Sentences with phrase «as ordinary soldiers»

Now you can try to survive in a harsh world as an ordinary soldier not as a superhuman.

Not exact matches

Some worked as chaplains and medical orderlies, but others were expected to be ordinary front - line soldiers and were forbidden to exercise their priestly function.
Let no one say that Israeli filmmakers hold back on portraying its citizens, particularly its soldiers, as ordinary, often scared citizens, despite that country's success in winning five wars, capturing Eichmann, and rescuing scores of its citizens held as hostages in Uganda's airport.
There are times, for example, that his concern for the ordinary soldier, asked to risk life and limb for a mission that he has a political interest in opposing, comes across as part of his strategy.
He has several secretaries who take notes from his conversations with commanders, ordinary soldiers, ulema and plaintiffs and there is always the crackle of wireless sets as commanders around the country communicate with him.
His epic canvases, with their disjunct components, resemble collages as much as painting, populated with characters seemingly plucked from momentous historical occasions — protestors, eminent - looking statesmen, soldiers, workers — as well as ordinary people engaged in bizarre, enigmatic actions of no apparent political / historical consequence whatsoever.
Whether soldiers and policemen should be given as much leeway as ordinary citizens is a vexed question, and one feels that cl 128 offers an affirmative answer by accident, because its drafters are thinking only about have - a-go heroes in the street.
Take a look at what you did as a soldier and try to see how it can be translated or made applicable to ordinary living standards.
When writing military transition resumes, you will face the most challenging task of translating what you did as a soldier to a resume language to be comprehended by an ordinary employer.
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