequent market returns, the embedded profit margin almost always carries as much impact as P / E itself.
After all, you want to have as much impact as possible if you're spending a fair amount on prizes.
This tactic isn't only being praised for its efficiency, but it's also being applauded by indie authors for its economical approach to reaching multiple communities while having just as much impact as its offline version.
Self - publishing doesn't have as much impact on the young adult market as you might think.
«It is an issue of educational quality that will have just as much impact on our children as it will on their teachers.
While Stoker does seem determined to explore themes of grief, burgeoning sexuality, and fate through the incestuous triangle of India, Uncle Charlie, and Evie, the nuances of these themes never quite make as much impact as the stylish direction, which overwhelms the story's mystery with its too - heavy leaning on brooding looks, gothic atmosphere, and vague, circuitous dialogue.
Her win last proves, one, she's absolutely adorable and incredibly funny, and two, her performance made as much an impact on other people as it did on me.
Has as much impact as a baseball bat to the head, but is much more enjoyable.
It takes its time, it gets its story across effectively, and it has every bit as much impact as all of those involved could have hoped for.
The flashbacks never have as much impact as the present - day material and the relationship between the two timelines sometimes seems tenuous or confusing.
We wanted that thing that happens at the end of that movie to have as much impact as possible.
Though this is sometimes dealt with and referenced in a clever manner, there are a few, such as Morena Baccarin «s Vanessa, that don't have as much impact as they potentially could have had.
However, given how lacking in content and easy Dead Rising 4 is, this removal of the timer doesn't carry as much impact as it should.
No animated film of 2016 surprised with as much impact as Kubo and the Two Strings, Laika's latest, stop - motion animated epic.
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