Sentences with phrase «as necessary aspects»

This 1938 case has echoed through history with its powerful support for freedom of expression and freedom of the press as necessary aspects of our constitutional democracy.
He forms a unique social discourse, developing events that break with traditional notions of performance and embrace realism and interaction as necessary aspects of viewing experience.
He forms a unique social discourse, developing events that break with traditional notions of performance and embrace realism and interaction as necessary aspects of the viewing experience.
In this video resource, Dr. Marzano speaks to failure as a necessary aspect of success in education.
They will describe this as a necessary aspect of the regulatory function — the conduct modification purpose of class actions.

Not exact matches

But as Johnston noted, the changing character of business structures and the marketplace are making it increasingly necessary for business owners and executives to pay greater attention to the human resource aspects of operation: «Tasks that were once neatly slotted into well - defined and narrow job descriptions have given way to broad job descriptions or role definitions.
And since all parties agree that there are intrinsically possible worlds containing no evil at all, every instance of evil in the actual world must be seen as a necessary, desired aspect of God's perfect plan.
Thus, insofar as Hartshorne conceives that freedom, power, and creativity are necessary aspects of all existence, neoclassical thought can be received as a metaphysical foundation for the philosophy of black power.
While these are properly regarded as special subjects of study and are taught as separate disciplines, skill in reasoning and in the use of language is also a necessary aspect of every other intellectual discipline.
The addition of the doctrine of internal relations as a necessary condition for evolution can clarify three arguments used by Birch to support his claim that low levels of order, such as particles, must have a subjective as well as a mechanical aspect.
It appears rather that the Bible views the history of the Hebrew people, the life of Jesus, and the life of the Church as sharing in one continuous working of God in which every aspect of human life and its natural environment has its necessary and fruitful role to play.
But, as Grisez points out, «this specific aspect of self - integration... is precisely the aspect necessary so that the bodily union of sexual intercourse will be a communion of persons, as marital intercourse is.»
13) Consider some other establishers of the Rock Fame pattern: rock's more artistic potentialties were encouraged by Dylan's example, and he accepted for a few years that his becoming famous was a necessary aspect of his art's attempt, as the various hype - sters put it, «to speak to and for his generation.»
Philosophy properly and adequately analyzes God's necessary aspects, but can not tell us what his contingent aspects are, other than the bare assertion that there are such contingent aspects, features of God's activity which happen to be so but just as well could have been otherwise.
The abstract aspect of God is his absolute, eternal, and necessary existence; and, as such, this aspect can be known by abstract metaphysical argument and logical proof.
Accordingly, when Griffin contends that it is implausible for FWTs to believe «that every basic structural aspect of the world can be justified as necessary to the promotion of creatures with moral and spiritual qualities» (ER 16), he is attacking a straw man.
I take it for granted that this company of readers insists on the distinction, drawn in one form or another, between abstract features or aspects of immediate awareness and mediated cognition as necessary to describe the character of experience.
The complexities of the relation between time as an aspect of the succession of occasions and the process internal to occasions need not be resolved here, since the basic principles necessary for understanding God's relation to time have already been noted.
Because all actualities are thus in relational communication, objectivity obtains as a necessary metaphysical aspect of activity.
Clearly then it is neither necessary nor possible to interpret the former aspects of feelings as reducible to the latter under the present reading of Hartshorne; in fact, the converse error is closer to the truth, since the latter is simply the former's active availability to the future.
So far I have referred to the role of subjective aim as necessary to the constitution of the entity as it is in itself and, secondly, as being an aspect of the subjective side of existence, be it of an electron or a man.
The report on this subject frankly acknowledged that «the missionary enterprise, coming as it does out of an economic order dominated almost entirely by the profit motive,» has not been «so sensitive to those aspects of the Christian message as would have been necessary sensibly to mitigate the evils which advancing industrialization has brought in its train,» and then proceeded to scrutinize mercilessly the exploitation of backward peoples as the result of the economic penetration of Africa and Asia by the West.
Knowledge of the historical Jesus is, then, important in that it can contribute positively to the formation of the faith - image, i.e. it can help to provide faith with its necessary content, and in that it can act negatively as a check on false or inappropriate faith - images, or aspects of a faith - image.
Perhaps the more positive aspects of the regulation, such as encouraging families to provide better nutrition and providing them with the resources to make good decisions, could be enacted without the necessary side component of rating a child's home packed lunch?
As traveling starts to be an ever - growing aspect of life nowadays, it's very important to make sure you take all the necessary safety precautions.
They didn't cut out a necessary aspect of education like music, history, science, or art (as some schools do) that children need to grow and learn as citizens of society.
In order to have a great reach of productivity, it is very much necessary to have the main points to be considered, and among all the concerned points, I prefer time as one of the major aspects of a good gain in productivity.
Still, he says, «I welcome the novel interpretation by Baron and Barrett, because it promotes a necessary debate on poorly known aspects of dinosaur evolution as a whole,» he says.
Einstein once described aspects of quantum mechanics as «spooky,» and he felt that a new way of understanding physics was necessary to merge the quantum world and the world we see around us into a unified, understandable universe.
I'll be there to answer every single question you have... to address any concerns that come up... to help you customize any aspects of the program if necessary... to keep you motivated, accountable and on - track at all times... and to be there as your friend and mentor as you move forward from week to week.
A: Whole grains are insulin triggers, and while they are often portrayed as healthy and necessary in a western diet, and that maybe true in some aspects, the fact is that whole grains often have a higher glycemic index than sugar itself.
As you chat, you will both need to establish a direct and forthright rapport with each other, in order to establish the trust which is necessary for a face - to - face meeting (this is one of the unique aspects of Internet dating - the foundation of trust is already there before you have even really met, therefore if it all seems to be working out you are several steps ahead of where you would be if you had met in the flesh initially).
«The study showed that singles tend to focus on the emotional aspects of a relationship and don't focus as much on the skills and requirements that are necessary to make a long term relationship stronger,» Gonzaga said.
As someone who is not Filipino, it will be necessary for you to learn to embrace these aspects of the culture and customs for a successful relationship.
The feminine aspect of life was necessary for our very survival, and the sacred feminine was honored by ancient around the world as bringer of life, growth, decline, death and rebirth.
Increasing numbers of schools, districts, and community organizations are incorporating and prioritizing SEL as a valued and necessary piece of their work in preparing the whole person for success in multiple aspects of life, including PreK - 12, college, and career.
They also emphasize non-academic aspects of the student experience such as school climate, culture, and social - emotional learning — the fundamentals that research says are necessary for student success.
Auto & General and our third party suppliers, as the case may be, reserve the right to vary, postpone, suspend, or cancel the competition and any prizes, or any aspect thereof, without notice at any time, for any reason which we deem necessary.
Just take the Porsche Stability Management (PSM) system, which monitors numerous aspects of driving behavior and adjusts braking power as necessary to ensure a confidence - enhancing ride.
On the one hand, now that the industry has a firm grip on ebook publication, digital rights, and other aspects associated with the digital publishing boom, there may very well be positions that are no longer as necessary as before.
Halliday described the usual scenarios that cause authors — even bestselling traditionally published authors — to consider indie publishing, such as control over the work; one key aspect that really appeals to the mystery writer is the freedom from outside deadlines that are necessary in the publishing industry.
The American Veterinary Medical Association defines animal welfare as ``... a human responsibility that encompasses all aspects of animal well - being, including proper housing, management, nutrition, disease prevention and treatment, responsible care, humane handling and, when necessary, humane euthanasia.»
Communication is the cornerstone of good medical care, and we spend as much time as necessary to ensure you fully understand every aspect of your pet's diagnosis and treatment options, so that you can be an active and informed part of the medical team.
Animal shelter best practices guides exist, many fail to address some necessary aspects of shelter dog maintenance, as well as the important decisions shelter owners make daily.
7) The efficacy of all aspects of the program must be monitored and revisions made as necessary to achieve its goals.
In some situations, however, the algorithm doesn't have the necessary information to make a decision, such as when one or more aspects of your application may be on the borderline of acceptable.
Attempting to infuse some of the story - based aspects, you play as either the Fireflies or Survivors and work to expand your group while keeping them fed and stocked with necessary supplies.
We struggled at first to find balance in all the moving parts of the game, but as we cut away some of the superfluous parts and got to the core of the game, we found that while certain aspects were fun in their own right, they added more complexity than necessary and ultimately detracted from the main experience.
While tending to crops, animals and the many other aspects of farming life, players will amass the resources necessary to customize and expand their farms — with the freedom to follow their own styles of play and shape their homesteads as they wish.
I have gone into the question of the availability of the nude model, a single aspect of the automatic, institutionally - maintained discrimination against women, in such detail simply to demonstrate both the universality of the discrimination against women and its consequences, as well as the institutional rather than individual nature of but one facet of the necessary preparation for achieving mere proficiency, much less greatness, in the realm of art during a long stretch of time.
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