Sentences with phrase «as my wife calls»

And maybe up the ante on the powdered kale I make into a tea or as my wife calls it a dark green veggie liquor that she won't touch but I love.

Not exact matches

He had called my wife in the weeks before (as he had with all of his direct reports) and asked her if there was a Christmas gift — something I really wanted — that he could get for me.
He suffered publicly as the press called his wife fat and begged people at concerts to be kinder to his wife.
Although many people refer to his wife as Kate, her proper and full title that she is addressed as is Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge No matter how cute the little ones are, they have to have their full names used when called.
As an attorney, mom, wife, volunteer, (you get the picture), I don't have time to be changing my site or calling on a designer every time I want to update the look of my page.
French President Emmanuel Macron has laughed off an Australian newspaper's front page mock - up of him as «Pepe Le Pew» after a linguistic faux pas saw him call the wife of Aussie PM Malcolm Turnbull «delicious.»
Islamic Fundamentalists and even moderate Islam supports Shariah Law which allows Honor Killing, beating their wives as a possesion like Chattel during the American Error of Slavery, and calls for a Holy Jihad against America.
About two years ago, my wife, Minhee, and I made one of the hardest decisions we've made thus far in our marriage and in our calling as parents.
The last act of decency that was in Walt's power was to renounce his infant daughter and play the monster he had become on a phone call he knew the police were overhearing, so as to exculpate his wife Skyler from her cooperation in his schemes.
No Mormon (including Romney) would ever denounce Bringum Young or as I call him «Bring them young» he had 55 wives some as young as 11
Wife was a misunderstanding and thus corruption of the «Bride of Christ» gospel that means in parable form, that the Christians who are called up into the «Marriage Supper» of the Lamb» (of God) are referred to as the «Bride of Christ».
As St Paul says in Ephesians 5, the more that the husband in his relationship with his wife reflects the sacrificial love of Christ for His bride the Church, and the more that the wife in her relationship with her husband reflects the self - giving love of the Church for her Bridegroom, the more they will be truly fulfilled and the more they will live up to what they are called to be.
I learned about equality even from Paul, who taught that with the resurrection, something radical had changed — not merely ontologically, but functionally — in the relationships between slaves and masters, Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rendering those whose identity was once rooted in hierarchy and division brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ instead; who put a radical gospel - spin on the Greco - Roman household codes, breaking down the hierarchies so that slaves and masters, wives and husbands were charged with submitting «one to another» with the humility of Jesus as their model; who taught that power was overrated and that service will be rewarded; who surrounded himself with women he called «co-workers.»
Consequently, most e-mail users have seen such Sunday school gems as «Noah's wife was called...
As my wife pointed out last night, most of these former pastors felt God was calling them to pastor, and ended up very disillusioned.
For example, according to Strachan, a man who makes less money than his wife or chooses to serve the family as a stay - at - home dad is a «man fail» because «men are called to be leaders, providers, protectors and women are nurturers.»
So long as a sexual hierarchy obtains which allows a man to rape a woman with impunity, or a husband to rape a wife and call it legal, all such crimes of dominance will continue, the poor will be kept poor, and war will flourish despite all our tinkering with world economies and reaching for solutions through diplomacy.
24 Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife [he married her]: 25 And knew her not [NO se - x-ual in - ter - co-urse] till [until after] she had brought forth [delivered, bore] her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.
Women are called to submit to their husbands as a sign of respect because the husband (who has the much more difficult job) is called to love his wife as Christ loves the church.
It also says that the husband is supposed to love his wife as he loves himself, which first implies that he is called to love himself, and then again implies a lot of love.
All semantics aside, they do not believe in One God, they believe in 3 distinct gods of this planet, that there are planets all over the universe being celestially reproduced by other gods... and the various wives each god has... that we will become gods one day as god was once a man... sorry ladies, you can only be a godess if you please your celestial husband and he calls you up.
And finally, a real Mosaic brainteaser about seven brothers who do their brotherly duty by marrying each other's childless widow, only to find themselves all in heaven without a clue as to who gets to call her «my wife
We need to take our position and calling to love our wives as Christ loved the Church very seriously.
It's like Mormons adding a book contrary in message, with god the father living on a planet..., works - righteousness, a prophet who can have as many and any wives he chooses, even those of other men, can burn printing presses, etc. and insist on calling themselves «Christian».
These people... my father, my friend, my neighbor, my wife, and my mother... have understood the mission to which God called them, and they selflessly carry out this mission year in and year out, and for that, they are «missionaries» just as much as those who have gone overseas.
Please tell me how many women gets this honor of being wife in Christianity or any other religions and how many children are being born out of good luck and being a father less in the society (fyi in some culture they call these types of children as bustard) and many more...
May our God of infinite love be with Jesse as he continues to heal, with you and your wife as you care for him, with Shirl as she struggles with the call to compassion that is on all of us and especially those in the health care professions, and with all of us as we search for ways to deal with adversity in healthy ways.
One is the scene in which Dolly is on her way to visit Anna at Vronsky's estate in the country; as she travels, the narrative takes us into her thoughts, which are perfectly ordinary: her anxieties as a mother, principally, and as a wife, and her moral uncertainties; but it is all rendered with such confident and seemingly omniscient artistry that one almost feels as if one has momentarily become this woman, and can think and feel as she does; and more than one female critic has called attention to how well Tolstoy succeeds here at imagining his way into the worries and regrets of a wife and mother.
Have you come across anything about it being acceptable for so - called «godly» men to beat their wives when their wives are not perceived as being «submissive» in accordance with so - called «biblical» principles?
Your husband will answer to God, and you must answer to God for how you respond to your husband, even when he causes you to suffer.Just as we are to obey government in every ordinance, and servants are to obey their masters, even the ones who are abusive and surly, «likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands»... You can freely call your husband «lord» when you know that you are addressing the one who put him in charge and asked you to suffer at your husband's hands just as our Lord suffered at the hands of unjust authorities... When you endure evil and railing without returning it, you receive a blessing, not just as a martyr, but as one who worships God.»
If as a husband I am called to love my wife like Christ loved the church, to the point of giving up His life for it, then me giving up a job to live out my responsibility as a father and a husband should not be not condemned.
Nor can those Americans who actually serve, whether in the army proper or in any enterprise connected to their country's defense, have quite so immediate and close - quartered a connection as do Israel's soldiers to the wives and children and parents and friends they are called upon to defend.
We call on the Cuban authorities to repeal the sentences against the pastor and his wife, and to allow him to continue his work as a church leader.»
It is a building that is called out of The World, it is a building that Keeps His Commandments and Laws (Husbands love your wives (not husbands) as Christ Jesus Loves The Chruch); Wives submit yourselves to your Husbands (not wives) as unto The Lord.&rwives (not husbands) as Christ Jesus Loves The Chruch); Wives submit yourselves to your Husbands (not wives) as unto The Lord.&rWives submit yourselves to your Husbands (not wives) as unto The Lord.&rwives) as unto The Lord.»
Hosea understands himself to be called to take as wife a woman of ill repute — a whore, an adulteress — by whom he fathers three children with symbolic names: the Punished One (Jezreel), No Mercy (Lo Ruuhamah), and Not My People (Lo Ammi)(1:6 — 9).
When I was recently called for jury duty, the attorney, after asking my husband's occupation, repeatedly prefaced his interrogation by saying, «As a minister's wife, I assume you..»
Mat 1:24 And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, Mat 1:25 but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus.
Again, the evasion is readily applicable to feminist theology: «I can accept women as equals and co-workers in the public world, as long as my wife remains a traditional homemaker; I'll support the ERA, but I won't have to change my own life style; it's all right for women to become ministers, but my congregation will never call one as pastor; it's OK for a few women to come into our system, as long as their presence requires no major structural changes.»
And if another person wants to cheat on his wife as opposed to your fidelity and monogamy, you can't call that bad.
As a result, I found myself growing out my hair, making my own clothes, caring for a computerized baby named Chip, consulting with Orthodox Jews, travelling to Amish country, interviewing a real «sister wife,» sitting on my roof, covering my head, and calling my husband «master.»
We talk more about serving in the way we have been «called», such as our secular callings, our families, wives, children, etc..
Our «resident theologian,» as we called him, wished to be considered a team with his wife, Susan Lindenberger.
As for going by the «word» of the Bible... go back and read where it says a man can have his wife stoned to death if he «thinks» she's cheating on him (I think this would be called murder today) of that the parents can have the children killed for not obeying their parents.
My wife is as christian as they come, yet she would put any high end call girl to shame.
As his wife was making her way over, Gordon said his wife got a phone call from their son warning her that he was stuck waiting for a train to pass near their home and he advised her to go a different route, not even knowing that she was on her way over to his grandparents» home.
(Isa 8:20 NIV)» this verse is the bases for Bible interpretation,,, it identifies the guidelines,,, in other words,,, the Bible can't contradict itself,,, nor can anyone who claims to be bearing the message of God contradict with the Bible,,, so if the Bible tells me that (Soddom and Gomorrah had sinned,,, and in many other parts of the Bible Perversion is called by its name) then what King David says here needs to be understood in a figurative way,,, here is a suggestion,,, a Man lets down his defenses infront of his wife,,, he is absolutely offguard around her,,, his love towards his wife, is a mixture of love, respect, endless trust,,, and this kind of love was what David had towards Jonathan,,, he knew he could count on him, he knew, he didn't have to fear anything around him, he knew,,, «as the verse states» that he loved him as himself!
I call it an unspoken event because, in one of those resounding gaps that (as Meir Sternberg has shown in his Poetics of Biblical Narrative) are characteristic of the artistry of biblical narrative, we learn that the man listened to the voice of his wife, but we are not told what she said (Gen. 3:17).
As his calling as an evangelist became clear, so the Philo Trust was born, giving J.John and his wife Killy a ministry to reach thousands of peoplAs his calling as an evangelist became clear, so the Philo Trust was born, giving J.John and his wife Killy a ministry to reach thousands of peoplas an evangelist became clear, so the Philo Trust was born, giving J.John and his wife Killy a ministry to reach thousands of people.
For your last comment, men and women were created differently but uniquely, and yes men are to lead their homes but they are also called to love their wives as Jesus loved the church which is a big challenge.
Marco and his wife Maggie live on top of a small mountain near Parma in the agricultural village known as Salsomaggiore and their view is the valley called Bellacavalle, know for its incredibly tasty Parmesan cheese.
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