Sentences with phrase «as organisms became»

As an evolutionary biologist he could see no basis for believing in the mysterious «emergence» of completely novel properties as organisms became more complex.
It may cause no symptoms, especially at first, but with time and as the organism becomes more numerous as it propagates, diarrhea commonly occurs.

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Cross says that as the oceans absorb more carbon dioxide, the more acidic the water becomes, which hurts marine life and makes it harder for organisms to grow skeletons and build shells.
That is, if Wilson's purely functionalist explanation of religion were to become widely accepted by religious people, it would then be rendered false» for the adaptive features of religions depend, on Wilson's account, upon religious people thinking it false that their religions are best understood as adaptive social organisms.
How a nerve comes to be sensitive to light, hardly concerns us more than how life itself originated; but I may remark that, as some of the lowest organisms in which nerves can not be detected, are capable of perceiving light, it does not seem impossible that certain sensitive elements in their sarcode should become aggregated and developed into nerves, endowed with this special sensibility.»
Just as a mountain climber can not jump to the top of the Matterhorn, a (relatively) simple organism like a bacterium can not even conceivably become a complex plant or animal except in very gradual stages.
At any stage of development, man as a person in community and also the community of persons who are moving towards «civilization», may be deflected from following the main «aim», and hence may become either a backwater in the ongoing movement or be victims of maladjustment so serious that damage is done not only to the whole dynamic process but also to the smaller organisms or societies, including man himself as such an organic entity.
And just as man turns away from Being, so entire large social organisms turn away from it... For this reason we may observe how social, political and state systems, and whole societies, are inevitably becoming alienated from themselves.
Stil not evidence that those colonies of bactieria can become a complex multicelled organism such as a frog or a human.
One became the philosophy of organism admitting both internal and external relations as a consequence of the dominance of procedure, while the other became a logical atomism of purely external relations as a consequence of the content of Principia Mathematica (cf. ILM 420 and UW 152f.).
On a more metaphysically fundamental level, Whitehead's «philosophy of organism also regards knowing as a special case of the «bipolar» nature of all becoming, whereby the direct «physical» response to objective reality is partially transformed by «mental» functioning in the realization of a novel subjective experience.
Thus, complexity in types and relations between acts of minding may have grown exponentially with the evolution of «higher» organisms as the imaginative element in the construction of reality became more socially diffused; i.e. as the construction of reality became more participatory - negotiary in character.
Nor need one just be stuck with programmed patterns which repeat themselves over and over again — a kind of Nietzschean «eternal recurrence of the same» — with performance becoming decreasingly effective as the organism runs down.
In short, most personality illness becomes intelligible when understood as a manifestation of a disturbed family organism.
Hutton's work became the basis of modern geology, inspired Charles Darwin and prefigured plate tectonics, volcanology, geobiology and the Gaia Hypothesis, a late - 20th - century view of the planet as a single self - regulating organism.
The advent of the nucleus — which differentiates eukaryotes (organisms whose cells contain a true nucleus), including humans, from prokaryotes, such as bacteria — can not be satisfactorily explained solely by the gradual adaptation of prokaryotic cells until they became eukaryotic.
Hartman suggested in 1984 that the nucleus arose when a hypothetical cell that stored its genetic information as RNA instead of DNA and possessed a simple cytoskeleton became the host for an archaeal organism.
As more phosphorus becomes available, microscopic organisms, such as nematodes, tardigrades, rotifers, algae and cyanobacteria, may become more abundant in the McMurdo Dry ValleyAs more phosphorus becomes available, microscopic organisms, such as nematodes, tardigrades, rotifers, algae and cyanobacteria, may become more abundant in the McMurdo Dry Valleyas nematodes, tardigrades, rotifers, algae and cyanobacteria, may become more abundant in the McMurdo Dry Valleys.
Generally, as an organism ages, not only are there more damaged proteins in need of disposal, but the proteasome itself becomes damaged and less efficient in clearing out the damaged proteins.
«We've had this view that organisms became more «selfish» as they evolved, learning how to take advantage of the system by becoming pathogens,» she said.
For a long time, the prevailing idea was that parasites and pathogens evolve to target a particular host and as they get better at infecting a specific animal or plant, they become less effective at infecting other organisms.
As oxygen increased in Earth's atmosphere and organisms became more complex, different forms of metabolism evolved, from plants» photosynthesis to the lesser - known chemolithotrophy.
During her Ph.D., she integrated biology, chemistry, and geology and to investigate how non-mineralized organisms, such as plants and insects, become fossils.
Though many species appear to have trivial niches (in terms of total biomass, numerical abundance or relative role in ecosystem metabolism), we should remember that the relative effects of various organisms in biological systems are seldom static, and minor species can sometimes become very important as systems fluctuate.
But organisms are evolving continuously, with certain phenotypes becoming dominant as environmental and other conditions favor them.
As we started to try to understand the biology of these stem cells, it very quickly became clear that we needed information about the genetic content of these organisms
And once patenting involves living organisms and biological material, as the European Commission's bioethics advisers concluded, ethical issues become pivotal.
For instance, in simple organisms such as yeast, when genetic material becomes damaged, the affected DNA strands increase their motion, waving about inside the cell like a sail unfurled.
As scientists went deeper into evolutionary history and closer to the base of the tree of life, the harder it became to know how closely related organisms are.
They say the ability of biodiversity in these areas to support key ecosystem functions such as growth of living organisms and nutrient cycling has become increasingly uncertain.
The central question is how, in the human organism for example, 100 000 genes have been orchestrated to yield about 250 different cell types, which then become assembled as the human body.
When I was a student, I became interested in microbes because they were presented to me as these very interesting yet simple organisms, which scientists could isolate to understand how they worked.
As these different techniques become available, researchers could simultaneously apply them to different model organisms.
As organisms age, the function of neurons becomes compromised and this often results in the death of neurons (or neurodegeneration).
Today, analyzing and editing genomes, proteomes and metabolomes has become a standard for many model systems; imaging beyond the diffraction limit of light and new technologies for studying protein structures provide insights deeper than ever before; the characterization of large populations of cells or organisms brings unprecedented statistical power; and studying nearly all organisms of an ecosystems as a whole allows generating comprehensive models.
«Although we first became aware of prions because they cause several bizarre neurological diseases, the discovery that something so awesomely similar happens in organisms as different as humans and yeast makes us suspect that there is a fundamental, common biochemical process at work here,» said study director Susan Lindquist, PhD, professor of molecular genetics and cell biology and an investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago.
As ocean acidification proceeds, carbonate becomes less and less abundant, so at one point the carbonate concentration in the water is limiting the precipitation of calcium carbonate and organisms have a harder time to make their shell and skeleton since one of the bricks needed to make the wall is becoming less and less abundant.
«Overall it's a pretty low threat, and it's still uncommon in the area, but as the range of the organism expands and the number of cases increases accordingly, it's becoming more of a concern,» he says.
This refers to an imbalance that exists between good and bad bacteria within your stomach, where unhealthy and unnatural organisms such as yeast and protozoa become prominent in the intestines and alter the bodies fundamental nutrition patterns.
It is your preferred sort of testosterone to utilize authorized booster items since it's known that they have better leads to improving all the sexual performance and additionally increasing muscles, and as well becoming safer intended for the organism.
The immune system becomes hyper - sensitized and loses the ability to distinguish between healthy tissue and antigens (harmful foreign substances or organisms such as bacteria, viruses, or toxins).
Good hygiene habits such as brushing your teeth, washing your hands properly before eating, and keeping your hands away from your eyes and nose during cold season can help keep harmful organisms out of your body so that your immune system doesn't become overwhelmed.
But The Creeping Garden becomes needlessly gloomy whenever the filmmakers aren't exploring slime mold's role in scientific progress, such as the handful of sequences featuring amateur scientist Mark Pragnell searching a forest for the organism.
When Breath Becomes Air chronicles Kalanithi's transformation from a naïve medical student «possessed,» as he wrote, «by the question of what, given that all organisms die, makes a virtuous and meaningful life» into a neurosurgeon at Stanford working in the brain, the most critical place for human identity, and finally into a patient and new father confronting his own mortality.
Any surface the raw food contacts, such as kitchen counters, cutting boards, knives, food bowls, or your hands, may become contaminated if the food contains a pathogenic organism.
As our understanding of the complex role of the microbiome evolves, we are becoming more aware of how critical billions of microscopic organisms are to our pet's health as well as our owAs our understanding of the complex role of the microbiome evolves, we are becoming more aware of how critical billions of microscopic organisms are to our pet's health as well as our owas well as our owas our own.
Minute organisms originating in the mangroves may be blown offshore and become part of the plankton which attracts such pelagics as the manta ray and the whale shark.
We are acknowledging our hybrid natural - cultural constitution as well as our state of permanent becoming as agents among other agents, a position expressing a co-extensivity with one's surroundings in which all organisms are inter-dependent, forming a renewed eco-philosophical thinking that acknowledges our humanity in the midst of an intricate environment.
Compressing macro views of aerial photography into the same picture plane as images of microscopic organisms and silhouettes of disposable plastics, Hockaday explores the gradation in which nature becomes built environments.
This is not uncommon in viewing a painting, even at its most brazen, but as your eyes scan Hylden's exhibition, bearing witness to the slight procedural differences between each work, noticing what is depicted as much as how they are painted, it becomes clear they are a singular organism.
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