Sentences with phrase «as obstacles to learning»

This is important for many reasons including the fact that poor psychological wellbeing in students has been found to lead to behavioural difficulties at school that can then serve as obstacles to learning and further development.

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However, within that first year, I was able to overcome a lot of obstacles and learn what it takes to truly succeed as an entrepreneur.
Beginning again is sure to have its fair share of obstacles, but this time around you'll have the lessons learned from starting your first business to fall back on as a guide.
Colored ketchup, meat - flavored French fries and genetically modified potatoes all indicate that we have learned to treat the laws of nature as obstacles to be overcome, not necessary limits provided by God.
In cases such as these, we must learn to view the friend as an agent of testing, a gift in the form of an obstacle, a revealer of our darker side whose challenge makes possible great growth — but never without struggle.
Soon we'll learn to transform our mind to the mind of Christ so that sinners flood our feet with tears (Luke 7:36 - 38); so that tax - collecting robbers want to spend time with us (Luke 19:1 - 10); so that we don't treat a Samaritan woman like a half - breed minority like the rest of society does (John 4:9, 27), or as a sexual obstacle to overcome as many Christian men in today's society do.
Aside from all of the things that consume my day as I learn the ropes of true «adulting,» the main obstacle I have faced when wanting to post on here is that I have absolutely zero new pictures of the food I have been creating lately.
Maas will share his personal story of creating the RumChata formula in his home, the trials and obstacles endured, as well as invaluable lessons learned that he can impart to anyone who wants to become a successful entrepreneur.
We will discuss the importance of empathy and how we can help our children persist in the face of obstacles, see failure as an opportunity to learn and enjoy the process because they are not solely focused on the outcome.
Another obstacle to a positive parent - child relationship is when a child suffers from a developmental disability such as a learning disability, ADHD, Autism, or a speech - language delay, or a medical condition like asthma, diabetes, or a physical disability.
Fantastic fun and learning shares their schedule for Home Preschool 2013 - 2014 with us and I also found the advice eliminating obstacles before starting a new homeschool year relevant as well as how to organize for Back to Homeschooling.
As we have honed our expertise in working on behalf of children who face obstacles to learning, we have seen that children with special needs need predictable and supportive environments to be able to improve their social and emotional skills.
There are various online resources and support groups that will help you realize that far from being an insurmountable obstacle, OCD is a condition that many people have learned to live with, as they learn to overcome their compulsions and begin enjoying a successful, happy life.
At the end of the day, though, it is students themselves who must overcome the common obstacles of research training, such as experiments that refuse to cooperate, communicating with all sorts of people, and learning to present and justify our research in public.
Some brain scientists believe that our fear systems are prepared to learn about threats — snakes, spiders, or heights — that have been major obstacles to survival over the millions of years it has taken the modern brain to evolve, which explains why it is easier to develop phobias about snakes than about threats that are statistically much more likely to kill you, such as electricity.
The findings stand to significantly impact the field of ethology — the objective study of animal behavior — and may prove as profound as the breakthroughs that allowed robots to learn to recognize obstacles and navigate their environment.
I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which one has overcome while trying to succeed.
The skills, tools, anatomy and modifications you learn will not only help you to better meet your round students, but will help you to better meet beginners in general, as well as all kinds of students with various obstacles to practice.
He views obstacles as a learning experience and never misses a beat when it comes to challenges.
The biggest obstacle has been valuing these years in my twenties as my time to learn and lay the foundation for a fulfilling career.
After realizing that the rampant racism that permeates the community has presented severe obstacles to their educational growth, Ms. Gruwell is determined to find some way to get the students to learn, even when her own colleagues in the school have written them all off as un-teachable.
December 3, 2017 • The nonprofit group STIR Education sees the existing teacher force as the solution, not the obstacle, to improving learning in the developing world.
An obstacle became immediately apparent as students began to direct their own learning.
Every obstacle opened the door to a new learning opportunity for the students and for me as the teacher.
As the knowledge or skills gap widens, the learning obstacle may turn into something too massive to overcome.
Some of the obstacles to including classes in the arts as essential rather than «enrichment» studies, they noted, are the imprecision of the language usually used to discuss the arts; incorrect assumptions by educators, students, and the public about the arts and learning; and a lack of precedents — except in higher education — for...
G.O.L started in 2011, when Mostafa joined one of the US Dept. of state scholarships called SUSI (Study in the United State Institutes), where he learned how to start a community service project, deposit; it was his first time to travel abroad but communicating with a different language and meeting new people with different culture & religion were never an obstacle to him as he was very open minded and always accepts others differences.
Instead of regarding teacher unions as an obstacle to reform, a perspective I vehemently held for many years, I imagine teacher unions serving as a partner to improve teacher quality, thus, improving student learning.
In addition to applying what they have learned, they must be able to overcome obstacles such as complex interpersonal and multi-cultural relations of today's world, as well as global socio - economic issues that affect everyone.
I enjoy the chance to motivate students to see challenges as opportunities to learn, rather than obstacles to success.
The trainer was highlighting how great it was that individuals could own their personal and professional development by visiting this training site on their own time, whenever they wanted, as if the one obstacle to career growth was the lack of a Learning Management System.
As an increasing number of schools and school districts adopt online learning as a way to boost graduation rates, address multiple student populations, expand their course catalogs, and personalize learning, understanding the challenges and obstacles that educators face as they introduce new programs is keAs an increasing number of schools and school districts adopt online learning as a way to boost graduation rates, address multiple student populations, expand their course catalogs, and personalize learning, understanding the challenges and obstacles that educators face as they introduce new programs is keas a way to boost graduation rates, address multiple student populations, expand their course catalogs, and personalize learning, understanding the challenges and obstacles that educators face as they introduce new programs is keas they introduce new programs is key.
Americans now demand that new teachers hit the ground running — and continue running, dodging all obstacles in their path, so as to boost student achievement and help schools realize their learning objectives.
Every learner is on a quest to become their best and you can think of each learning intervention as an obstacle.
Find out about the adult learner characteristics, the obstacles they need to overcome, ways to engage and motivate busy adult learners, and some amazing adult learning facts and stats you need to know as an eLearning pro.
The webinar, jointly sponsored by UCEA and the Wallace Foundation in collaboration with NASSP and NAESP, features a new Wallace Foundation Report, «Making Time for Instructional Leadership» as well as two celebrated principals who will discuss strategies they use to implement instructional leadership behaviors in their schools and lessons they learned for overcoming the obstacles that limit time spent on instructional leadership.
English learner students face unique obstacles to taking advanced courses, as they divide their time between acquiring English proficiency and learning academic content.
As teachers, we know that the obstacles our students face at home do not stay there; they follow students into the classroom and, if not acknowledged and addressed, can harm their capacity to learn and negatively impact the climate and culture of our schools.
Listen to the world's top leaders in personalized learning as they share their secrets for transforming education and overcoming the obstacles.
Examples of these obstacles were a lack of one - to - one access to devices and digital learning resources, such as software and human resources (Darling - Hammond et al. 2014).
Equity and Standards Standards must serve as targets for student learning, not as obstacles to student success.
Bump in the Road is an on - the - fly practice in which you stop in the middle of a chunk of instruction to have each student jot down on a card (or send to you as a blog comment, write on the board, and so on) one thing that student is still confused about or is finding an obstacle to learning.
But, as the innovation zone within the Chicago Public School district, we strive to provide such supports to every student that needs them to level the playing field and remove obstacles to high - quality learning.
The author examines how the school overcame internal and external obstacles as it implemented changes in teaching and learning that led to sustained improvements in student achievement.
What do you see as obstacles or challenges with this new learning and approach to teaching?
They persist through obstacles and adversity, and see failure as an opportunity to learn and grow.
When some children are singled out as «winners,» the central message that every child learns is this: «Other people are potential obstacles to my success.»
«Since his appointment as Executive Director, Scott has been instrumental in fighting for legislation to help increase funding for public schools and remove obstacles to better teaching and learning
As parent - engagement strategies gain momentum in districts across the nation, the long - held belief that parents are problems or obstacles to be overcome, rather than partners in learning, remains a challenge.
Yet rather than being an obstacle to student learning, diversity can instead be viewed as an asset schools can build on.
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