Sentences with phrase «as objective form»

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For example, a recent study by Lee, the KAIST professor, found that people who turn to their smartphones for «mood adjustment purposes,» such as to relieve boredom, stress or depression, may form a habit of using their phones for those objectives, which can lead to addictive behaviors.
As discussed in the CD&A under «Compensation Components» and «Achieving Compensation Objectives — Pay for Performance,» we have provided incentive compensation in the form of an annual cash incentive award based on Company, business line and individual qualitative performance results for each fiscal year, and long - term incentive compensation generally in the form of stock option grants and, in certain circumstances, RSRs to reward our SEOs for contribution to growth in long - term stockholder value.
High Current Income Mutual Fund - high current income mutual funds are a form of mutual fund, which has as its objective and purpose to offer any shareholders a high income.
The examples given above entail that the subject prehend the past experience in terms of its content or objective data as well as its emotion or subjective form.
This means that, inasmuch as we are consciously or subconsciously aware of earth and its creatures, they actually enter into our very constitution, forming its objective content.
The latter are not susceptible to cataloguing as mathematical Platonic forms; hence, despite Whitehead's explicit remarks that the Primordial Nature includes all eternal objects (PR 134; cf. 70), the Primordial Nature is identified with the eternal objects of the objective species.
Mays takes the statement that «The order of nature, prevalent in the cosmic epoch in question, exhibits itself as a morphological scheme involving eternal objects of the objective species» (PR 447f) and renders it: The order of nature is a morphological scheme of mathematical Platonic forms (PW 58/56).
His evolution involved the subjective side of life as well as the objective; that is, negatively, we are not to think of great inexplicable gaps in the forms of subjective existence any more than in the forms of biological organisms.
These two strands of American religion — the private and public, the soul - competent and civil - competent, the subjective and objective forms of witness to God as God or God - in - self — are sometimes at war, and sometimes they form complementary relations within denominations and in the minds of most of us.
Thus in this case as well, the mythical symbolization gives way to forms determined by objective reality.
Furthermore, thus understood, the State, the Church, and other forms of objective Spirit in Hegel's philosophy could never be misinterpreted as totalitarian realities.
In interpretation, the reader entertains propositions whose logical subjects include entities in the reader's (and author's) past world; only as such do they become components of the interpreter's «forms of subjectivity»; so there is always an element of objective reference.
What he says about the forms of human despair and the sickness of the spirit is not intended as objective description of sin.
This can not be done wilfully, of course, but emerges spontaneously from a particular way of appreciating the world: as an objective and beautiful thing, a symbolic reality whose fabric reveals, in a great variety of ways, the forms or archetypes of the world's order (pp. 13,125).
anything is objective insofar as, through the medium of conflict, it controls the movement of experience in its reconstructive transition from one unified form to another.
Likewise, God transmits God's feelings toward these actual occasions in their self - constitution through this common field of activity, just as concrescing actual occasions prehend not only the objective structure of their predecessors» self - constitution but also the subjective form or «satisfaction» of their predecessors in the latter's process of self - constitution (cf. Whitehead, Process 85).
Policy - making in media regulation, particularly in the U.S. and to a large extent also in Australia, proceeds generally by forming, or at least undergirding, political decisions on the same «objective» and «scientific» basis developed for less ambiguous areas such as public engineering, economics, and regulation of public safety.
But, as a material object, the body could expectantly take the form of stimuli «into account» «only if we introduce the phenomenal body beside the objective one, if we make a knowing - body of it, and if, in short, we substitute for consciousness [as Descartes conceived it], as the subject of perception, existence or being in the world through a body» (PP 309).
Since there are now many feelings, there are many objective data, but as compatible, they form a «virtual unity» which can perform the same role as the original datum in providing the ontological basis for the concrescence.
But in each case, these injunctions and objectives are deduced not from philosophical principle, but from an understanding of the distinctive character of politics as a form of order and authority, contending with a world in which conflict is a fact of life.
The junior officers were members of an underground political group within the Ghana Armed Forces called the Free Africa Movement (FAM) that they formed in October 1970 with the objective of seizing power in Ghana 1984 and using the country as the nucleus of a military - led push for the unification of the African continent under a single federal government.
1.2 «EGM» means an Extraordinary General Meeting 1.3 «NEC» means the National Executive Committee 1.4 «Rules» means Rules made by the NEC under this Constitution 1.5 Where the context so implies, the singular shall include the plural 1.6 Headings shall not form part of the meanings of Articles 1.7 «Branch» means a branch or constituency association 1.8 PPERA means the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 PART II NAME AND OBJECTIVES OF THE PARTY Name 2.1 The Party exists as a Political Party registered with the UK Electoral Commission under the PPERA.
As a result, the Central Co-operative Parliamentary Representation Committee was formed in 1917, with the objective of putting co-operators into the House of Commons.
The culmination of the historical state lower house seat malapportionment known as the Playmander eventually saw it legislated after 1989 that the Electoral Commission of South Australia redraw boundaries after each election with the objective of the party that receives over 50 percent of the TPP vote at each forthcoming election forms government.
«Spaniards» relationship with gambling is very rational and cold,» he adds, «as nearly the entire population of Spain (over 85 %) gambles in some form, but they do so in a very objective way that is dominated by social customs.
For the first study, the «local», the team recruited 857 people in the United States and asked them to self - report their perceived social status (from working to upper class on a numerical scale), as well as an objective indicator in the form of annual household income.
If taken as a form of cultural anthropology you can strip film of all of the burdens of objective merits that impose expectations that prevent us from losing ourselves in the experience.
Microsoft Access 2013 Intermediate: Report 1 (Totals) Project: A Report with Conditional Formatting as well as a Command Button that opens a Form with an OnClick Event Intermediate Access Objectives 1.
Microsoft Access 2013 Intermediate: Report 2 (Formatting) Project: A Report with Conditional Formatting as well as a Command Button that opens a Form with an OnClick Event Intermediate Access Objectives 1.
According to Vanderbilt University, service learning is defined as: «A form of experiential education where learning occurs through a cycle of action and reflection as students seek to achieve real objectives for the community and deeper understanding and skills for themselves.»
Resources include: Flash Cards for display and matching pairs activity (inc word document so that you can edit) Matching vocab and picture worksheet Fill in the correct transport worksheet Transport wordsearch Transport «Squares Game» Lesson Plan The objectives of this lesson are: By the end of the session most children will: • Be learning to use «I go by... (train, bus etc) • Be able identify some words for various forms of transport • Start to answer questions in French about different types of transport The planning is fairly flexible you can spend longer on some parts than others, do activities as a whole class or print multiple resources and work as smaller groups - whatever works for your group of children!
Because learning objectives form the main aim of the course, assessments must be created along the same lines as the learning objectives, with at least one question of the assessment aimed at testing the knowledge for each learning objective.
Topics like grit and curiosity have formed a firm research base within Positive Psychology, a field in which the objective is to explore the science of optimal human functioning by investigating concepts such as; happiness, wellbeing, human strengths, and flourishing (Gable & Haidt, 2005).
Rather than viewing school knowledge as objective, as something to be merely transmitted to students, radical [critical pedagogy] theorists argue that school knowledge... [represents the] dominant culture... [with its] privileged language forms, modes of reasoning, social relations, and lived experiences.
No individual AGT / VAM in final evaluation: As specified in this agreement, a teacher's individual AGT results can not be used to form the basis for any performance objective or be used in the final evaluation (SECTION 1.3 E).
Under the ruling, those measures can take a variety of forms, from simple — such as using a schoolwide gauge of academic achievement — to complex: «student learning objectives,» or SLOs, that are set individually by each teacher.
Lesson Objective: Using a work mat with letter sound cards as visual aids, children will build a word stem by matching letter cards to dictated phonemes, read a word formed by adding a beginning consonant letter card corresponding to an initial dictated phoneme, and substitute a new initial letter card matching a dictated initial phoneme to form and read new words.
Even «alternative» educators need to consider whether their approach is overly «child - centered» in a troubled world, because, they assert, being neutral or indifferent to the moral condition of the world into which we are educating children ultimately amounts to an endorsement of the transmission model; it is to say, in effect, that learning is an objective process and that the purpose of education is to transmit «knowledge» into young minds, even if the form of transmission doesn't look as harsh or artificial as it does in conventional schooling.
Why we are willing to coop ourselves up for hours on end every day, pounding at a keyboard, pouring what's inside our heads into our fingers and then out into the world, giving our abstract thoughts objective form as nonfiction works or fictional worlds?
In the opinion of the personal academic essays helper, the main objective of literature courses is uncovering the mystery of the art of the words to students, to show the richness of English and world literature as well as to teach how to form your own point of view, to develop artistic taste, and to express your ideas logically.
Critical Analysis Essay In the opinion of the personal academic essays helper, the main objective of literature courses is uncovering the mystery of the art of the words to students, to show the richness of English and world literature as well as to teach how to form your own point of view, to develop artistic taste, and to express your ideas logically.
As David says, if your objective is to be debt free, using any form of debt on a regular basis is going in the wrong direction.
It is critical to understand that «return risk» written about in the Vanguard paper is not the only objective in an asset allocation process since other forms of risk must be managed as part of any investment plan.
I have learned a lot along the way about myself and objectives as an investor and how to meet those objectives through various forms of analysis.
The surgery has two objectives — remove stuff that might be irritating, such as cartilage flaps, joint mice and osteophytes (visible ridges of arthritis) and curette the damaged area down to healthy bone so that fibrocartilage will form over the area.
In this case, the aforementioned objectives are presented in the form of quests (referred to colloquially as missions), with the prime one in each chapter usually being to defeat the enemy commander.
A further form of XP is reputation points which are earned by the race weekend position, achieving team objectives, winning the rider challenge, achieving a holeshot in races and the difficulty of your chosen game options which is all important as the higher amount of reputation points accumulated will result in an increase in the interest received by sponsors and teams during Career mode, therefore you have to earn the next step up with better results rather than it just being handed to you automatically for completing a season.
Secondary objectives come in the form of collectibles that can be found within vases scattered throughout the levels such as relic fragments that collectively form an artefact from each chapter as well as a different type of collectible spread throughout each chapter including quartz, emeralds, sapphires and more besides for the purpose of unlocking new outfits after collecting everything within a specific chapter.
Amongst the resources are objectives, treasures and other collectables that you can choose to take on board, but be warned not all treasure is good treasure as bombs and other disguised forms of evil can wreak havoc to your ship.
While you can of course choose to ignore these objectives and instead focus solely on survival, these objectives form a significant part of the fun as teamwork is encouraged throughout.
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