Sentences with phrase «as much sweat»

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«I was the only duffer in the class, and many of the other women had these pants with a symbol on their butt, and their pants did not appear to be sweating as much as mine,» she recalls.
Ukulele making may sound kitschy, but «make no mistake,» says the show's host, «they put as much blood and sweat into their craft» as any other business.
The conventional image of the railway as a national project owes much to the appeal of Pierre Berton's books, which drew on its construction — with all the blood, sweat and scandal that went into it — as a metaphor for nation building, a physical extension of Confederation into western Canada.
What is most humbling about their «wish lists» is that they really don't ask for much just basics such as tooth brushes, socks, and sweat pants.
I hear you — my husband and cats quarantined themselves to the east end of the house with the fan pulling in as much air as possible through the sliding glass door while I kept sweating in the kitchen.
I love a good steak as much as the next cavewoman, but please tell me I'm not the only one who can't even fathom eating something that requires cutting (makes me sweat) or extra chewing (oh, the effort) when it's hot out.
It doesn't use any cream or milk, but it does begin with some yellow onions sweated in butter, and once everything is pureed together it has the same satisfying richness as a creamy root vegetable soup with the benefit of a much lighter finish and brighter flavor.
If you want to get aggressive and make yourself sweat, shake in as much chile sauce as you can handle.
By having Thornton on a one - year deal, San Jose won't have to sweat nearly as much about the big raises going toward Vlasic and Jones next year, when their combined cap hits jump from $ 7.25 million to $ 12.75 million.
Sweat also tested out as faster & much more explosive than Landry and Bosa.
At midnight we were back in the village, feeling much, I suppose, as the English knights felt as they gave up the vain pursuit of an enemy that struck and disappeared, then came disconsolately home, sweating and clanking in their expensive armor.
When Sweat was allowed to play the game as an attacking Edge defender, he showed me more moves & much better hand - usage skills than Landry did in hundreds of more snaps as an attacking Edge.
If Harold Landry and Sweat had swapped teams and positions in 2017, Landry would have nowhere near that much production for FSU, while Sweat would have almost certainly put up similar production as Landry did for BC.
Sharp bettors are sweating almost as much as Buzz Williams right now, but they were ultimately able to cash their Virginia Tech tickets in the most heavily bet game of the night.
Sharp bettors are sweating almost as much as Buzz Williams right now, but they were ultimately able to cash their Virginia Tech tickets in the most heavily bet game of
The canvas material is not as breathable as other fabric options but is suitable for toddlers who don't sweat much.
Admittedly I don't sweat as much with these on when it's cold, obviously, but I hope they are still working!
My younger one is a bit of an enigma, but maybe was partially due to being a bit of an introvert so loves the imaginary world of books, and maybe partially due to neglect parenting — we weren't reading to her nearly as much as her sisters, so she had to figure it out on her own (joking — kind of — we obviously don't neglect her, reading just took a backseat, but hey it all worked out in the wash so am not sweating it).
I didn't sweat the newborn fussiness as much because I knew it would pass.
Our daughter says it is more comfortable on the back of her legs and she doesn't sweat as much during the summer since it has a breathable cushion.
With the Omni my baby sits much lower but equally as comfortably and we both sweat less!
I don't sweat the little stuff as much anymore, and I'm able to adapt to new phases with greater ease.
You can be rockin» sweats and a dirty shirt for weeks without so much as an incident, but the minute you need to get dressed up your baby will seize their opportunity to ruin said outfit (and probably your evening).
So I am going to wear as many of my favorite pieces as I can before I will sweat too much in them!
But as parents, we feel terrible for our babies, and I can tell you I've never sweated as much and felt so helpless as I do operating on hardly any sleep due to» round the clock feedings, while trying to soothe two screaming babies who can not be comforted.
The great thing about those is that they let their heads breathe so they don't sweat as much and want to remove them.»
Chris continues: «Our employees found that coveralls from 3M were the most comfortable as they are made from breathable fabric, meaning that wearers don't sweat so much
This hot yoga towel has a grip that actually strengthens the more you sweat on it so you will want to sweat as much as you can (easy, right?).
The tip material is designed to stay «sticky» even when you're sweating, with as much as 30 % more sticking power than similar earbud tips without the Gel feature.
Once a pitcher starts «aiming his pitches,» as the commentators call it, their voices heavy with foreboding, it usually isn't very long before he's back riding a tractor near the house he was born in, cursing his mental apparatus and simultaneously using it to figure out how much he can get for the sweat - stained athletic supporter he pilfered from an all - star teammate.
The researchers then ran tiny currents across the volunteers» skin to monitor how much they perspired as they looked at pictures of sunsets, cute animals, fist fights and vomit — pictures already known to evoke an automatic sweat response.
Cool season crops have three advantages: the cooler temperatures allow plants to grow without losing as much water through transpiration (like humans» sweat) as crops that grow during hot weather.
Their report, which appears in the February 8 issue of Science, shows that walkers can generate about five watts of power without so much as breaking a sweat.
«What we decided to do was not to use a complex mixture such as sweat that we can not control very much,» she says, «but, on the other end, try to use a simple component that we know is in sweat and assess how much smelling this compound can affect the physiology of the woman.»
Men sweat up to twice as much as women, and both sexes sweat less with age.
The winds can affect rates of evaporation, which cool an ocean in much the same way as sweating can cool the skin, affecting the amount of heat that moves between the sky and the ocean.
As plants take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, they release water through evapotranspiration from their leaf pores, which helps them cool down in the hot sun, much as human sweat cools us dowAs plants take in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, they release water through evapotranspiration from their leaf pores, which helps them cool down in the hot sun, much as human sweat cools us dowas human sweat cools us down.
The concept seemed like a silly one — and I certainly didn't remember sweating much while bouncing on a trampoline as a kid — but what choice did I have?
Bikram classes follow a set series of poses and are held in 105 - degree rooms, and they're often touted as major calorie burners because of how much participants sweat.
«You're still sweating, but it's not doing as much for your body temperature,» says Michael F. Bergeron, PhD, director of the National Institute for Athletic Health & Performance at the Sanford University of South Dakota Medical Center, in Sioux Falls.
While the concept of breaking a sweat with someone as relationship - building is not unique to CrossFit, in CrossFit «working out» really means something much more specific.
Researchers found that athletes who are used to working up a sweat reabsorbed the excreted ions better than those who don't exercise as much.
Keep in mind that during exercise, you're losing a lot of water due to sweating, so make sure to re-hydrate yourself as much as possible.
After a few weeks of using natural, I noticed an unexpected side effect... I wasn't sweating as much to begin with.
Some trainers are still worried that creatine makes cells absorb so much water that there is not enough fluid available for other bodily functions, such as sweating.
Those who break a sweat say they get more and better shut - eye each night and report feeling less sleepy during the day than those who don't get as much physical activity.
As for the workouts, they're really challenging - never sweat so much!!
It makes sense to think that since you're not sweating from every pore on your body you don't need to drink as much.
I did the hiit sprint on bike, didn't sweat much and maybe could have done another round, but I honestly went as fast as my little legs would allow me.
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