Sentences with phrase «as olfactory»

The perfume contains odors of smoke, gasoline, tear gas, burnt rubber, and decaying flesh and acts as an olfactory critique on contemporary luxury branding and political im / possibilities.
The scent of previous elimination sites can function as an olfactory cue for elimination behavior.
The part of our brains that processes smell, known as the olfactory cortex, is closely linked to the amygdala, the section that processes and stores emotional memories.
Smelling nice is also very important as the olfactory senses of a woman are very sharp and musk is a good option to get her snuggling up to you.
Each odor - detecting neuron (referred to as olfactory sensory neuron from here on), chooses a single odorant receptor gene from a fairly large number of options that are split into class I (fish - like) and class II (terrestrial - specific) odorant receptors.
First, by the time Morganucodon was alive 190 million years ago, the brain was almost 50 % larger than in cynodonts, and areas that process smell, such as the olfactory bulb, were distinctly larger.
These were clustered together in the same area of the brain as olfactory memory neurons.

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It essentially acts as an «electronic nose», and gives machines the power of smell by mimicking the human olfactory system.
a.Perception of visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, or gustatory experiences without an external stimulus and with a compelling sense of their reality, usually resulting from a mental disorder or as a response to a drug.
Just as the flash that appears has as its meaning the thunder with which it is associated, so the word «tree» has as its meaning the visual, olfactory, and tactual experiences of trees.
The problem about a duration isn't so much its relation to a particular percipient as whether it is a visual or a tactual, an auditory, an olfactory duration, or several of these.
Speakers and topics are yet to be announced but presentations typically include facets of sustainable winegrowing as well as subjects such as wine sensory and olfactory education, managing vine balance, and regional marketing.
«Just like Garrison Keillor saying all the children are above average, virtually everybody rates themselves as average or above average in olfactory sensitivity,» Pelchat says.
Brain scans of perfumers have found that the olfactory parts of their brains actually grew more developed as they got older, not the other way around, as with most people.
Their research suggests that taste and olfactory systems operate in utero within the amniotic fluid and that breast milk serves as a sort of flavor bridge to the time of weaning.
Dogs have more types of olfactory receptor than we do — but as Mainland points out, cows have more than dogs (about 1,200 compared with 800) and it's not clear that cows are significantly better at smelling.
But as we get older, this process slows, and the patches of nasal tissue without any olfactory receptors get bigger.
Nevertheless, nearly every night between 9:00 and 11:00 p.m., he experienced a 20 to 60 - minute period of auditory, visual, olfactory, and somesthetic (sense of touch) hallucinations, as well as pain and vasoconstriction in his fingers and toes.
Because a habitat may contain related moth species that use the same flowers as nectar sources but different host plants to lay their eggs, the researchers would like to investigate whether odors that provide olfactory cues to identify the best oviposition sites activate similar areas in the antennal lobe of these moths, or whether the functional atlas of the brain is different in each species.
In addition, as with the human brain, the fly brain is compartmentalized into regions that process different sensory information (visual, acoustic, olfactory), and it uses the same types of neurotransmitters as humans.
As in mammalian olfactory systems, sensory neurons responsive to the same kinds of odors converge in a spherical structure called the glomerulus.
But even more interesting was the space allocated to two huge olfactory bulbs, which were almost as large as the rest of Sue's brain.
After analyzing the genes of about a thousand bats, the researchers studied the exact composition of the MHC genes as well as the molecular structure of three families of olfactory receptor genes: TAAR2, TAAR3 and TAAR8.
Knowing these larvae respond to odors but not fully understanding the process by which they make decisions via olfactory cues, scientists at UC Santa Barbara are using this model organism to study brain function as it relates to behavior control.
Olfactory dysfunction is commonly associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, and is often a measurable sign of these diseases prior to the onset of their cardinal symptoms.
Without the dog, and its excellent sense of smell, acting as a sentinel, humans could not have evolved the anatomy needed for language, as this development left the human olfactory system diminished.
Caffeine potentiated responses of mushroom body neurons involved in olfactory learning and memory by acting as an adenosine receptor antagonist.
As it happens, the olfactory system actually has two parts: One detects general odors, and the other, the pheromonic system, detects very specific, strong odors given off by other animals (usually of the same species), typically related to fear or mating.
He often refers to the olfactory parts of the brain as the «Old Factory,» as they are remarkably similar across species.
To answer these questions, the scientists focused on the two brain structures that act as major olfactory relays: the olfactory bulb and the piriform cortex.
Recently, Jim and his students have been studying the olfactory systems of different types of animals for evidence that the cerebral cortex as a whole grew out of the olfactory system.
As all three studied insect species emerged at different times in insect evolution, the scientists wanted to track the historical development of olfactory receptors.
Lawrence Katz of the Duke University Medical Center and his colleagues discovered that once signals reach the accessory olfactory bulb they are mapped out into distinct patterns of nerve cell activity that vary according to the traits that enable a mouse to identify desirable mates, such as species and sex.
Ewald Große - Wilde and Bill S. Hansson and their colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology in Jena, Germany, have now taken a closer look at the olfactory system of wingless insects, which − in evolutionary terms − are older than winged insects: the jumping bristletail Lepismachilis y - signata and the firebrat Thermobia domestica, which are both wingless, as well as the leaf insect Phyllium siccifolium, which is winged and was used as a control.
«Local vegetation can mask the scent of flowers because the background scents activate the same moth olfactory channels as floral scents,» according to Jeffrey Riffell, UW assistant professor of biology.
The results imply there is likely some olfactory component affecting humans on caloric restriction diets as well.
«In living higher primates you find the opposite: the brain is very big, and the olfactory bulb is very small, presumably because as their vision got better their sense of smell got worse.»
They zeroed in on chemical compounds known as volatiles that are released as we chew and trigger a response in the olfactory system, contributing to overall taste sensation.
Many other chemicals are capable of blocking ion channels, he says, and «there is reasonable, if not compelling, evidence that a reduction in excitation is as much a part of the olfactory [sense] as excitation itself.»
These results also support the eventual use of olfactory enrichment as part of the daily routine for captive birds of prey.
This could be the remnants of a regular olfactory system that devolved as dragonfly vision improved, he says.
Once believed to lack a sense of smell, dragonflies and damselflies, such as Ischnura elegans (pictured), possess olfactory bulbs in their antennae that may help them track prey.
The animals had lost many olfactory receptors, which detect odors, as well as urinary proteins, which can impact social status and mate choice.
Furthermore, the team revealed the evidence that the genes related to muscle strength as well as energy metabolism and sensory nerves, including olfactory receptor activity and visual perception, appeared to be undergoing rapid evolution in the tiger.
They then tracked neurons as they migrated from region to region of the brain and found that new neurons oriented in the direction of fluid flow rather than the direction of their ultimate destination in the olfactory bulb.
This will bring us a step closer to new applications in mobile communication systems such as sending olfactory messages by smartphone or even the development of bioelectronic noses.
A more promising development is the growth of sensor technology (generally referred to as artificial olfaction) that has led to the invention of numerous new types of olfactory electronic sensors.
Loggerheads» (Caretta caretta, pictured) olfactory systems can sense airborne odors, including food — could they sniff out nearby shores as well?
For humans approximately two - thirds of these receptors are no longer functional, possibly a consequence of the reduced importance of olfactory function for humans as compared to rodents or dogs, for example.
And story number 4: As part of the year long recreation of Darwin's voyage on the Beagle, an olfactory scientist that is a smell researcher will explore how people respond to smell at each of the ships ports of call.
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