Sentences with phrase «as nitrogen ice»

As nitrogen ice on the surface of the plain cools, it recedes, only to be replaced by a rising blob of nitrogen that has been warmed by Pluto's meagre internal heat source.

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Watch as we turn your flavors into ice cream with the aid of a tank of nitrogen!
The presentation is educational as it explains how liquid nitrogen can be harnessed to freeze fresh ingredients into ice cream.
Once on that lowland, the bergs are carried along by the slow - flowing nitrogen ice, often ending up clumped together in large groups (such as the 60 - km - long Challenger Colles, upper right, a feature whose name honors the seven astronauts who died onboard space shuttle Challenger in 1986).
(Because water ice is less dense than nitrogen ice, bergs of such material would waft along just as they would in Earth's seawater, the researchers explain.)
This process would play out during Pluto's decades - long seasons stretched across billions of years, as summertime plumes of gaseous nitrogen freeze out as snow to become trapped as wintertime ice in Sputnik Planitia's giant basin.
The New Horizons probe revealed Pluto as a colorful world, with a «heart» composed of nitrogen and methane ices.
Most likely it is nitrogen ice, accumulated as gases in Pluto's atmosphere freeze during its 60 - year - long winter.
Using sediment gathered from the ocean floor in different areas of the world, the researchers were able to confirm that as the ice sheets started melting and the climate warmed up at the end of the last ice age, 18,000 years ago, the marine nitrogen cycle started to accelerate.
With the icy planets in our solar system, «ice» refers to hydrogen molecules connected to lighter elements, such as carbon, oxygen and / or nitrogen.
«More nitrogen has to come from somewhere to resupply both the nitrogen ice that is moving around Pluto's surface in seasonal cycles, and the nitrogen that is escaping off the top of the atmosphere as the result of heating by ultraviolet light from the Sun,» said Singer.
PLUTO»S heart looks surprisingly fresh, and flowing nitrogen ice may be acting as its fountain of youth.
Qiang Wei at Peking University in China and his colleagues calculated that nitrogen ice, which is softer than water ice, on Pluto's plains may flow like molasses to fill in craters as they form.
El Bulli's menu features dishes such as salty ice cream, liquid olive, and a pistachio truffle cooled with liquid nitrogen.
Using computer models, New Horizons team members have been able to determine the depth of the layer of solid nitrogen ice within Pluto's distinctive «heart» feature — a large plain informally known as Sputnik Planum — and how fast that ice is flowing.
The new images are intriguing NASA astronomers with views of flows of nitrogen ice spreading from mountains onto flat plains, possible dune regions, and networks of valleys carved into Pluto's surface by as yet unknown materials.
Scientists think that in the «heart» region of Pluto (otherwise known as Sputnik Planum), water ice bedrock might be hidden underneath a thick blanket of other ices made of methane, nitrogen and carbon monoxide.
Their composition is concluded to be of water ice as it a lot less dense than the nitrogen ice carrying it away — hence they float!
The Triton moon orbiting Neptune, for instance, is nearly as large as Earth's moon, though ice volcanoes dispersed throughout the celestial body give off nitrogen frost, giving the moon a smoky appearance.
Previous flybys through the plumes have revealed that they contain water vapor, ice particles, sodium, potassium, methane, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen, as well as both simple and complex organics.
Through a process known as convection, cooler nitrogen ice located in the middle of the cells falls away, and is replaced by a rising globule of (relatively) warm material, which has been heated by Pluto's feeble interior heat source.
Two chefs combine foods in unusual ways in this extension of their cooking school, where the waiters know as much about the food as the chefs (a decided advantage, as some of the items may need explaining)-- fillet cooked in a dishwasher, lamb shank cooked slowly in an electric blanket, or liquid nitrogen boiled ice - cream (at your table).
Showing an area that is 1,290 miles top to bottom, it details the enormous geological variety found on the surface, including mountain ranges, craters, floating hills, and rugged highlands, as well as the nitrogen - ice plain informally named Sputnik Planum.
Tagged as: Andrew Dessler, Antarctica, Anthony Watts, carbon dioxide, clean air act, Climate Audit, climate change, climate disruption, climate models, climate - change denial, climategate, ClimaTweet, CO2, CRU, ENSO, global warming, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas, Greenland, ice sheet, Independent Climate Chang Email Review, Institute of Medicine, James Hansen, Lord Oxburgh, Marc Morano, Massachusetts v. EPA, methane, Michael Mann, Monckton, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council, nitrogen, ocean acidification, Penn State, Phil Jones, Pollutant, Richard Lindzen, Ross McKitrick, Royal Society, S. Fred Singer, Science & Technology, sea level rise, Sir Muir Russell, Sonia Boehmer - Christiansen, Steve McIntre, Steve Milloy, Supreme Court, Venus, Washington Times
The paper, «Reconstruction of past atmospheric CO2 concentrations by ice core analysis», acknowledges that, due to impurities, liquid water can exist as low as -50 deg C. Diffusion of CO2 into this water, due to its far higher solubility than nitrogen and oxygen, will partially deplete the CO2 from trapped air bubbles.
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