Sentences with phrase «as organ failure»

Tooth decay is a very serious problem in dogs and leads to a number of serious problems, from bad breath to something as serious as organ failure.
After surgery, she must stay on antibiotics and be monitored for possible complications such as organ failure or clotting problems.
At some point, most pets will develop a life - limiting disease (such as organ failure or cancer).
A dog's body temperature can get dangerously high during a long seizure, which leads to many health complications, such as organ failure.
This causes tissue damage and inflammation which can in turn result in life threatening conditions, such as organ failure.
At the same time, avoiding radiation and alkylators — which cause widespread cellular damage throughout the body — should reduce the risk of long - term HSCT - related complications, such as organ failure and cancer.
• The definition of torture has been reinterpreted by the Justice Department as follows: «Physical pain amounting to torture must be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death.»

Not exact matches

He then insists that any attempts to revive myth as a viable organ of belief are doomed to failure: «For we must remember that belief in myth is not a personal attainment alone; it is more, much more so, a social phenomenon and depends for its efficacy on group acceptance and adherence; a private myth, however admirably expressed in whatever form, is therefore an ultimate, irreconcilable contradiction.»
In her view, a lot of the talk about «the seminary's failure to address the church» fails to understand that the seminary is an organ of the church, just as the congregation is.
As it circulates, the toxin can attack the kidneys, invade the brain, and — in the most extreme cases — bring on multiple organ failure and death.
The team challenged a highly infectious and pathogenic bacterium called Pseudomonas aeruginosa — which flourishes in medical equipment, such as catheters, and causes inflammation, sepsis and organ failure — with both the traditional drugs and eCAPs in the lab.
The research team identified potential deceased donors based on specific criteria such as a ventilated inpatient death of a patient 75 years or younger, without multi-organ system failure, sepsis, or cancer, and whose cause of death was consistent with organ donation — which includes neurologic determination of death (DNDD) or circulatory determination of death (DCDD).
About a third of the population is at risk for anemia, which can cause neurocognitive deficits in children, organ failure and less serious effects such as chronic fatigue.
As for the two Japanese nuclear workers, they eventually died of organ failure caused by radiation anyway, notes radiologist Fred Mettler of the University of New Mexico.
As many as 20 % of people who develop sepsis will die, not from the infection itself — but from the overload of inflammatory chemical signals created by the immune system which ultimately leads to organ failurAs many as 20 % of people who develop sepsis will die, not from the infection itself — but from the overload of inflammatory chemical signals created by the immune system which ultimately leads to organ failuras 20 % of people who develop sepsis will die, not from the infection itself — but from the overload of inflammatory chemical signals created by the immune system which ultimately leads to organ failure.
It also fuels the organ failure associated with severe infectious diseases such as Ebola or even flu.
Two weeks later, he died from multiple organ failure, becoming the first victim of a mysterious virus that came to be known as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome or MERS.
Other projects around developmental vascular biology study the mechanisms of closure of the ductus arteriosus as failure of ductus arteriosus (DA) closure after birth is a common complication of premature delivery with consequences for the developing lung and other organs.
As for evolution's supposed failure to solve biological puzzles, Wolfe might revisit Darwin's description of how evolution not only unlocks enigmas about embryology and vestigial organs, but clarifies some perplexing geographic ranges of animals and plants.
Diseases such as adult - onset diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver afflict fully mature organs and so may be hard to model.
As a result, the organ stops functioning properly, eventually leading to poor pumping function and heart failure.
Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care physicians at the University of Michigan focus on respiratory disorders and critical illnesses (conditions such as shock, respiratory failure, and multiple organ failure), providing patient education, expert diagnostic testing, the newest treatments, and follow - up care, treating the whole person, and creating individualized plans of care to meet each patient's needs.
Effects can be as simple as lethargy or not seeing results and as serious as severe injury and organ failure.
However, severe cases can be fatal, as it may involve swelling of the brain or multiple organ failure.
Additives like senna for example are only intended for short term use, as it can cause serious organ damage and heart failure.
This can cause life - threatening conditions such as liver failure, seizures, blood clotting abnormalities, and organ scarring.
Chronic stress (even the so - called «normal» everyday type) as well as patterns of anger, hostility, sadness, anxiety result in perpetually elevated stress hormones, which can ultimately result in organ damage and failure.
Kane inexplicably reappears after a year as a shadow of his former self, and almost immediately experiences multiple organ failure.
Collapse or profound weakness These can be symptoms of major problems such as internal bleeding (particularly a syndrome called hemoabdomen), cardiac compromise due to a condition called pericardial effusion, anaphylactic shock, certain poisonings, a glandular condition called Addison's disease, and some types of organ failure.
If you suspect that your dog suffers from Pica, please bring you dogs to the vet as soon as possibly because it may lead to more serious diseases like kidney, liver, and other internal organ failure.
Finally, senior Greyhounds can suffer from failure of one of more of their organs such as heart, kidney, or liver.
Not only does bad teeth cause bad breath, but plaque, tartar and gingivitis can lead to severe organ diseases such as heart, kidney and liver failure.
When I suspect that a pet with halitosis has major organ failure I run diagnostic liver enzyme levels as well as blood urea nitrogen and creatinine levels to check kidney function.
Left untreated, Heinz body anemia can cause multiple organ failure as the organs give out under the stress.
Instead, cats with this form of the disease may have clinical signs typically associated with impairment affecting an internal organ or system, such as kidney or liver failure, neurologic dysfunction, and ocular disease.
However, diarrhea may be the result of serious or life - threatening illnesses such as organ system failure or cancer.
As dehydration worsens, it leads to massive organ failure and possibly death.Too much water, seen in obsessive compulsive cases (like OCD - compulsive faucet drinkers, sprinkler chasers, etc.) and you'll see those pets suffer from stomach bloat, electrolyte issues, and water toxicity, among other issues.
Artificial preservatives such as BHA (butylated hydroxysanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxytoluene), propyl gallate, and ethoxyquin have all been cited as creating specific problems in animals including organ failure and cancers.
Hypothermia can lead to lethargy, loss of appetite and more severe problems such as shock and organ failure if severe.
A Spleen Can Be Your Worst Enemy Greyhounds and other pets, as they get older, will often have internal organ failures that go undiagnosed and cause their health to decline possibly resulting in death.
Puppies that are too small and did not develop as much as they should have in their mother's womb are also susceptible to respiratory problems and organ failure further on in its life.
While that's not as catastrophic as something like organ failure, from a day - to - day standpoint, it can be pretty hard on the dog.»
There may be co-existing disease processes, unrelated to the hyperthyroid condition, such as cancer, heart failure, or severe organ dysfunction.
Organ failure Weight loss commonly occurs in response to dysfunction or failure of a vital internal organ such as the heart, liver, or kidOrgan failure Weight loss commonly occurs in response to dysfunction or failure of a vital internal organ such as the heart, liver, or kidorgan such as the heart, liver, or kidneys.
Kidney — Failure of this organ can lead to chemical imbalances, anemia, compromised immune function, and blood clotting defects as well as altered mental capacity.
Dr Jean W Dodds, writing in US Dog World, March, 1995, (16) states: «Immune — suppressant viruses of the retrovirus and parvovirus classes have recently been implicated as causes of bone marrow failure, immune - mediated blood diseases, haematologic malignancies (lymphoma and leukemia), dysregulation of humoral and cell - mediated immunity, organ failure (liver, kidney) and autoimmune endocrine disorders — especially of the thyroid gland (thyroiditis), adrenal gland (Addison's disease) and pancreas (diabetes).
These conditions can be either chronic or acute, and commonly stem from allergies, growths (either benign or cancerous), parasites, abscesses, adverse reactions to inhaled fungi, and the malfunction of other vital organs (such as congestive heart failure).
An additional sign that may occur secondary to heart disease in both dogs and cats can be reduced appetite, particularly in animals with right - sided heart failure as the free fluid in the abdomen may cause the intestines to be somewhat inflamed however, this sign is very non-specific and can be seen with a huge variety of diseases affecting other organ systems.
If you allow tartar to continue building up in the dog's mouth, it can lead to serious health risks such as periodontal diseases and body organ failure such as lungs, kidney and liver.
If you see a dog in a hot car displaying any signs of heatstroke, dial 999 immediately as the dog could soon lose consciousness and experience internal organ failure.
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