Sentences with phrase «as myth rather»

Bultmann has asked the question whether salvation history, in its formal aspect at any rate, is to be regarded as myth rather than history, and as myth not only in its outer framework but in its essential core, in the event of Jesus Christ.
I regard the story of the empty tomb as a myth rather than literal history, and profoundly significant as a myth.
I regard the story of the empty tomb as myth rather than literal history, and profoundly significant as myth.
He regards the story of the empty tomb as myth rather than literal history — and a profoundly significant myth.

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12 Myths Uncovered About A Franchise Opportunity What You Need To Know About Investing In A Franchise Launching any new business can be rather daunting, even something a turn key as a franchise opportunity.
Missouri Synod theologians had traditionally affirmed the inerrancy of the Bible, and, although such a term can mean many things, in practice it meant certain rather specific things: harmonizing of the various biblical narratives; a somewhat ahistorical reading of the Bible in which there was little room for growth or development of theological understanding; a tendency to hold that God would not have used within the Bible literary forms such as myth, legend, or saga; an unwillingness to reckon with possible creativity on the part of the evangelists who tell the story of Jesus in the Gospels or to consider what it might mean that they write that story from a post-Easter perspective; a general reluctance to consider that the canons of historical exactitude which we take as givens might have been different for the biblical authors.
rather than myths, personal opinion and unexplained phenomena as a way to define the «self.»
To classify a story or theme as Christian Myth is therefore not at all to dismiss it but rather to elevate it to a special status.
At least, they say, they should be seen as significant «myths» rather than as having factual content.
In his essay, The Gospel and Culture, Voegelin explains that this deculturation doesn't manifest itself as an ideology, or as a «post-Christian» or «postmodern» age proudly positing a «new» system or a unique differentiation of myth, philosophy, or revelation that will «save» man, but rather it is a psychopathology, a disease of the mind, that reveals itself in second realities, egophanic revolt, and a host of similar disorders.
Thus myth to Frankfort is primarily important as a form of thought rather than as an embodiment of concrete events.
His point was not that scriptural narrative contains no historical elements, but rather that the Bible's historical elements are always mixed with myth, saga and related forms of expression as vehicles of the Word.
Alcoholics Anonymous, being «spiritual, not religious,» doesn't use the Bible at all; rather it uses another sacred text, the inspired Word of God as expressed through Bill Wilson, the Big Book... Unlike the Oxford Group, which claimed salvation and redemption by Jesus through the Oxford Group, AA proclaims «recovery» by one s «Higher Power» through the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (Ken Ragge, The Real AA: Behind the Myth of 12 - Step Recovery [AZ: Sharp Press, 1998], pp. 82 - 83).
The chief points of change are, first, that the scene has been transferred from the supernatural world of the gods to the earthly sphere of human history; secondly, that It is not a god who experiences the renewal of life (for the God of Israel is not himself subject to death and resurrection, but on the contrary initiates and controls these events) but the people of Israel, who look in hope for restoration when their existence is threatened; and thirdly, that this hope is expressed as a metaphor describing the historical future, rather than as a myth of cosmic renewal.
Though he preferred to speak of biblical «saga» rather than «myth» in order to distinguish biblical myth from the monist mythologies of other religions and philosophies, he urged that, by either name, the «mythical» aspects of scripture should not be regarded as dispensable for theology.
But the myth caught on, especially after Martin Luther used Junias, rather than Junia, in his German translation of the Bible and identified the pair of former prisoners as male.
Whereas the «seven days» of creation communicates to us a particular truth about correct religious observance, rather as the Greek myth of Narcissus warns against the vice of vanity, Genesis 1 - 3 does deal with actual, primordial events.
start using your brain Nii rather than what you have been told about a myth... you have no evidence and never will have... start looking at folks as human beings with potential rather than sinners and devils... its just a little childish.
Our religions and culture are constantly reinterpreted and reshaped through the combined myths of the suffering and crucified Jesus — as Jaime Vidal has stated: «El Señior del gran poder» — combined with the myths of Cuatemoc: the young Aztec prince who allowed himself to be burned to death slowly rather than give the Spaniard the secret of the Gold and Quetzalcoatl who sacrificed himself for the good of his people.
Thus were the more or less inadequate, casual or corrupt officers of the European Myth exposed as functionaries of a social machine, rather than servants of men in their religious affairs.
They are accustomed to think of myth as something false or untrue rather than a poetic, imaginative attempt, through story, to explain things.
you would prefer that people buy into the whole «Jesus as myth» rather than actually know the truth?
Rather than brush this aside as an example of the irrelevance of the church, it deserves to be examined as a revealing example of what I mean by the social power of myth.
Rather like the myth of all Irish being thick, all French being more expert on food, English more reserved and other complete nonsense, as they all are.
Yeah that left a rather sour taste in my mouth too, but the reality of the situation was that most of the players who left the club in the past did so because the constant failure to obtain any sort of silverware... As I have said many times before and will say again, Wenger is the «root of all of Arsenals problems»... yes silent Stan and the board are also contributory... but the fact that they have allowed him in excess of 16 million to spend on teenage boys debunks any myth that suggest his hands are tied... You give me 16 million and I'll bring back a world class player and come back with change.
The truth: As in myth # 1, low self esteem in children from single parent homes is liable to stem from the economic hardship sometimes associated with such homes, rather than the method of parenting or how many people are available to provide such parenting.
Despite endless discussion and Cabinet Secretary Gus O'Donnell's rather creative warning that officials are «working on Brexit plans in their head» to avoid FOI, we found the chilling effect to be a myth (as did a Parliamentary committee).
We remember myths not as myths, but rather as statements that are additionally tagged as «false.»
The current «urban myth» in the fitness world is that cardio will actually cause your RMR (Resting Metabolic Rate, also know as BMR or Basil Metabolic Rate) to slow down, resulting in weight gain rather Read More
Rather, by presenting the issue as a personal ordeal in which a heroic figure is tortured because his superiority threatens a sadistic figure's ego, her movie joins several other current releases — including Fury, The Interview and American Sniper — in promoting myths about the American military - intelligence apparatus at a time when the crimes of the latter need to be systematically exposed.
This is both the broad metaphor at the heart of the president's own political career and a nice summation of what the film accomplishes - by holding these characters up to be judged as human beings rather than saints, it has pricked the balloon of myth that surrounds much of what transpired.
O.J.: Made In America likely would have made the cut if not for a (totally defensible) editorial decision to classify it as television rather than film, but I voted for three other docs this year: Tower (addressed in the «outlier» section of my ballot), Author: The JT LeRoy Story (which correctly recognizes that letting Laura Albert expand on her own «myth» makes for better cinema than any objective investigative alternative), and Weiner... which ranked lowest on my personal list, but is the one I'm most surprised not to see on the collective list.
Rather than focus upon the myths of frontier, individualism and the destruction of the wilderness by «civilisation», McCabe contrasts various models of entrepreneurship, situating McCabe's failure as being largely the result of the mundanity of his business acumen and vision (and not his choice of business as a whorehouse manager).
But while the film is marginally better than Renny Harlin's «The Legend of Hercules,» it's rooted even less in the original myth, instead using Steve Moore's comic book series as its inspiration, which suggests that Hercules wasn't a demigod at all, but rather a mortal man whose legend far exceeds his abilities.
Three scholars and friends with a common understanding of academia as a platform where assumptions and myths are challenged rather than maintained thought that it was time to start to explore theoretical contributions other than those coming from the Western part of the world.
In fact, and rather, we have evidence directly from the state of Ohio contradicting this claim that he calls a «myth» — that, indeed, bias is alive and well in Ohio (as well as elsewhere), especially when VAM - based estimates are aggregated at the school level (see a post with figures illustrating bias in Ohio here).
The rationale behind this money management myth is that if you concentrate on pips instead of dollar you will somehow not become emotional about your trading because you will not be thinking about your trading account in monetary terms but rather as game of points.
But I chose to leave the shelter and training world rather than feel forced to deal with other people's poor choices of dog breeds, and the myths popularized on TV, which I would have to painstakingly try to dispel while eyeing the aggressive monsters being adopted out as pets to unsuspecting people.
Don't mistake that as if there is a lack of games featuring them, they just tend to add the myths of the times to them rather than how life would have actually been during the 13th century.
Underlying the question about woman as artist, then, we find the myth of the Great Artist — subject of a hundred monographs, unique, godlike — bearing within his person since birth a mysterious essence, rather like the golden nugget in Mrs. Grass's chicken soup, called Genius or Talent, which, like murder, must always out, no matter how unlikely or unpromising the circumstances.
Rather than being drawn to a specific style of the past (he has utilized reproductions of paintings by Lorenzo Lotto, Nicolas Poussin as well as Classical sculpture), Paolini is «attracted to the myth of the why, why one makes art.»
Rather than emphasize the gestural or chromatic excesses of the works, the curators have zeroed in on such themes as myth - making and the presence of the figure.
The paintings are more poetic and visionary being loosely drawn from the myth of the city of Atlantis, rather than scientific concepts as in the other pieces.
I don't subjectify my women; rather, they allow me to reinvestigate a myth from my point of view: rather than rape, there's pleasurable co-joining, as in Danae and the Parakeet; rather than the terrified victim, there's resistant outrage, as in Europa and the Flying Fish.»
In past paintings, Bryan engaged a signature New Yorker illustration style and self - portraiture with ultra-thin washes rather than impasto oil as a way to negate myths of artistic authority.
Alongside its 100 color plates, critical essays overturn several myths about Dadd (revealing, for example, that his jailers were generous and often acted as his patrons rather than as his oppressors) and trace the critical reception of his now widely admired art.
Scharf plumbs the psychological wells of collective myths for symbolic content: the crown of thorns, the ladder, the fish, and the cross can be found throughout, functioning not, as one might expect, as religious symbols, but rather as a means through which to access a deeper, symbolic level of visual communication.
Although well - read on these subjects, Bas prefers to focus on enduring myths as well as his own internalized interpretations, rather than the factual components.
The first to jump off will benefit at the polls, so long as they explain clearly to the electorate the facts of life rather than the myths which have disastrously prevailed.
If religions go, society will have to adopt ethics (rather than myth and superstition) as a basis for acceptable behaviour.
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